Orion Starseeds

Constellation: Orion
Alpha Star: Betelgeuse

If you have a planet conjunct one of these stars, then you my have some affinity with Orion (and the many races there). Get your chart here. If you have your Sun or any planet within two degrees of this fixed star it indicates some affinity. Affinity means possibly that you are from that starseed constellation/star or you incarnated through a star gate there. It may also mean that you have had some other influence from that star system or related karma. You can also look up what certain specific conjunction mean or order an interpretation report from several sources. Other placements and interpretations.

11 Gemini 55 Tabit (Orion)
16 Gemini 50 Rigel (Orion) "Rigellans" (Rigel means left foot)
17 Gemini 51 Yuh Tsing (Orion)
19 Gemini 40 Nihal (Lepus) “Indigos” see post
20 Gemini 09 Saif al Jabbar
20 Gemini 57 Bellatrix (Orion) "Warriors" (Bellatrix means female warrior)
21 Gemini 55 Thabit (Orion)
22 Gemini 22 Mintaka (Orion) "Mintakans" (Mintaka means belt or dividing) see post
23 Gemini 00, 28, 42 Hatsya, Meissa, Alnilam (Orion) (Alnilam means string of pearls)
24 Gemini 42 Al Hecka / Alnitak (Orion) (Alnitak means string of pearls)
26 Gemini 24 Saiph (Orion)
28 Gemini 45 Betelgeuse (Orion) "Resistance" (Betelgeuse means coming of the branch) 

Evolved from: Sirius & Vega
Evolved to: Sirius Matrix
Humanoid? Some, others are Cetacean or Reptilian
Appearance: varied
Dimension/Density: 2nd Density; from 5D-6D, some from 7D worlds
"1) 4D and 5D polymorphs who are either chameleon-reptilian or humanoid-reptilian hybrids, and; 2) Beings from the Orion System – also called the Orion Nebula – whom reside upon planets and space stations throughout the Universe, and; 3) Individuals and soul-collectives from Orion who have tendencies towards high intellectual pursuits in physics, plus; 4) Sentients whose self-ascension practices are linked to extreme isolation, as well as; 5) Beings well-known for the utter perfection of holographic recreation of other star races’ emvironments."

Chakra: 6th Brow

  • They are often identified by their queries as they always have strong zeal to know the reasons and the hidden meanings. Because of this, they often examine the people and the situations which leads to get the feeling of inspection for the others. The reason is their main level of focus will be in mind.
  • They expect that their point of view should be respected from the others. It is very much essential for them to learn to overcome this as everyone do have their own opinions.
  • As their main focus will be on mind level, before they believe in something, they always need the things to be proved.
  • They always like to be Ms or Mr Perfect and expect the same from the others. It may  be like a personal criticism for those who are not habituated to them. They should overcome from this.
  • They cannot tolerate and accept imbalance in their self or in others. They always try to correct it as they may get unhealthy or mentally ill because of this. They will be at their best in the balanced flow of energy and beauty.
  • Their reactions to the emotional events will be intellectual as it is very much important for them to know the reason and understand before they accept anything. But it does not mean that they do not care for the others. So it is very much important for the constructive communication with the Orions. Otherwise there is a chance that, they suppress their emotions.
  • Sufficient privacy is required for them to rejuvenate and balance the self.
  • They love to produce humor and also can turn up critically all of the sudden.
  • It will be very much challenging for them to reach their consciousness to the Universal consciousness as their main focus will be at mind level.
- See more at: http://www.ultimatetruthofself.com/higher-consciousness/types-of-star-seeds-and-their-characteristics#sthash.NojOqorH.dpuf

"Both good and bad aliens are associated with Orion, namely the red-haired Nordics and the Greys. There are rumours that the Draconians are active in that area too."

"Orion: beings from 5D-6D, some from 7D worlds; deep polarity with conflicts in Orion wars; Earth is a mini version of big drama in Orion; issues of extreme control and domination, manipulation, oppression, mind control; explorers and scientists fascinated with genetic material, cloning, hybridization; self-sabotage, transformation, healing, purging; learning awareness, compassion."

In the book, The Prism of Lyra, Orion is described as an arena where an earlier conflict between "masculine" and "feminine", service to self vs. service to others, and "negative" and "positive," was moved as a further attempt at integration.

