Greys and Zeta Soul Starseeds

See also: Grey-Human Hybrids and Essasani

 There are many kinds of Greys, but these are three main categories.

  1. The Zeta Reticulan short grays, about 4.5 feet tall
  2. The Tall Grays from Orion, from 6 to 9 feet tall
  3. The Short Grays from Bellatrix in Orion, about 3.5 feet tall 

sketch by Jane

"Prior to their existence in Zeta Reticuli they were of human-Vegan lineage inhabiting a planet named Apex in the Lyra constellation (according to Zeta information). In the Voyagers book writings the planet was apparently called Apaxien Lau."  source

 "Gray TYPE #1– This is the type most commonly referred to as the greys. Also known as Zeta Reticuli from the Zeta Reticulan star system (the Bernard star) neighboring the Orion area. They function in a mode that is apparently military in nature with a rigidly defined social structure that holds science and “conquering worlds” to be the prime movers. They are normally about 4.5 ft tall with large heads and black “wrap around” eyes. They have limited facial features, slit mouth and no nose to speak of. They have evolved beyond the need for reproductive systems or digestive systems and reproduce by cloning. Their genetics is partly based on insectoidal genetics.

"The Zeta Reticulans appear to be divided into two different groups. There is one group that appears to be a little more tolerant towards human beings. The other group is interested in colonization and conquest of planet Earth. The Grays have one base near the Aleutian Islands. The Grays seem to have influence over the Reticulans and the Beeletrax species of Grays."
Barnarians are considered helpful

"This is the type most commonly referred to as the greys. Also known as Zeta Reticuli from the Zeta Reticulan star system (the Bernard star) neighboring the Orion area. They function in a mode that is apparently military in nature with a rigidly defined social structure that holds science and "conquering worlds" to be the prime movers."

"Short Grays

1) The large Grays use smaller cloned, big-headed Grays to perform abduction and examination work. It is these Grays that abductees see most of the time. They are referred to as the Belletrax species from Betelgueses in the Orion Constellation.

2) The Gray species in general is more on the order of an electronically based space society with a common social memory complex that allows them to collectively function as areas of group-mind. Groups of Grays are controlled from one central source being, usually one of the large Grays, a Blond humanoid, or other dominant species.

3) The approximate height of the big-headed Gray is 3.5 to 4.5 feet tall, and have an average weight of about 40 pounds. Proportions of the head to the body are similar to a human five-month fetus. This seems to reflect a very ancient nature as a species as well as the fact that their DNA patterns lie within a specific band that is on a more primitive scale.

4) The species skin tone variation seems to be widespread, with skin colors ranging from bluish gray to beige, tan, brown, or white. There are factors that affect skin color, and one of them is the state of general health of the entity. Skin color is known to change after they have consumed nourishment.

5) There are no reproductive organs or reproductive capability with the cloned species. The brain capacity is estimated to be between 2500 and 3500 cc, compared to 1300 cc of humans. Due to the cloning process, the neural matter is artificially grown brain matter. The Grays have technology that enables them to insert memory patterns and consciousness into clones in any manner or pattern that they wish.

6) They have two separate brains with many more lobes than human brains, and contain a crystalline network for telepathic communication and group control. The cloned species function in essentially a hive mind. Their movement is deliberate, slow, and precise.

7) The Grays consume nourishment through a process of absorption through their skin. The process, according to abductees who have witnessed it, involves spreading a biological slurry mixture that has been mixed with hydrogen peroxide (which oxygenates the slurry and eliminates bacteria) onto their skin. Waist products are then excreted back through the skin. Many abductees have noticed that the Grays have a distinct series of odors, many of them appear to be similar to a mentholated cinnamon smell.

8) The Gray clones have one major organ that has the combined function of a heart and lung. The rest of their body consists of a homogeneous spongy tissue infused with circulatory systems, glands, and other amorphous structures. Each of the Gray clones has an individuality, but it is much less pronounced than in the human, where tendencies toward expanded awareness and shared consciousness are minimized through cultural conditioning, programming, and basic cranial differences in structure.

