Pleiadian Starseeds


Constellation: Pleiades
Alpha Star: Alcyone

28 Taurus 58 Atlas (Pleiades)
28 Taurus 59 Pleione (Pleiades)
28 Taurus various Asterope, Celaenon, Electra, Maia, Merope (Pleiades)

00 Gemini 00 Alcyone (Pleiades)

Pleiadian Starseeds

Evolved from:feminine polarization of Lyra
Evolved to: we all have some Pleiadian DNA from when they came to earth, they also migrated to Orion
Humanoid? yes
Appearance: Varied: "Nordic in appearance with fair skin, fair hair and green and blue eyes, Mediterranean in appearance with tanned skin and darker hair and eye combinations, and Native American in appearance with reddish to light brown tanned skin"  Also Blue Beings and Giants

The average age of a Pleiadian is 700 years. Their skin is whiter and smoother than ours. The Pleiadians do not have blood, their memory matrix is in light. "
"The Pleiadians splintered off from the Lyran group. Some used (and are infused with) Earth genetics too. Mainly caucasian, with a lot of variety, much like on Earth. They can range from 5 feet to 7 feet. Their eyes are bigger than human eyes, and the tone of the color of their eyes is different too. Many "Blonds" or Nordic type aliens that contactees encounter come from the Pleiades (or at least that's what they claim). A number of authors also mention a Pleiadian race that looks like the Latin American Indians (Mayas, Incas, etc.)" source
Dimension: 2nd density, higher Pleiadians are on Avatar level
"1) 5D and 6D humanoids as well as reptilian-humanoid hybrids (in gorgeous prismatic skin colors) from the planets surrounding the stars Targeta and Maia; 2) Soul-collective service-to-others beings who are artistic and sensual in nature, plus; 3) Beings who are masters of storytelling as well as inspired artistic ingenuity in both music and projected visualizations."
"1) 5D and 6D humanoids as well as reptilian-humanoid hybrids (in gorgeous prismatic skin colors) from the planets surrounding the stars Targeta and Maia; 2) Soul-collective service-to-others beings who are artistic and sensual in nature, plus; 3) Beings who are masters of storytelling as well as inspired artistic ingenuity in both music and projected visualizations."
Chakra: 4th Heart primary, 7th Crown secondaryTraits:

  • They are kind, loving and sensitive.
  • They have a strong desire for others happiness and bliss.
  • They always like to be happy.
  • Others enjoy their company as they always carry smooth energy.
  • They struggle a lot and sacrifice personal needs, because of their desire to please others which leads to inner bitterness.
  • They cannot tolerate criticism.
  • Instead of expressing open anger, be passively aggressive with others. Without giving scope for arguments.
  • They should make others realize their own feelings, needs and desires.
  • As they unconsciously absorb others emotions, they become sick so easily when there are negative emotional situations around them. Further it forms like a blockage. Primarily they should learn how to allow others to experience and learn lessons on their own.
  • They should learn to concentrate on their happiness instead of focusing on others.
  • They should work on confidence and communication skills in the physical level.
  • Usually they feel that their thoughts are useless.
  • They get relief by crying.
  • They can feel the higher energies even at odd times and understand that everything is for good.
  • Once they begin to learn, growth starts automatically.

- See more at:

"Pleiadians and Sirians have been here on Earth for a long time. The Pleiadians are very ancient, they have traveled many places in the universe, and they are a humanoid type of race. Pleiadians are very sensitive, loving and compassionate. They always carry pleasant and gentle energy. They want everyone to be happy and be at peace." 

"Pleiades: diverse group of beings, including humanoid, reptilian, bird people, feline, AI; imbalance in positive polarity (blind enthusiasm, idealism, interference, stubbornness in the past); now devoted to service, healing; act as guardians for young civilizations; some 5D reptilians play dark roles; some 9D humanoids hold resonance for stars or planets; proficient with tone and sound; almost everyone has had an experience in the Pleiades."


1) The Pleiadians come from a small cluster of stars called the Pleiades. Of the seven stars, which make up the Pleiades cluster in the Taurus Constellation, the Pleiadians come from the star known as Taygeta. There are nine planets that revolve around Taygeta. Four of these planets are inhabited.