"If you are Gaian, Apollonian, Orionian, Pleiadian, or Vegan, you must be surrounded in Loveand be of service, or you will become deficient in Love (and hence, depression can happen).Options are: cheerleaders, mediators, marriage counselors, counselors, therapists, mediums, channelers, natural healers, dancers, jewelry makers, nurses, police officers, daycare owners, caretakers, dog walkers, firemen and women, and any other service providers. "
"Orionian Angels are like cats. They tend to have big eyes and big ears, perfect for listening to others. They are a little on the inverted side, as they are meant to be. They are Judging Angels, with a primary dominant chakra of the 6th chakra (clairvoyance) and a secondary dominant chakra of the 3rd chakra (solar plexus). They listen to their gut/intuition. They tend to be Senses of Love. Type A or Type B? They are moderate Type As, and stay cool like Type Bs. In the Human Design world, they tend to be Manifesting-Generators or Projectors. Success for an Orionian Angel means: DREAM BIG! If your intuition tells you to move forward (and for Projectors, wait for the invitation!), do not hesitate. Move forward!

Orionian Angels have multi wings, one with colors like a fashion statement! Orions tend to be cold! It has nothing to do with their health issues, since they are otherwise not deficient in general. When malnourished and stressed, they tend to develop adrenal issues, including Adrenal Fatigue syndrome, hypothyroid, and sometimes hyperthyroid. Eating a whole foods diet and earthing will keep them healthy." https://wevibratebaby.wordpress.com/2014/03/05/orionian-angels/

The positive Orions that are visiting the Earth are contributing their advanced mental power for the development of smoothly running systems of organization on Earth. These Orions vibrate and resonate to the color yellow, and beam this frequency to Earth for the purpose of stabilizing the intuitive powers within the human consciousness. The Ashtar Command serves in a certain sense as heaven’s policemen, and there are actually six planets in the Orion system, and a group called the Deros, from Orion inner space, that have had to be completely cordoned off so beware of anything to do with the Orion Nebula. 

Deros- they are also called Sumuwneans originally and have influenced some hindu beliefs- Hidden

This is from a thread by Heart Shaped Cross :
"Those who have Orion as their planetary origin have strong personalities, ideals and beliefs. Orion's may be recognized by the many questions they ask! There is a strong drive to understand the reasons and inner meanings of all things. They tend to analyze people and events in their need to understand. This may be frustrating to those around them, as this may create feelings of being scrutinized. This is due to the tendency of most Orions to operate on a mental level, rather than a feeling level. This is not due to a lack of feeling, it is simply the primary mode of operation for an Orion.

Orions want others to respect their opinions and may argue to gain respect and convince others of the validity of their opinions. They must learn to balance the drive to understand, with sensitivity to the needs of others. The mature Orion has learned that in explaining their views and opinions, having them accepted as valid and considered by others is what they seek, and it is not necessary to have others be in agreement.

Orions have a deep inner thirst for knowledge and may be frustrated with those who do not share this thirst. There is interest a wide variety of fields. It will be obvious when conversing with an Orion that either a subject holds great interest for them, and they are quite knowledgeable, or there is no interest at all and know almost nothing of that area. There is strong skepticism and difficulty in accepting new beliefs without thorough evidence and proof of validity. This is due to their mental and intellectual focus, and need to 'make sense' of things logically before accepting them.

Orions tend to be critical of others, and of themselves. This is because Orions expect and seek perfection. They have a keen eye for details and notice things which others do not. They tend to point out these things to others, if they feel these are things in need of attention or correction. This can be upsetting to those not accustomed to Orion energy, and may be taken as personal criticism. It is good to realize that Orions are very sensitive to balance, and may feel physically upset or ill in situations where there is imbalance. This creates their need to correct imbalance when it is sensed. It can be emotional imbalance that is sensed in others, or in themselves, or outer physical imbalance. Orions need beauty and balanced flow of energy in their surroundings to feel their best on all levels.

In relationships and in dealing with emotions, Orions react to emotions intellectually and may surprise others by their reactions. The drive to understand is much stronger than the emotional reaction. It is very important for them to understand the reasons behind a situation, to aid in their ability to accept and understand. In an emotional situation, a typical Orion response is to ask questions, although the quieter Orions may do this within. This does not mean they do not feel or care, simply that they must seek understanding. Orions are often uncomfortable with emotional situations unless they know those involved well enough to feel free to ask the questions within. By honoring this need, communication can be built in relationships with Orions. If their need to question, or understand emotion is not allowed, they will develop patterns of repressing emotions, or exploring them only on an inner level.

Those from Orion need privacy and time alone to recharge, learn and develop the flow within. They learn best alone or in small groups, and do not feel comfortable in large classroom settings. There is a high energy level, which combined with the questioning nature, makes Orions intolerant of classroom learning, when they feel teaching is not done well, or is not meaningful. Many Orions make excellent teachers, due to their ability to see many details, and "angles" of presenting information, to make learning more interesting for the student. Orions enjoy making others laugh. There is a strong sense of humor and desire to tease and play. Others may notice that the change from playfulness to being critical can occur quickly.