9) The clones are subservient to the taller Grays. The smaller Grays possess an electronically monitored and controlled social memory complex that allows them to function effectively in a group-mind mode. They do not have distinct individuality, as the larger Grays have. When one of the Grays dies, it's implant serves as a focusing device for retrieval of the body. When Grays die, their bodies are "beamed" away."

sketch by Jane

Gray TYPE #2– Tall Greys from Orion. Usually about 7 to 8 ft. tall (reports often exaggerate their height as being 9 to 12 ft.) with facial feature somewhat similar to grey type A with the exception of the large nose found on type B greys. These greys also have technologies that allow them to perform certain actions that appear “miraculous.” These greys are less viscous Toward humans than type A greys (but are still considered “hostile”.) They tend to influence more through political controls and negotiated agreements with those in power. Their main bases seem to be in the Aleutian Islands."

"Tall , big-nosed, Greys from Orion. Usually about 7 to 8 ft.. tall with facial feature somewhat similar to [other grey types] with the exception of the large nose. These greys also have technologies that allow them to perform certain actions that appear "miraculous." These greys are less viscous towards humans than [other] greys (but are still considered "hostile".) They tend to influence more through political controls and negotiated agreements with those in power. They give the impression they are benevolent towards humans but are heavily involved in genetic engineering. Their main bases seem to be in the Aleutian Islands. These are the type seen not long ago in Eastern Russia."

"Standing 7 to 8 feet tall, hairless, and pale, the Gray Masters are the ambassadors of most meetings between human and alien forces. They represent both human and gray biological material combined, and therefore play a lead role in assisting the Short Grays with interacting with humanity. This species is involved in many genetic experiments, and there has now been a hybrid human-Gray race created, containing mind control and diplomatic agreements with the ‘shadow government,’ to which they represent. Sources claim they originate from a star system in the Orion constellation. The Tall Grays supervise all abductions and human experiments but are seldom present during these events. They prefer to employ the services of their minions, the Short Grays. As it would seem, they are keen on developing a stable human-gray hybrid race, one worthy of inheriting Earth. An advanced, self-centered race, they place little value on human life. They consider us their property." source

 "The Grays from Rigel were the ones that made the secret deal with the US Government. They are impregnating human females on a massive scale, and later extracting the fetuses. Most of their biological materials comes from the cattle mutilation. However it s a known fact that at times they have done human mutilations. These materials have been found on their crashed UFO crafts. There are some books on the market saying that they are our friends, and that we agreed to these abductions. We are here to tell you not to believe it for a second. These beings are very disturbed beings and are here to take over this planet for their own selfish purposes. They look at us in a similar way that the unconscious mass of our society looks at animals."

"Tall Grays

1) Some of the various 22 sub-species of Grays originally started out as tall blond-haired humanoids in the Rigel system, but were subject to heavy radiation due to a nuclear exchange over a long period of time, changing their DNA to the point where some of the species became stunted misshapen dwarves. Glandular structures were also affected, including reproductive and digestive organs. The nuclear exchange occurred approximately 300,000 years ago. This type of Gray species has been referred to as the "Orion Crusaders" or the "Markabians".

2) There are two main types of the tall Gray species who call themselves the EBAN. Type 1 of the Orion Grays are about seven to eight feet tall and have what you would call an insect-base to their genetic makeup. They have a pronounced nose and slanted black eyes. They have no external genitalia and are extremely aggressive toward humans. Type 2 of the tall Grays, are between six and seven feet tall and have external genitalia. This type appears to be a taller form of the short Gray species with similar large heads and large black eyes.

3) The Grays operate very efficiently in the dark. Their eyes are more sensitive to ultraviolet light. They have the ability to control their heart rate. The normal heart rate for a Gray is above that of a human. The skin seems to have a metallic content and an unusual, cobalt pigmentation.

4) The brain has been described as having many more lobes than the human brain. There have been previous references to crystalline networks that have been found in the brains of some of the alien autopsies. It is believed that the network has a functional relationship to telepathic communication and acts as a functional node for group control of the cloned species, which function in what is essentially a hive mind.

5) They have problems with their glands, particularly with their sebaceous glands, which make it difficult for them to digest food. They derive nourishment from the glandular secretions and enzymes that they extract from animals that they mutilate. They absorb these extracts through the pores in their skin.

6) The Gray species is not based on individualization or being an individual entity. For entities maintaining a group mind set (social memory complex), individualization seems to cause a great deal of random energy loss. They were initially fascinated with both human individuality and the human emotional spectrum, which they can perceive but apparently do not comprehend what it means (to humans).