2) The Pleiadian's home world is the planet Erra, which is very similar to Earth, being only ten percent smaller. Nature there is also very similar, especially since samples of plants, minerals, and animals have been taken to the Pleiades and developed there. The surface gravity is slightly less than on Earth. A day on Erra is six tenths of a second less than on Earth.

(The following is a brief description of Pleiadian Culture on the home planet of Erra. Erra is located around the star called Taygeta. Erra is 10% smaller than Earth. The Pleiadians are a Goddess Society (which worships family, children, women). They are on a fifth dimensional frequency, which is one of love and creativity. About 400,000 people live on Erra, which the Pleiadians feel is the ideal amount for the welfare of their planet. The people of Erra are telepathic and therefore have no need for telephones.)

3) The Pleiadians are humans with few physical differences. Their skin is whiter than humans as a result of higher evolution. They are several million years older than humanity. The Pleiadians live a more spiritual life style. This means that they are experiencing and learning more with their spiritual senses than with their material senses. There are no medical problems. They are able to control their health through psychic balance. The life span for a Pleiadian is more than 700 years. The ability to project thoughts to another place on the planet is very common and is the socially accepted method of visiting.

4) Only 400 million people live on Erra. Population control has come about in a desire to keep their society spread out and able to share the resources of the planet equally. Pleiadians on Erra live in a utopian world free of pollution, war, hunger, and disease thanks to advanced technology and spiritual awareness.

5) Because the population communicates by telepathy, there is no dishonesty. All basic necessities are provided freely, and anything beyond that is acquired through individual barter. There is no money and, hence, no irrational grasping for wealth and power. The Pleiadians have no economics, but do have a system of sharing the resources of their world. Material possessions are all provided, based on their contribution to the community.

6) There are no large cities with towering buildings as on Earth. But instead, the small population of Erra is spread out into smaller communities that span the planet, connected by a series of sentient tubeways that not only transport the population but educate and inform them along the way. The people live in more rural settings and keep a distance from each other.

7) Nearly all of the manufacturing and production of products for living is done on other planets in their solar system so as to not upset the ecology on Erra. They have long since developed a balance with nature that is well protected. The planet has a green atmosphere, which is controlled, and it contributes to their health and stressless way of life.

8) What government is necessary is provided by a 'High Council' composed of the wisest and most evolved Pleiadians. Any changes to their social order must be approved by a vote of the highest percentage of the population. The Pleiadians are part of a federation of civilized worlds that live by the words of an advanced race in the Andromeda Galaxy.

9) It is the desire of Pleiadians to stimulate the human consciousness through the dissemination of information so that humanity can make the necessary changes to create a new world based on Saalome, which is a Pleiadian word meaning 'peace in wisdom'."

"The Pleiadian Civilization

The most obvious is that of the Pleiadians splintered off from the Lyran group, some going directly to the Pleiades from Lyra, others going to Earth and mixing their genetics with the Earth genetics for themselves, then going back to the Pleiades to join some of the other Lyran splinter groups there. The standard Pleiadian is a mixture of the different genotypes we've talked about. Generally, a Pleiadian will manifest anywhere from blonde to even some black-haired, or very dark-brown-haired strains. The eyes are generally light blue to a light brown - Caucasian. Generally, they are Caucasian. They can range from very petite (five feet tall) to very large (sometimes seven feet tall - rare, but possible). You can see how some of the recessive genes that they brought from their Lyran heritage (the giants, for instance) may manifest in a body. So the Pleiadian group, in terms of the Caucasian type, is very diverse.
These light brown eyes you keep mentioning, would they appear at first to be gold?
So reports of golden eyes would actually be these light brown eyes, as opposed to our standard brown eyes?

Yes, it is not like your standard brown eyes. When we are talking about eye color, in no way are we talking about what you know as eye color. What you see of your own eye color is only how your eyes reflect light in this reality. If you are vibrating at a different rate or if you are in another plane of reality, all color quality changes, because the laws governing light reflection change and the quality of reflected light changes. So we can describe this only broadly. There are other colors of eyes, but if we told you lavender eyes, you would picture what lavender looks like and then your perception of what we're saying would be very wrong. So we keep this information very standardized.

