
People from Alnilam and Mintaka are in the hollow earth
"...image depicting the underworld by the ancient egyptians so I thought I should annotate it for everyone (again except with an improved interpretation).
The sumerian sun god Shamesh is symbolic of the dog star.
While the two dots in the hollow earth I believe could be symbolic of Alnilam and Mintaka."

REad about Mintakan Starseeds
Mitaka and the Orion Wars

Disclaimer: please view this material as exploratory, even metaphoric, if you like.

Get your chart here. If you have your Sun or any planet within two degrees of this fixed star it indicates some affinity. Affinity means possibly that you are from that starseed constellation/star or you incarnated through a star gate there. It may also mean that you have had some other influence from that star system or related karma. You can also look up what certain specific conjunction mean or order an interpretation report from several sources. Other placements and interpretations.

Jane Leu Rekas

Jane Leu Rekas is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Hypnotist, Reiki Master and an astrology blogger at Astrological Counsel.

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