7) This species objectives appear to be founded on a rigid domination survival-based social order, where their "religion" is science, their social structure is geared to obedience, and their military concepts are grouped around conquest, colonization, and domination through covert mind control programs. It has become apparent that there are definite hierarchies within their social structures that provide for each entity having specific duties to perform.

8) These beings have technological superiority, but they appear to be lacking in spiritual and social sciences. This is evident in their obvious lack of warmth, emotionality, and respect relative to humans. They can sometimes obtain momentary pleasure in terms of mood elevation by tuning in on human wavelengths via telepathically connected radionic devices. They react to intense human emotion such as ecstasy or agony. They blanket couples for sexual thrills and are drawn to aberrants and sexual deviates. The Markabs use sex, pain, drugs and fear as obsessive elements with which to aberrate humans.

9) There appears to be much subtle conditioning that has helped prepare Earth people for certain aliens. However, it is now clear the aliens that have made technology available to the secret government are not benevolent but are our enemies, as they do the abductions, lie, deceive, are generally malevolent and are apparently implementing a very carefully planned covert invasion which includes the brutal and inhumane use of humans and animals for advanced genetic experimentation and crossbreeding.

10) It is a strategy whereby the malevolent aliens are building an 'Faustian' alliance with the secret government to enable them to effectively claim the Earth for their own, with humanity's unwitting consent, before any other aliens are able to effect appropriate contact within the constraints of so called 'Universal Laws' to which other alien races supposedly adhere.

11) The malevolent aliens have claimed their total authorship of the religions as a means to inculcate humanity's dependence and prospective allegiance to them and reverence of them. Their apparent behavior indicates an attempt to leverage that claimed authorship to their own benefit by placing themselves in the position of being 'Gods' or 'God's divine messengers'."

Gray TYPE #3– Short Greys from Bellatrix. These are the shortest of the greys and tend to be about 3.5 ft. tall. Their facial features are very similar to the Zeta Reticuli greys and are of the same “root race.”. They are just as hostile to humans as the Zetas. They are from a star system near the shoulder of Orion called Bellatrix."  They are apparently "kinder."  / Some say they are even shorter, 1-1.5 feet tall.

Zeta Reticulan Grays

Michelle Walling, Certified Holistic Life Coach

"Place of Origin: These beings are a product of this universe. They originally developed in the Zeta Reticuli binary star system, which is about 39 light years from Earth.

Dimensional Perspectives: Exist in 4D and some are evolving into 5D

Appearance: These look like the gray alien image so commonly known today. There are many forms, but they generally all have large heads, big black eyes, spindly bodies, and grayish skin with many color variations. They range in size from 3-6’ in height and can have 3-5 long fingers and some are webbed. They are less physically dense than we are, yet retain use of a body form and can change their physical vessels for different purposes.

Evolution: Zetas are ahead of us by a few million years or so. They started in the Zeta Reticuli system, but have become space travelers and many spend their entire existence in space. The variety of Zeta appearances is because of their extensive travel and settlement in different environment and their adaptation to space and time travel. However, since they became aware long ago that their consciousness is not their physical container, they consciously can move into different bodies. They tend to stick with a form that suits their jobs or roles at any given time. They are highly technologically and scientifically advanced. Various gray species have different histories, and some are known to have over emphasized their focus on technology to the detriment of other qualities. But, most have now evolved to be able to integrate with their technology in a symbiotic relationship and have learned to balance their spirituality with their technological dependency. They understand that their tools also have consciousness and they work with that consciousness. These beings have been involved with the evolution of many 3D species, including humans, because of their advances in genetic engineering and their ability to still work within a 3D environment.

Qualities: Telepathic, telekinetic, high mental function. They appear emotionless, but are experts at reading frequency and do not need physical expression to relay feeling. They are scientific problem solvers, see through time and space and are energy transformers.

Abilities: Zetas can integrate with the consciousness of anything, and they create this way. Their ships and equipment respond to their telepathic communication and are considered live beings. They are time travelers and can shift from 3D to 4D and can move others through these dimensions as well, by shifting their frequency. They operate from heightened emotional states, and thus are not influenced by denser emotions. They can manipulate energy fields, which allows them to heal and create mental projections and alter sensations.

Specialties: Zetas are called upon for upgrading species from 3D to 4D. They do this with genetic methods to which there is an energetic component, and through teaching spiritual principles to help species learn to use their psychic acumen. They are evolutionary helpers and also guardians that watch over species progression. Zetas also assist with modulating star seed energies to integrate with 3D physical bodies for incarnation.