There's really no need to go further into the Pleiadian genotypes because they reflect the Lyran groups very much. Some are combinations; some are redheads; some are very light-skinned. Pleiadian physical expression is basically dealing with Lyran genetics and, in some cases, Lyran and Terran genetics. Is that complete?

Can you talk about the emotional temperament of the Pleiadians, the similarities or dissimilarities within their own groups and in comparison to us? Is it similar to ours, and is there variance of emotional temperament within the Pleiadian groupings?

Their emotional bodies are much more harmonious, though, understand that where they are today came from their denial of negativity. We've talked to you about that already, so that's nothing new. You, on the other hand, deny both negativity and positivity in an attempt to be neutral or nonfeeling. That is what a greater portion of your reality attempts to do. Now, to some degree this is an attempt at balancing what you see as your forefathers' energies, because obviously whatever they did didn't work for them, since they were still in conflict. So you are bound and determined not to do what your forefathers did in just about every way. The Pleiadian emotional structure is now not repressing negativity, for the most part. However, who they are today is because of their repression of negativity. So to some degree that's how something that is actually a negative thing (repression) can turn into a growth process that can eventually lead to the growth that is sought.

Is the potential similar; is the basic emotional structure similar?

Oh, yes. We would say, more than any of the other races we've talked about with you. The emotional similarity between the Pleiadians and yourselves is most pronounced. One of the biggest reasons for the difference is simply the differences in your reality. If, let's say, several thousands of years ago, Pleiadians from that era came and lived on your world today, they would have become you emotionally. But with their evolution, that would not occur."

Alcyone (alpha star in the Pleiades: "Sense of vision or insight via the planet it is involved, with a caution against making rash judgments or being narrowminded; potential for real insight and understanding. This star is bad for the eyesight and can even bring blindness. It also brings sorrowful events with something to cry about. There can be keen insight, strong ambition, and a harshly judgmental nature. There is often a love of nature, and the outdoors. There can be possible injuries to the face."

The Pleiadian Children 
There are recent generations who embody the Pleiadian energy of love from the heart center.  They are very creative and in touch with their life path and able to help others in finding their path.

Illustration Semjase (Pleiadian cosmonaut to contact E. Billy Meier). 

 Pleiadians (Taygeta and Maya): 

"The Pleiadians provinientes of Taygeta and Maya are purely benevolent beings with respect to other races, have a lot of spiritual wisdom and technological knowledge as their ancestry as in the case of others Pleyadiandos corresponds to Lyra. They maintain a constant war with the Orion group and attend other races to evolve. Beings are characterized by high average height between 2.30mts 1.80mts and white skin, blond hair and blue eyes is spoken predominantly but also some Pleiadians with brown hair and green eyes. Commonly known as "Nordic." To date there have been a great group of people contacted by beings from pleyades provinientes of these systems."

"Description: The Pleiadean star nations are very spiritually advanced cultures existing on the higher overtones of the 4th dimension. These beings closely resemble Earth humans although alot taller with attractive physiques. Pleiadeans can be attributed to three known groupings: Nordic in appearance with fair skin, fair hair and green and blue eyes, Mediterranean in appearance with tanned skin and darker hair and eye combinations, and Native American in appearance with reddish to light brown tanned skin. There are a number of stars and planets within the Pleiadean system although most civilizations can be found within the Taygeta and Alcyone star systems. Pleiadean ancestry can be traced back to a home-world in the Constellation of Lyra. Pleiadeans also share a connection to the creation of mankind which is why they too are primary mentors guiding us and assisting us through this transition.

Historical References: There are many structures in the ancient world that have been aligned with the Pleiades star cluster, most notably the mysterious city of Teotihuacan in central Mexico."