There is strong communication with spirit, and psychic ability. As Orions grow on a spiritual pathway, they find their largest challenge to be that of developing higher levels of trust and faith. This is due to many aspects of spirituality that must be accepted simply on faith. Orions are deeply ingrained with the need to question, seek proof, answers, and logical understanding before accepting beliefs. This can create difficulty and an inner struggle for many Orions, as they learn to combine the technical mind with the spiritual self. However, it is these same qualities which make Orions important collectors of information and knowledge which can be shared with others."


Rigel (in Orion): "In the left knee of Orion, heralding success through will power, love of action, diplomacy, organizational skills, sense of duty, and pure luck. Primary focus on business, military, mechanical abilities, thrives in most structured environments. Can display a lack of caution or weakness that brings failure, disappointment or loss. Rigel gives lasting riches, honors and favor. When prominent, it is good for military careers, [especially if in conjunction with the midheaven] and mechanical ability. There is teaching ability and the personality is somewhat conforming. Ambitious and hard working, these people can stay on top, as long as effort is maintained. Rigel is an extremely bright, bluish white star, located at the base of the constellation of Orion, the Hunter. It gets it names from the Arabic Rijl, meaning "The Foot." Nature is a combination of Jupiter and Saturn, with some Mars influence. May involve acting within the sphere of politics, government, law, and situations which are international in scope."

"Several sources claim that Rigel originally was inhabited by a race of Blonds. When their system was being taken over by Greys, they would have fled to Procyon."

Rigel is also a part of the Draconian controlled Orion Empire or "The Unholy Six."


Bellatirx (in Orion): "Bellatrix brings military and other honors which can end in disaster. This star is bad for the eyesight. There is an aptitude for quick decision-making. Those with this star prominent are often strongly opinionated, and have a belligerent, daring, and adventuresome nature. If Bellatrix is in conjunction with the midheaven, one may be a swindler or forger."

Bellatrix, Orion
fierce reptilian warriors

Bellatrix: Reptilian Warriors

Bellatrix is also a part of the Draconian controlled Orion Empire or "The Unholy Six."

Bellatrix Greys: These small aliens have been the subject of tales of fairies, gnomes, elves, pixies, and other “little people.” They come from the same genetic roots as the Zeta Reticuli, but little more is known about their race. They possess the technological ability to alter the fabric of space, giving them the ability to pass through solid matter and alter the relative size of objects. They are usually between 6 and 18 inches in height."


Betelgeuse (alpha star in Orion): "A red star on the right shoulder of Orion. Positive force granting favor, luck, success, fame and good health. Indicates success in military or law enforecment. Intense interest in solving mysteries, problems and puzzles. Astute judge of others' character. Periods of wealth and security followed by periods of lack. This is one of the most fortunate of fixed stars and is frequently prominent in the charts of those who have had major success in life . Betelgeuse brings wealth, honors, fame and fortune. Betelgeuse is the brightest star in the constellation of Orion, the Giant Hunter. It has an orange hue. It was known to the Babylonians as the primary star in the constellation Ungal - "The King." Strong-armed Betelgeuse partakes of the more positive natures of Mars and Mercury and can bestow success and fame both through the sword and through the pen. " "

The underground resistance!

 Betelgeuse: large nose Greys
"The Resistance"

Betelgeuse is also a part of the Draconian controlled Orion Empire or "The Unholy Six."



Starseeds- Orion Traits


THE STAR RACES - ESSASANI zeta human hybrids from Orion  see Post

Orion Crystals

Orion Empire


Orion to Earth


The zodiac placements for Orion are in Gemini:

The stars in the constellation Orion are between 11 and 28 degrees Gemini.

Orion Constellation
Rigel means the Foot (or left foot)
Bellatrix means Female Warrior, Quickly Coming or Quickly Destroying, 
Mintaka means the Belt or Dividing,
Alnitak, or Alnilam, means the String of Pearls,
Saiph, Thabit and Yuh Tsing are not otherwise named
Betelgeuse means Coming of the Branch

Intuitive Consultant Gigi Young

  • Polarizing place, concept
  • Deepest place of polarization
  • Two very different/complementary expressions of consciousness
  • feminine and masculine, coming together

Before Orion, Lyra was the base of incarnation, the full spectrum of the Godhead came through Lyra, with very full expressions of masculine and feminine, being developed in other civilizations/societies/planets.