Basic Needs: Connection and understanding. Zetas live for their sense of interconnectedness. If they lose this they feel lost. They also need the understanding that comes with connecting to one another and all beings and hence form collectives that work together to solve problems.

Focus: Advancement and species evolution. Zetas are excited and motivated by evolution and the integration of species and how the soul can evolve by means of experiencing different forms.

Involvement with Earth: The Zetas have been involved with Earth periodically since the first life forms were established here, and with humanity since their earliest evolutionary leaps. They have always been here as guardians and aids in our development and in assisting with DNA upgrades. They have been asked by galactic councils to create an Earth human/Zeta hybrid in order to help humans leap to a new level of consciousness and further the ongoing universal human expression.

The Zetas have obtained a reputation for their much misunderstood abductions and human experiments. It has been surmised by many that they do these abductions to obtain DNA from human beings in order prolong their own species, but nothing could be farther from the truth. They already have the skill to clone their bodies, which are well adapted for space travel, and shift their souls into new bodies. They are far from a dying species. They do not feel fear the way humans do, and thus they appear cold to this emotion. It is seen by many beings that fear is a detriment to human evolution and galactic relations. Hence, this is one of the attributes the Zetas are attempted to diminish in the new hybrids. It is true that these hybrids will not exist on Earth alone, and that Zeta beings will in some cases transfer their consciousness into these hybrids, as will Earth souls. They are meant to be an evolutionary leap of potential expression for many in the universe to experience. If you think this is playing God, please read the pages on Soul Origin and Purpose.

Guides for Humanity: E2s (4D collective of evolutionary teachers), Meleah (Zeta/Hyman Hybrid from the future)

Star seeds: There are millions of Zeta souls incarnate on Earth. There are also Zeta Hybrids that are humans being born with advanced Zeta DNA. They look just like any human being, though sometimes they have striking features like larger heads and eyes. The updated advanced hybrids are born in the 80’s with more Zeta DNA. Later hybrids have even more refined Zeta qualities that can be activated. Many of the Indigo and Crystal children are activating Zeta DNA. Not all the hybrids have a Zeta soul and not all Zeta star seeds are hybrids. Each are playing their roles in spurring the human evolutionary shift. Often the Zeta souls are acting as activators of other’s abilities in some way or another. They are often teachers, guides and can be healers as well. They are usually considered “out there” thinkers as they see beyond physical limits. This can make them seem lazy at times, because they do not get why they can’t just move things with their minds. Communication can be difficult also, because they don’t always compute physical gestures and the limits of verbal language. These starseeds are usually advanced in some way. They think and create using their imagination and by tapping into astral knowledge and surrounding energy fields. These hybrid’s and Zeta souls are teaching and becoming the future potential of humanity of Earth. Incidentally, some of these hybrids visit or communicate with Earth from what you consider the future. These hybrids are an evolutionary success story in the future of this galaxy."


Michelle Walling:

"The ‘Grays’ as a species is apparently pretty common in the Universe. LPG-C call them ‘saurians’, and author George LoBuono mentions them in his book, ‘Alien Mind’, as a very common template in the Universe. LoBuono himself, however, was basically in contact with a hostile group he calls the ‘Verdants’, originating from a star system in a galaxy 14 million light-years away, but since then have spread out quite remarkably over this part of the Universe, being on a mission of conquest and expansion. Many other researchers and contactees are describing the Grays as well. We know of a Gray group, which I discussed quite extensively in ‘Level I’, originating from Lyra, on a planet called Apex. This group was basically a friendly, benevolent race who minded their own business until the Verdants came and invaded them. The Apexian Grays were then, just like we humans on Earth, heavily genetically reengineered and manipulated, until they became more of an android race.

The story of the Apexian Grays can be read in detail in my ‘Genesis Paper #1: Human Origins and the Living Library but to make a long story short, due to a nuclear war, the planet Apex was not only thrown out of orbit, but also disappeared into a black hole and reappeared in a totally different star system, which we call Zeta Reticuli, many light-years away from Vega. I got this pretty much confirmed by LPG-C as well.

Somewhere along the line, these Grays were being invaded again, this time by the Sirians, and once again genetically manipulated. Eventually, they became foot soldiers and servants to the Sirians. These Grays are not necessarily into conquering the Universe, but are more like slaves to the Wolfen/Reptilian race.