"If you are Gaian, Apollonian, Orionian, Pleiadian, or Vegan, you must be surrounded in Loveand be of service, or you will become deficient in Love (and hence, depression can happen).Options are: cheerleaders, mediators, marriage counselors, counselors, therapists, mediums, channelers, natural healers, dancers, jewelry makers, nurses, police officers, daycare owners, caretakers, dog walkers, firemen and women, and any other service providers. "

"In New Age lore, some believe that Sun and the Earth will pass through a Photon belt from the Pleiades, causing a cataclysm and/or initiating a spiritual transition (referred to variously as a "shift in consciousness," the "Great Shift," the "Shift of the Ages"). Barbara Marciniak, author of "Bringers of the Dawn", is one of the authors who contributes to the New Age mythos of Pleiadian ET beings who are linked to human ancestry."

Pleiades in Folklore and Literature

"Blond, red head, or in some cases brunette 'Nordic' type humans based in the Pleiadean 'Taygeta' and other systems, which were allegedly colonized by refugees from their former planetary abodes in the Lyra constellation which were invaded by reptiloid entities from Alpha Draconis. The main Pleiadean planet of 'Erra', was reportedly 'Terra-formed' by the Lyran refugees [Lyra being much nearer to earth—around 30 light years]. The Pleiadeans were apparently the first 'humanoid' society to develop hyper-space travel (the U.S. government has reportedly known how to tap-in to hyperspace ever since the 'Philadelphia Experiments' of the 1940's. The Pleiadeans claim that their technology surpasses our 'International' technology by about 3000 years. This may explain why the humans in Lyra were able to travel the vast distances from this part of the galaxy to colonize the Pleiades, some 430 light-years from Terra-Earth. The Pleiadeans consider themselves to be part of the "ANDROMEDAN COUNCIL" based within some of the planetary systems within the Andromeda constellation." source

"Meier states that the Plejaren come from a planet called Erra, which is only fractionally smaller than Earth, and has a population of around 500 million people. Erra is one of ten planets which orbit their central sun which is called Tayget, located in the Plejares system. Four of these ten planets are inhabited.[4] The average life expectancy of a Plejaren is 1000 years. This is due to their higher level of evolution as well as genetic factors.[5] Meier reports that the Plejaren look similar to humans from Northern Europe.

Until 1995, the Plejaren and their allies had three secret stations on Earth, located in Switzerland, North America and Asia. Between 1975 and 1988, the total number of extraterrestrials stationed there were no fewer than 2862 individuals. The Plejaren and their allies withdrew from Earth in 1995 and the three stations were vacated and completely eliminated. The withdrawal was linked to future events which were not specified.[6] However, Meier says he still has ongoing contacts with the Plejaren.

The Plejaren state that they are the descendants of our common ancestors that inhabited Earth tens of thousands of years ago. These ancestors influenced the development of the earth population in both positive and negative ways. The Plejaren have felt partly responsible for the behaviour of their early ancestors.[7] The main reason the Plejaren have come to Earth is to communicate the universal "teachings of the spirit" in order to neutralise the negative effects of various religions. Pleiadians are Angels from the bible. [8]"

Divine Feminine Energy"The Pleiadians are more aware of the divine feminine or Goddess than mankind. They align themselves to the creative forces of the Goddess an work within the cycles of nature. This has allowed them to become masters of agriculture as they work with nature spirits to co-create the wonderful fruits, flowers and vegetables. This is harmony with nature and the divine feminine energies and consciousness. This includes their use of water itself as a living consciousness. The Pleiadians are very knowledgeable about the effects of food and water on the physical body."

Michelle Walling, Certified Holistic Life Coach

"Place of Origin: The Pleiades Star Cluster.

Dimensional Perspectives: Exist from 3D to 9D

Appearance: Appear much like particularly beautiful Earth humans, with perfect bodies and pleasingly symmetrical features with a luminosity reflecting their higher dimensional frequency.

Evolution: Evolved millions of years ago as one of the early races of what we would call humankind and look like we do. This form has been modeled throughout the universe. Pleiadian DNA has been used to develop many human beings in this universe, including those of our solar system on Venus, Mars, Maldeck and Earth. There still exists newly developing 3D planets in the Pleiades, but the Pleiadians that communicate with us are usually 6D and 9D. These are dimensions they work well within and from which they contact other worlds. They have light bodies, yet like other higher dimensional ET beings, they can appear in a form that projects what they evolved from. Having a lot more time to evolve than we have, they have refined their natures and are intensely spiritual and giving beings.