LightConnection.org www.lightconnection.org/ "Where Are You Really From?" "A Family of Light Guide To Self Understanding Through Planetary Origin". by Jo Amidon.

Expressing Your TruthExpressing Your TruthOrionWhich star system did YOU originally come from?Starseeds: Orion ~ Reiki Gods LoveAntonio Banderas... Sirius/OrionOrion/PleiadesPleiades/OrionLyle Lovett, a Texas Aggie who'll be performing on campus tonight (Sept. 13) with Robert Earl Keen (also an Aggie), Emmylou Harris, and Rodney Crowell!Alex Lifeson, Andromeda/OrionJack Lemmon. Every single film that Jack Lemmon is in is one worth watching. Incredible talent who flagged great films. One of the Greats.Rush is a Band Blog: Special New York City speaking appearance by Geddy LeeGoogle Image Result for http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users16/irenekaulitz90/default/brandon-lee--large-msg-129694023219.jpgBruce Lee. He was a Master of Kung-fu. What are you a master of? Your emotions, money, relationships? Peace <3 Ivonne Teoh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcNToBa8Fes"We've got to live, no matter how many skies have fallen." D.H. Lawrence #dhlawrence #inspirationlorenzo lamas - Google SearchOrion/PleiadesLearn About Martin Luther: Resources and Free Copywork - Home - Homegrown LearnersRene_Auberjonois Orion/PleiadesMaldeck/OrionOrion/PleiadesOrion/MaldeckAlec Baldwin.Vasco Nunez de BalboaFrankie Avalon, Oh Venus, canción de 1959, año en que nací.........  me gusta esta canción!Desi Arnaz  Hispanic Actor  Hispanic Musician  Film Actor, Television Actor, Musician / 1917 - 1986   Desi Arnaz was a Cuban-born actor and musician who is remembered for his marriage to Lucille Ball and their TV show, I Love Lucy.Tolerance and Apathy have no place in our vocabulary when dealing with Islam!Alan Alda - M*A*S*H - I don't like to idolize actors and actresses, but Alan Alda's laughter was so charming and contagiousTroy Aikman....I wish he could come back! Better looking and DEFINITELY a better QB than Romo!William Alexander "Bud" Abbott (October 2, 1895 – April 24, 1974) was an American actor, producer and comedian.[1] He is best remembered as the straight man of the comedy team of Abbott and Costello, with Lou Costello.Jon Buckland (:  Coldplay  Andromeda/OrionOrion/AndromedaAndromeda/Orionthe angelical Jon Anderson--in another word: AMAZING!!!! <3Follow On  


11 Gemini 55 Tabit (Orion)

Birthdays - May 31 – June 1
Key Word - Identification

Crystal - Tsavorite Garnet
Attributes - Promotes restorative energy and feelings. Brings new strength in difficult phases of life. Helps you break through paralysing problems. Detoxifies and helps with inflammation as well as with protracted chronic and degenerative diseases.
Message - A fresh start, new beginnings, nourishing all stages of spiritual evolution.
Focus - You recognise others’ pain and empathise with them, providing avenues for growth and
Affirmation - I see great opportunities born from simplicity.


16 Gemini 50 Rigel (Orion)

Birthdays - June 5 – 7
Key Word - Indignation

Crystal - Green Calcite

Attributes - Promotes imagination. Aids letting go of con-straining emotions. Makes more open and interested, helps transforming ideas into actions. Alleviates inflammation; enhances detoxification; helps with problems of the liver and gallbladder.
Message - Ground, centre and stabilise to provide a foundation for personal power to emerge.
Focus - You pursue alternative routes to activate change in your life; your determination manifests change.
Affirmation - I motivate myself and others into positive action.


17 Gemini 51 Yuh Tsing (Orion)

Birthdays - June 6 – 8
Key Word - Development

Crystal - Chevron Amethyst
Attributes - Promotes sobriety, purity, composure and calm. Energises in cases of perpetual tiredness, resolves persistent anxiety. Helps overcome habitual tendencies and addictions Good for the lungs, large intestine and skin; alleviates itching and sunburn.
Message - Know your true self; others are reflected in you.
Focus - You realise that the divine is circular, that the purity of childhood is at the same point as spiritual enlightenment.
Affirmation - My ideas evolve to maturity with ease. 


19 Gemini 40 Nihal (Lepus) “Indigos”

Birthdays - June 8 – 10
Key Word - Background

Crystal - Purple Chalcedony
Attributes - Promotes understanding and sensitivity. Combines calmness and attentiveness; makes sensitive to the needs of others. Enhances understanding and readiness to continuously learn. Fortifies the kidneys and secretion of the glands; reduces blood pressure.
Message - Verification of karmic conditions, unlocking universal information.
Focus - You notice what others see and value, and you share this information through various media.
Affirmation - I value recorded information, and the energy contained within it.