To make things even more complicated, it seems like human genetic engineers have picked up on how resilient the bodies of the original Grays are, and have used their genetics to create a human/Gray hybrid, whom people have seen here on Earth, particularly around military bases. It’s quite evident that the Sirians have a hand in helping humans create this hybrid race, because they are often seen together with Sirians. Anonymous whistle-blowers have said that the Grays who are created here on Earth are meant to be used mainly as astronauts for the Shadow Government, due to that their body template is the only one so far that they have found resilient or resistant enough to endure radiation and other obstacles in space that human bodies have been had a hard time with while space traveling, making it impossible for human bodies to stay in space for more than a short time.

So the Gray situation is quite complex, and it’s not obvious who is who. For us humans it is not of that much importance, however, because the ones seen in our solar system are not benevolent, and work either for our government, with the Sirian Overlords, or both. We know that not all Grays are recently engineered human/Gray hybrids, because the Grays were mentioned already in the Sumerian scriptures as the Mìmínu, and have been seen on Earth by different cultures over the centuries. They are said to have lived underground, and the American Indians call them the ‘Ant People‘."

"Zeta Reticulans  see also

1) The Zeta Reticuli Grays have an insect-based genetic system and are about 3.5 to 4.5 feet in height. They have no external genitalia. They are less aggressive toward humans than the other Gray species. These beings are from Zeta Reticuli in the Reticulum Constellation. These humanoids have very distinctive facial features with a turned-up nose and long slender neck.

2) The Reticulans appear to be a highly aware grouping of entities that function as a social memory complex. Individuality appears to exist, but is overshadowed by the group mind. The Reticulans are millions of years old as a species and have a weakened DNA structure as the result of conflicts that involved nuclear radiation. The Reticulans have relied on artificial reproduction or cloning and face extinction from incurable diseases. They are creating hybrid human-Reticulans capable of mating with humans.

3) The Reticulans are largely involved in scientific exobiological surveys as well as systemic geological observation and field studies. Their civilization appears to be totally dedicated to interstellar research and life analysis. The Network has been on Earth for the past 50 years.

4) The basic objectives of the Reticulans is to use nullification and domination to control the leaders of various targeted civilizations. They accomplish this by taking out the leaders and replacing them with entities they can control.

5) Military operations of the Reticulan species consist of colonization of unprotected civilizations for the purpose of setting up logistical supply depots, slave sources, acquisition of potential allies, and biological materials.

6) The process of conquering a planet involves location of beings that vibrate in resonance with their vibrational frequency. These located beings are then told that they are the Elite or Chosen Ones who will conquer or lead the human race and rule the world for their Gray masters.

7) Often the located beings are physically taken aboard a craft and given physical examinations, provided with implants, given accelerated data through inculcation methods that will help them serve the Grays. The function of the Elite is to decimate portions of its own race in an effort to reduce populations to manageable limits so the remainder can be easily controlled."

Zeta Souls

Zeta Starseeds

"Star seeds: There are millions of Zeta souls incarnate on Earth. There are also Zeta Hybrids that are humans being born with advanced Zeta DNA. They look just like any human being, though sometimes they have striking features like larger heads and eyes. The updated advanced hybrids are born in the 80’s with more Zeta DNA. Later hybrids have even more refined Zeta qualities that can be activated. Many of the Indigo and Crystal children are activating Zeta DNA. Not all the hybrids have a Zeta soul and not all Zeta star seeds are hybrids. Each are playing their roles in spurring the human evolutionary shift. Often the Zeta souls are acting as activators of other’s abilities in some way or another. They are often teachers, guides and can be healers as well. They are usually considered “out there” thinkers as they see beyond physical limits. This can make them seem lazy at times, because they do not get why they can’t just move things with their minds. Communication can be difficult also, because they don’t always compute physical gestures and the limits of verbal language. These starseeds are usually advanced in some way. They think and create using their imagination and by tapping into astral knowledge and surrounding energy fields. These hybrid’s and Zeta souls are teaching and becoming the future potential of humanity of Earth. Incidentally, some of these hybrids visit or communicate with Earth from what you consider the future. These hybrids are an evolutionary success story in the future of this galaxy." source

Grey, Orion
Abduction and Domination
work for Reptilians
short and tall

"Aliens, especially the greys, are thought to have influenced primitive mankind to build civilizations such as the pyramids. It is rumored that they once arrived on the planet Earth billions of years ago and as they taught primitive humans how to build, they were worshiped by the humans as gods, some believe. Having seen ancient cave paintings that depict individuals with unnaturally large heads and slender bodies made by primitive man supports the theory that aliens have been on Earth before."

