Royal Stars: Antares (Antareans, Antarians)

Archangel Uriel

ROYAL STARS: "In Astrology, the Royal Stars of Persia were regarded as the guardians of the sky in approximately 3000 BCE during the time of the Ancient Persians in the area of modern day Iran.The Persians believed that the sky was divided into four districts with each district being guarded by one of the four Royal Stars." wikipedia
"Four stars in particular have always been prominent in astrology. These are the four Royal stars also known as the four Archangels, namely Alderbaran(heart of the Bull), Regulus(heart of the Lion), Antares(heart of the Scorpion), and Fomalhaut(heart of the Man). All four were in the fixed signs(tropical Zodiac) untill some 700 years ago when they started going into the mutable signs."

Seal of Antares
"Often people also talk about The Doorway of Antares. Antares is an important gateway to other galaxies and universes. It "is the interdimensional bridge to Andromeda from our galaxy. Some souls, upon physical incarnation, choose to pass through the Antares gateway to reactivate soul memory." (Lyssa Royal & Keith Priest, The Prism of Lyra)

Here on Earth, a lot of people that are referred to as Starseeds, actually have come through Antares (or Arcturus). They are highly sensitive, highly intellectual, usually highly empathic, withdrawn and reserved."


"Antares is at 9 degrees of Sagittarius and Uriel is the Archangel who matches up to him. Antares is a fixed star denoting conflict and a rash nature, in keeping with its placement in fiery Sagittarius, whose symbol is the Centaur, a half-human, half-horse. Where Antares shows up in your chart, it is a place for you to be aware that you might have trouble dealing with your emotions, which may be easily triggered."


"A humanoid species associated with underground bases on earth under Antarctica and associated with fair haired pale almost bluish skinned races. I believe there are at least two other blue skinned races. In some explanations, it's said that these creatures also have reptilian qualities, they have slits instead of regular pupils and eye colors ranging from pale yellow to bright green more in tune with a cat or snakes eyes. In other explanations it is said they may be a pure Aryan race and have the swastika on their ships."

The Antares may come from Sirius and are helpful.

Assist and Protect

"The Shining One" bright aura

"The Antarians are 5-7th Dimensional star beings with several Earth-like planets in their star system, some of which are also in the process of Ascension. Their star of origin Antares which is 87,200 times larger than the Earth and closer to the Great Grand Central Sun. Antarians a LARGE beings. They are master Warriors of the Light, their energy is powerful and intense and at times trickier to bring down into Earth because fewer Earthlings are linking with Antarians and there are fewer Antarians working directly with Earth. While the Arcturians have assisting the Earth in their group mission the Antarians don’t. The Antarians do benefit from relaying and receiving information from Earth as they are in process of transmuting many energies on some planets which are under their care. 

 Antarians are gateway keepers of the Higher Realms, they deal with souls shifting into Higher Consciousness. If one could imagine a conveyer belt of processing souls one could see that the Arcturians process a soul and when the soul has evolved farther in consciousness then it passes through the Antarian portal for greater access to higher frequencies within this Universe. Antares holds the meeting place, or one of the meeting places for the Galactic Council; the council heads of all major collaborative star races within this galaxy which are united in peace and brotherly-sisterly love in a co-creative process of the Ascension of this, the Milky Way Galaxy." source

"Often people also talk about The Doorway of Antares. Antares is an important gateway to other galaxies and universes. It is the interdimensional bridge to Andromeda from our galaxy. Some souls, upon physical incarnation, choose to pass through the Antares gateway to reactivate soul memory. Here on Earth, a lot of people that are referred to as Starseeds, actually have come through Antares (or Arcturus). They are highly sensitive, highly intellectual, usually highly empathic, withdrawn and reserved."

Disclaimer: please view this material as exploratory, even metaphoric, if you like.

Jane Leu Rekas

Jane Leu Rekas is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Hypnotist, Reiki Master and an astrology blogger at Astrological Counsel.

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