Qualities: Intuitive, sensitive, imaginative, radiant, communicative, empathic, soothing, nurturing, mystical, understated creativity, healers, counselors, in tune with natural worlds.

Abilities: Pleiadians are healers on many levels. They can empathize and sooth all pains with their sensitive communication and transfer of light. They communicate by means of light transfer. These beings have a natural radiance that comes from their mystical knowing of how to connect and share Source light.

Specialties: Pleiadians are called upon to seed new worlds with the essence of evolved human form, and to commune with a planet’s consciousness and its existing life in order to introduce new beings and ideas in a nurturing way. They embody the divine feminine and often will show themselves in female form to radiate this refined quality.

Basic Needs: Peace and sharing. Pleiadians thrive in places and states of peace and tranquility. They feel best when they are sharing their refined essence.

Focus: Transferring their gifts of radiance throughout the universe through seeding and communicating their healing vibrations and mystical awareness.

Involvement with Earth: Provided genetic and energetic model for early human development. They are the missing link in our evolution to our current form. They were guides for Atlantis and Lemuria and have been involved in the nurturing of many life forms on Earth that began elsewhere, such as whales and dolphins. They are responsible for infusing awareness into the many methods of energy healing discovered by humans over the years. They are playing an important role in reinvigorating our beliefs in the mystical elements of our knowledge and helping us open to celestial contact in non threatening manners. They radiate light and soothing energy that we are able to feel because of our genetic link.

Guide for Humanity: Katara (of 6D Pleiadian Emissaries of Light collective)

Star seeds: There are many millions of Pleiadian souls incarnate on Earth and have been since Lemuria. These souls are here to remind us of our divinity and our connection to Source consciousness. They come as healers and inspire us to nurture our spirits and that of the planet. These souls are sensitive and usually extremely intuitive. They also light up the room when they walk in and tend to heal without even knowing. They communicate well with others and are good empathetic listeners. Most leave their presence with a new sense of joy and gratitude. These human star souls often have physical beauty and most incarnate as females and exude feminine strength. They can be overpowering for some human male Earth souls, as they radiate such deep feminine mystique. They are often water signs that flow with emotion and passion and connection to the blood of Gaia. Pleiadian souls connect easily to nature. Animals love them and become calm in their presence. These star seeds can also bring the essence of a person’s soul to the surface and can reflect their purpose and encourage their mission. They are often found in professions of spiritual mastery, healing, psychology, communications, child care, and fields related to ecology and care for the Earth. They often volunteer for causes and give a lot of themselves.

The astral traps

There is a trap in the matrix that wants people to realize their extraterrestrial origins and want to leave the planet and go home to those places. By doing so they are giving up their right to a human body in connection with source through the planet. Having a human body connected to source at this time allows us to integrate all those past lives pieces and parts of you that need to be transmuted back to positive energy.

When you do not want to be here, you are not fully present, centered and grounded. When you are outside of your body, you have opened the door to allow others to occupy that space within your body. These are the beings who do not have a body at this time and this do not have a connection to an energy source. As Earth raises her frequency they will not be able to exist on or around her any more, nor will they be able to move through space without any energy.

Another trap of the matrix is the belief that you are only one of these beings. As we have all had many lives we can see that we may feel familiar with a lot of the other characteristics or maybe none of others. But we probably have had more of one lifetime in an incarnation one of these planets associated with these races than another, and we are relying on those experiences and wisdom in out lives right now.

Finally, the third trap is that negative astral beings have the ability to shape shift and have posed as other races such as Pleiadians and Arcturians in order to bring messages of love, light, and complacency with being “high” (out of the body). These beings which may try to steer people on the planet to either wanting to go home and not connecting with earth have introduced the false light matrix scenario which exists in the astral fifth dimension.

The biggest illusion of all is that we are all of these and more because we are a fractal part of infinite source creator having these individual lives right now.

Centering and grounding with the earth will allow you to enter that place of no time to connect with the parts of you (including other extraterrestrials) that need to be integrated and healed. As you heal yourself, you help to heal the planet, solar system, galaxy, and beyond. By grounding and centering, you also create a natural barrier that does not allow any pieces and parts that are not of you to enter your energy field, no matter what implants or contracts you have made in the past."