"Inhabitants of the 'Bernard's Star' system. Although not much has been written about them, it seems that human beings at least in part control this star system, along with "The Orange". Whether the Saurians have any influence or not is uncertain, however some sources indicate a possible collaboration similar to that within our own SOL system. The inhabitants of the systems near Bernard's Star, known (therefore) as Bernarians, among the Humans, are in fact humans, themselves. They come from the previous cycle of Human civilization, when Bernard's Star was co-colonized with the aid of some other races, mostly technological. Having moved away from the Earth and it's sun, with that 24,000 year cycle (due to its orbit around a dark companion star), they freed themselves from the trap of rising and falling awareness / consciousness / civilization. This puts them in considerable advance of the parent race they left behind (Earth) so long ago."

"Grey Aliens are cloned alien beings created by Reptilian Alien as a slave race. Since their revolt against the oppressive regime of the Reptilian Aliens the Grey Aliens have wondered into the far reached of the milky-way Galaxy and the Universe. Grey Alien are responsible for many close encounters experienced by modern day people and have become a pop-culture phenomenon since the reports of Roswell, New Mexico and Area 51 that is said to house dead remains of Grey Aliens. Today, it known that Grey Aliens have made secret agreements with Earthly governments. These agreements allow the Grey Aliens to experiment with human test subjects to find a solution to their most dire problem, the extinction of the Grey Alien race."

 "If ever you sense them around, just pray, affirm, and visualize protection for yourself. Your connection with God and the Masters will bring you immediate protection. The only true hope for this planet is a mass spiritual awakening which, in truth, is beginning to occur. This spiritual awakening must also lead us into political action to remove the Secret Government and Illuminati from power. It is these beings that are controlled and manipulated, implanted, and hypnotized by the negative extraterrestrials."

"Several races of these beings are consistently described by credible abductees, depicted artist David Chace. Perhaps the best known are the iconic gray-skinned, black-eyed "grey" aliens, but also known are (from top left) Reptilians, Pleadians (or Lyrans), Anunnaki, (and from bottom left) Blue Men, Small Greys, Tall Greys, Grey-Human Hybrids, and Grey-Reptilian Hybrids. "
"Greys: These are probably one of the best described and best known ebe’s there is. The extraterrestrial races in this group include the ubiquitous Grays from the star system Zeta Reticulum and the Orion Constellation who are described in most of the abduction research and who figure prominently in reports of UFO crashes. Robert Dean included the Grays as one extraterrestrial described in NATO’s Assessement. Col Phillip Corso who served in the Eisenhower administration and later headed the Foreign Technology Desk at the U.S. Army’s Research and Development Department, claims to have witnessed the body of a dead ‘Gray’ retrieved from Roswell in 1947. What he saw fit the classic description of a four foot tall extraterrestrial with a large head, large black almond shaped eyes, thin torso and spindly arms and legs. Prominent UFO ‘abduction’ researchers such as Dr David Jacobs, Budd Hopkins and the late Dr Karla Turner have provided detailed case studies of the abusive aspects of UFO ‘abductions.’ These researchers found disturbing evidence of abusive treatment of individuals taken into UFO craft, of women being involuntarily subjected to a genetic program aimed at producing human-extraterrestrial hybrids, and of adult hybrids performing humiliating sexual activities on female abductees. Many researchers agree that the Grays are deeply involved in developing a hybrid human-Gray race that would be a suitable vehicle for the next step in human evolution. Researchers such as Jacobs believe this is a cause for alarm and poses a direct threat to human sovereignty. According to Col Corso, the Grays were involved in agreements with the Eisenhower administration that military officials saw as a form of ‘negotiated surrender,’ where the Grays gained permission for abducting civilians and ‘expanding’ their biological program. Clifford Stone distinguishes between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ extraterrestrials, and refers to the Grays as part of the ‘bad guys’ committing egregious abductions and that the U.S. government is unsure how to disclose this to the general public: “The good guys [ETs] are, well, I like to refer to them as being nomadic. What you’re talking about, about the non-intervention with other intelligent life forms is a universal law. The nomadics go along with that. The greys violated the universal law…. I think there is the effort for the good guys to make contact with the people within our government, but I think now what is happening is that the U.S. government learned in 1983 or thereabout that they are NOT dealing with the good guys, but really don’t know what to do about it. The Grays are very active in human abductions, genetic experiments, monitoring humans through implants, mind control/programming, cloning and creation of hybrid humans. These contribute to systemic global problems such as humans traumatized by abduction experiences, genetically modified humans, implants for monitoring humans, and an overly passive population due to hypnotic mind control/programming. It is said that the Greys do not posses pure genetics and that most of them were created as slaves for a master race. Meanwhile some say that some races of greys are not greys, but Lyrans who started out as tall blonde humans who got exposed to heavy radiation that mutated their DNA over time to the point that they ended up as hairless misshapen dwarves, and that they lost their digestive tracks and ingest nourishment through their skin. None of these seem clearly confirmed. But there are several types of Greys, in different colors shapes and sizes. As I understand, their elder race are Insectoids, often called Mantis leaders for their look resembles a gigantic praying mantis. But the different races of Greys posses different genetic mixtures: human/reptilian/insectilian. The name Greys was invented by humans, not them, they have variety of names depending on the groups or star system. In general, they are insectilian hybrids.