GEMINI 20  20 Gemini 09 Saif al Jabbar

20 Gemini 57 Bellatrix (Orion)

Birthdays - June 9 – 11
Key Word - Supply

Crystal - Tin
Attributes - Tin is a silvery-white metal utilised since the Bronze Age. A significant alchemical element associated with the operation of dissolution, tin promotes situational awareness.
Message - Contribute provisions; sustenance for everyone.
Focus - A practical person, you provide resources to help others survive physically and spiritually.
Affirmation - I freely provide nourishment for the mind, body and soul.


21 Gemini 55 Thabit (Orion)

Birthdays - June 10 – 12
Key Word - Representation

Crystal - Bronzite
Attributes - Promotes inner composure. Lends vigour and inner calm simultaneously, as well as regeneration from chronic exhaustion. Helps retain a clear head and control under permanent stress. Fortifies the nerves, releases cramps and relieves pain.
Message - Physical declarations trigger reform in human activity.
Focus - You live life with passion and vigour, remaining young at heart, and with idealistic values that can change the world.
Affirmation - I am a powerful individual. I support revolutionary action for organisations.


22 Gemini 22 Mintaka (Orion)

Birthdays - June 11 – 13
Key Word - Gregariousness

Crystal - Clear Apophyllite

Attributes - Promotes openness an frankness. Helps overcome insecurity and openly show real nature. Helps give up anxious tendencies and thought patterns. Helps with problems of the skin, mucous membrane an respiratory tract, allergies and asthma.
Message - Attune your body through movement, rhythm and music.
Focus - You are a sociable person, welcoming time spent in the company of like-minded people.
Affirmation - I support my friendships with cheerful merriment and companionship.

GEMINI 23   

23 Gemini 00, 28, 42 Hatsya, Meissa, Alnilam (Orion)


Birthdays - June 12 – 14
Key Word - Elevation

Crystal - Green Quartz
Attributes - Green Quartz opens and stabilises the heart chakra, It changes negative energy into positive. It inspires creativity and balances the endocrine system. The leek green version of green quartz is called prase or prasolite.
Message - A secluded haven promoting comfort, safety, and protection.
Focus - You take care of your friends, acting as a sanctuary for those around you.
Affirmation - I support transformation and growth in my world.

GEMINI 24    

24 Gemini 42 Al Hecka / Alnitak (Orion)

Birthdays - June 13 – 15
Key Word - Fun

Crystal - Siberian Aura Crystal
Attributes - Siberian Aura is formed through a bond of quartz and cobalt. It is a powerful anti-depressant, lifting the spirit and bringing deep peace. Siberian Aura activates the throat and third eye chakras. It stimulates psychic vision and telepathy, it also enhances communication. It can bring about intense visionary experiences. This stone helps you speak your truth to your self and others. Siberian Aura will help you become and active listener.
Message - Encouraging happiness and balance, joyful experiences.
Focus - You are a fun, freedom loving, outdoor adventurer; enjoyable experiences are important to you.
Affirmation - I choose a lifetime of liberating vitality and healthy activity.


26 Gemini 24 Saiph (Orion) 

Birthdays - June 15 – 17
Key Word - Splendour

Crystal - Snow Quartz
Attributes - Promotes support for others and caution in strange situations. Helps you become aware of your potential and how to put it to good use. Helps express yourself neutrally and objectively. Directs your energy flow to under-supplied areas. Helps with weakness and strengthens the spine and joints.
Message - Momentary recognition of fresh, clear, brilliant majesty.
Focus - You are a distinguished person who shares attention and praise with others.
Affirmation - I value pristine, natural beauty; it overtakes conscious thought.


28 Gemini 45 Betelgeuse (Orion)


Birthdays - June 17 – 19
Key Word - Deliverance

Crystal - Nickel
Attributes - Promotes moderation and circumspection. Helps with excessive self destructive lifestyle. Improves consideration for others. Helps with nodes in the tissues, and rashes.
Message - Rescue from traumatic emotions immediately opens new opportunities.
Focus - Freedom and liberation are important personal themes; you provide others the comfort and support they need.
Affirmation - With action and providence, I surrender fear and guilt.

Disclaimer: please view this material as exploratory, even metaphoric, if you like.

Jane Leu Rekas

Jane Leu Rekas is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Hypnotist, Reiki Master and an astrology blogger at Astrological Counsel.

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