Blue Beings and Giants

"Barbara Marciniak, for example, was contacted by the ‘Blue Beings’ in the late 1970s, saying they were from the Pleiades. They later on became ‘The Pleiadians’; the same group Marciniak is still channeling today. This group consists of a number of beings from different star races who have come together as ontoenergetics to spread their message in an effort to help themselves and mankind. One of these Pleiadian groups is the ‘Blue Beings’. They came here as non-physicals and let their avatars manifest themselves to Barbara as the Blue Beings they apparently are on their home planet in the Pleiades.

I consider the Pleiadians whom Marciniak is channeling being ‘good ETs’, although I know they wouldn’t even be here, or bother with us, if it wasn’t because they first of all are attempting to help themselves, and us second. However, it has shown that their mission (agenda) has been quite beneficial for us too, and over time I notice that they have really come to like us humans. Yes, I can tell from have listened to them quite a lot, and some of my own material is inspired from what they have taught me. So, in spite of that they have their own motives, I consider them being allies of mankind. They are the descendants of the Fallen Angels in the Bible, and the Pleiades today and in the future (where they come from) are quite tumultuous places, with civil wars and inner conflicts. The Marciniak group, however, is a rebel group who meet somewhere in secret and in the non-physical to do this specific and unique channeling. They want an end to the tyranny that runs the Pleiades in the future."

"If you have Alcyone contacts in your natal chart, there will be a sense of vision or insight via the planet with with it is involved, with a caution against making rash judgments or being narrow-minded to the point of becoming blind to the obvious.  You have the potential for real insight and understanding, so it is important that you do not use this to make harsh judgments."  

"Again, we have a rebel group of Pleiadians who started working with the Sirians, or more specifically, Prince EA (Enki).They are giants, often referred to as the “Bird People” and the “Bulls” (Taurus). We know from the Pleiadians first hand (Marciniak’s group), that they are giants. They hint at heights from 7 feet up to 300 feet. The Pleiadians also admit to being the ‘Fallen Angels‘ in the Bible, who came here to copulate with human females, but also helped EA and NIN with enhancing the human genome, using Pleiadian DNA. This resulted in the biblical giants, who roamed the Earth around the time of Noah and before (the Nephilim). Some of them survived the Deluge, as well, and became the Rephaim. Although these giants may be extinct today, their creators, the Pleiadian rebel group, are still working with the Sirians.
According to themselves, they did not evolve in the Pleiades, but came there much later. The Pleiadian group which has been involved in Earth history originated in Lyra, only to later migrate to Ursa Major, and finally ended up in the Pleiades, on the planet Dukù in the Maïa star system in particular, but also on a planet around the blue star, Electra."

Bernadette Brady

Brady's Book of Fixed Stars 
by Bernadette Brady

Starseeds from the Pleiades: "Those who have Pleiades as their planetary origin are sensitive, loving and kind. There is a deep, abiding desire for peace and happiness for all. If one from Pleiades were asked what do you want out of life? They would likely say, “to be happy.” Pleiadeans have a pleasant smooth energy which others enjoy being near." Read More


These are descriptions of conjunctions between the main star of Pleiades, Alcyone, and the following planets or chart points:

"PLEIADES (Alcyone) RISING “The rising Pleiades are indicative of those who are homosexual, like to be flattered, and (with a poorly positioned Mercury) impudent in speech.” 4. “To have artistic or intuitive vision, but recognizing that such vision has the shadow side of giving and receiving harsh judgement” 5. • Rufus Wainwright, Jessica Savitch, Dionne Warwick, David Beckham, Jacky Chan, Anna Freud.