Orion Greys: The second prominent race in this group of extraterrestrials are the ‘tall Grays’ described by Robert Dean as “a very large group, I say large, they were 6-8 maybe sometimes 9 feet tall and they were humanoid, but they were very pale, very white, didn’t have any hair on their bodies at all.” Tall Grays are described to originate from the Orion constellation, and according to Dr Arthur Horn play an overseeing role vis-à-vis short Grays: “The short greys are overseen within their own ranks by the taller seven to eight foot tall greys. These greys are the ones that actually carry out “diplomatic” missions, such as secretly negotiating treaties with heads of human governments. As mentioned the greys in general, and the small three to five foot greys in particular, have been likened to mercenaries.” Support for the diplomatic role played by the ‘tall Grays’ comes from William Cooper, former Navy Intelligence Advisor, who claims he saw classified documents where the ‘tall Grays’ did negotiate agreements with the Eisenhower administration in meetings beginning in 1954. Later in 1954 the race of large nosed Gray Aliens which had been orbiting the Earth landed at Holloman Air Force Base. A basic agreement was reached. This race identified themselves as originating from a Planet around a red star in the Constellation of Orion which we called Betelgeuse. They stated that their planet was dying and that at some unknown future time they would no longer be able to survive there. The meeting at Holloman Air force base in New Mexico has reportedly been the site of subsequent extraterrestrial meetings with tall Grays. In 1972-73, for example, the producers Robert Emenegger and Allan Sandler, had allegedly been offered and witnessed actual Air force film footage of a meeting involving tall Grays that occurred at Holloman Air force base in 1971. When it comes to the abduction phenomenon, Dr David Jacobs concludes from an exhaustive analysis of sixty case studies in Secret Life that the tall Grays play an overseeing role in these. The tall grays were found to be present in many abductions that Jacobs examined through hypnotic regression of abductees, and were in command of the short grays who performed most of the abductions. Recently a former U.S. Air Force serviceman published his memoirs where he disclosed extensive interactions with a variety of ‘tall Grays’ which he called ‘tall Whites’ due to their very white chalky skin and white hair. Hall was stationed at Nellis Airforce base from 1965-67 where his duty was to use weather balloons for the Air Force from the Indian Springs location on the base. He describes his interactions with ‘Tall Whites’ beginning in 1965 and how he and other servicemen coped with their disturbing presence. Hall described a catalogue of incidents where the ‘tall Whites’ terrorized other military servicemen who didn’t understand them, surprised them or threatened them in some way. Hall for example describes one ‘tall White’ who wanted to kill a military servicemen who accidentally hit her child with a stone and broke her arm. The incident led to the ‘tall White’ threatening the servicemen with death if he didn’t leave immediately and promise to never return. Other servicemen had similar negative encounters with the ‘tall Whites’ where their lives were threatened if they frightened ‘tall White’ children or didn’t follow orders to the letter. Significantly, these dire consequences were given approval by the Pentagon which monitored the tall Whites interactions with Hall and other military servicemen. Only Hall was spared this kind of intimidating treatment since he had the intelligence and courage to interact with the ‘tall Whites’ in a friendly way. Furthermore, he had apparently saved the life of a ‘tall White’ child and this led to him being befriended by the ‘tall Whites’ and incorporated him into a project to study human-tall White interaction. This is where the Tall Whites display more positive qualities such as friendship and superior technical knowledge in their interactions with Hall. Significantly, the ‘Tall Whites’ began to be seen in the Mojave desert area in 1954 indicating that they were associated with the agreement(s) reached between the ‘tall Grays’ and the Eisenhower administration in 1954. Hall further describes regularly seeing them in the presence of Airforce generals and other senior officials who recognized the ambassadorial status of the Tall White leader. The ‘tall Grays/Whites’ intimidate humans in a variety of reported interactions, and behave in an almost clinical manner reminiscent of a medical doctor conducting an experiment. The tall Grays/Whites are most involved in genetic experiments, creating a hybrid human-Gray race, mind control and diplomatic agreements with the ‘shadow government.’ Global problems that are influenced by the tall Grays/Whites include genetically modified humans, implants for monitoring humans, an overly passive population due to hypnotic mind control, influence over elite decision makers, the infiltration of national security agencies, and human rights abuses of civilians and military personnel. As in all situations, the actions of individual members of a species cannot be taken to reflect the intent of all members of that species. Zeta Reticuli Greys: These beings have been best known around the abduction phenomena, the first person describing the beings and where they were from came from the Barney and Betty hill abduction stories in the 40’s. Height is 3-4 ft, body is skinny with long spindly limbs, skin is thick and leather like, with a rough surface, completely hairless, and large black eyes, they almost always use dark eye lenses due to sensitivity to light, they are also used to see infrared light, etc. They appear emotionless, and are partly robotic, biological robots. Their don’t have digestive tracks, or that they’re not working, they get their nourishment from fluids, absorbed through the skin. They do not have genitals and reproduce by cloning. Supposedly they have destroyed their genetics, largely because they have cloned so much to a point where it’s started to effect the enzymes in their DNA chain causing them to weaken with each successive cloning. They made a deal with the US government in exchange for technology they were allowed to abduct people and take genetic samples in attempt to breed it into their DNA in order to save their race from dying. They operate mostly in the dark underground facilities, their best known bases are in New Mexico.

Brown/Orange Greys: These 5-6 ft tall with an orange skin tone, and are believed to genetically closer to the reptilian genetics akin and have been spotted in isolated parts of the world, not much else is known about these types or where they’re from but they’re believed to be connected with the grey and reptilian groups in our solar system.

Bellatrix Greys: These small aliens have been the subject of tales of fairies, gnomes, elves, pixies, and other “little people.” They come from the same genetic roots as the Zeta Reticuli, but little more is known about their race. They possess the technological ability to alter the fabric of space, giving them the ability to pass through solid matter and alter the relative size of objects. They are usually between 6 and 18 inches in height."

" They've been described as short and stocky as in Whitley Strieber's book, 'Communion'. They are uniformed have wide faces and a darker blue color with almost comic movements, appearing to float or glide along. In Whitley's experience, they were behaving like medical doctors and examined him. Others have described as looking like a typical Grey except for the coloration and even humanoid varying from dark to brilliant blue. The was a 7 year-olds rendition. The (so-called) Greens are cousins of the Zeta Reticulans and the Greys. Possibly an off-shoot or the descendants of an old Zeta Reticulan colony, though none of the three will comment on this directly. Less agressive than the Greys, they are more agressive than the Zetas. At the same time, though prone to doing "rude" things, they are yet more sympathetic to individuals and their pains and trials and have a high regard for those who seek wisdom, regardless of race, planet or current level of understanding. Intheir own way this makes them less predictable than either the Greys or the Zetans. There appear to be many sub-groups or operating missions, including not a few individuals operating here entirely for their own reasons. Browns are rarer, like the rare blues and there are several grey-brown species. Browns have been describes as 3 -7 feet tall, in various shades of brown to a tan color. Skin has been described in some cases a leathery, wrinkled appearance and eye size varies from a large almond shape to small and reptile like."

Jane Leu Rekas

Jane Leu Rekas is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Hypnotist, Reiki Master and an astrology blogger at Astrological Counsel.

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