PLEIADES (Alcyone) MIDHEAVEN “Disgrace, ruin, violent death. If with the luminaries it makes its natives military captains, commanders, colonels of horse and emperors.” 6. Bernadette Brady says if this star is on a pivotal point at birth (the angles) that it gives “A strong sense of knowing, a strong vision of destiny, a desire to walk the correct, if not the popular pathway” 5. In the past I think not following the “popular” pathway could well result in “disgrace” or even “ruin” (if homosexual). These days we can be more true to ourselves. • Edwin Hubble, Montgomery Clift, Pebbles Santiago, Patty Hearst, Erik Menendez, Donna Summer, Eddie Fisher. Pleiades Astrology

PLEIADES (Alcyone) SUN “sickness, disgrace, evil disposition (used to be a term in astrology for homosexuality), murderer or murdered, imprisonment, death by blows, stabs, shooting, beheading or shipwreck..” 6. “The ruthless visionary, a passionate but potentially arrogant person.” 5. • Cher, Harvey Milk, Jeffrey L Dahmer, Dale Winton, Morrissey, Malcolm X, Laurence Olivier, Bertrand Russell.

PLEIADES (Alcyone) MOON “ Injuries to the face, sickness, misfortune, wounds, stabs, disgrace, imprisonment, blindness,” 6. “Insightful to the darker side of life.“ 5. A fascination with societies underworld may indeed put you at risk of “stabs” I guess. • River Phoenix, Frida Khalo, Katherine Hepburn, Ian McShane, Edith Paif, Dionne Warwick, Juan Manuel Fango.

PLEIADES (Alcyone) MERCURY “Many disappointments, loss of possessions, much loss from legal affairs, business failure, trouble through children”.6.“To be insightful and brilliant, but struggling with the darker side of human nature” 5. • Anna Freud, Tammy Wynette, Cilla Black, Bjorn Borg, Audrey Hepburn, Natasha Richardson, Mary Wollstonecraft.

PLEIADES (Alcyone) VENUS “Immoral, strong passions, disgrace through women, sickness, loss of fortune.” 6. “A love of theatre, art or rituals; The poetic soul” 5. • Dame Nellie Melba, Kylie Minogue, Marlon Brando, Karl Marx, Gregory Peck, Nancy Reagan, Giuseppe Pelosi, Amy Dumas.

PLEIADES (Alcyone) MARS “Many accidents to the head, loss and suffering through fires” 6. “To be aware and sensitive to difficult social issues. The critic” 5. • Andy Warhol, Lord Louis Mountbatten, Tammy Faye Bakker, Helena Bonham Carter, Glenda Jackson, Eddie Fisher, Griffith/Banderas Davison,"

"Pleiadians are from a star system called Pleiades. This star system is a small cluster of seven stars located in the Constellation of Taurus the Bull; it is 500 light years from planet Earth. They are a humanoid race who visits Earth often and whom we share a common ancestry. The Lyrans from Lyra are our common ancestors. The names of the seven stars in the Pleiades system are as follows:1) Taygeta, 2) Maya, 3) Coela, 4) Atlas, 5) Merope, 6) Electra, 7) Alcoyne. Because of the many wars on Lyra, many peaceful Lyrans left on their spacecrafts and traveled for many years till they came upon the seven cluster stars in Pleiades. They landed on a planet now called Erra, which is located around the Pleiades Star called Taygeta. Here is where they started their new civilization in the year 228,000 B.C."

Crystals for the Pleiades



Pleiadian/Nordic Race

Star Seeds- Pleiadian Characteristics
Pleiadians and Their Starseeds
Seal of Pleiades


Sabian Symbols and Crystals

  • 27 Taurus Atlas - Turquoise
  • 28 Taurus Pleione - Morganite
  • 29 Taurus Asterope - Gabbro
  • 29 Taurus Celaenon "
  • 29 Taurus Electra "
  • 29 Taurus Maia "
  • 29 Taurus Merope "
  • 00 Gemini Alcyone - 1 instead - Petoskey Stone

Intuitive Gigi Young

  • The Pleidians name their children after sound of the soul
  • Resonate the heart chakra
  • Feminine 
  • Velvet feeling
  • work with Andromedans "Where Are You Really From?" "A Family of Light Guide To Self Understanding Through Planetary Origin". by Jo Amidon.

Disclaimer: please view this material as exploratory, even metaphoric, if you like.

Jane Leu Rekas

Jane Leu Rekas is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Hypnotist, Reiki Master and an astrology blogger at Astrological Counsel.

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