Sirius Starseeds: Canis Major

Constellation: Canis Major

Alpha Star: Sirius
See also Ashtar or Astarte Collective

If you have a planet conjunct one of these stars in Canis Major, then you my have some affinity with Sirians. Get your chart here. If you have your Sun or any planet within two degrees of this fixed star it indicates some affinity. Affinity means possibly that you are from that starseed constellation/star or you incarnated through a star gate there. It may also mean that you have had some other influence from that star system or related karma. You can also look up what certain specific conjunction mean or order an interpretation report from several sources. Other placements and interpretations.

Constellation of Canis Major
7 Cancer Mirzam,Furud (Canis Major) (Nebula Stone)
11 Cancer Yeji (Canis Major) (Calcopyrite)
13 Cancer 48 Dziban (Draco)
14 Cancer 05 Sirius (Canis Major) Rainbow Obsidian see below
17 Cancer Asteriod Isis (Canis Major) (Green Fluorite)
18 Cancer Hu Shi ba (Canis Major) (Phlogopite)
19 Cancer 36 Muliphein (Canis Major) (Rose Gold)
20 Cancer 46 Adhara (Canis Major) (Ruby)
21 Thanih al Adzari (Canis Major) (Vanandinite)
23 Cancer 24 Wezen (Canis Major) (Thulite)
25 Cancer 47 Procyon (Canis Minor)
29 Cancer 32 Aludra (Canis Major) (Yellow Gold)

Evolved from: Vega
Evolved to:
Humanoid? Yes and more!
Appearance: diverse
Dimension: higher Sirians exist in the 7th Dimension

Sirius A: "1) 6D – 8D hybrids with a variety of humanoid, canine, and fox-like appearances resulting from tremendous dna manipulation, as well as; 2) Star races who are experts in bodily implant-device-tracking over eons of time, plus; 3) Beings well-versed in hyper-advancedbio-technology and organic holographic realities, and; 4) Sentients who are well-known across the Universe for their senses of humor, and their love of practical jokes."

Sirius B: "1) Nektons of hyper-intelligent water beings — called Chloglians, who look like Cetaceans (dolphins, whales, and orcas) of Earthshan — whom group-think within pods, and; 2) Chloglian-humanoid hybrids, who are bipedal in shades of pale blues and greens, and;3) Higher dimensional Sentients who reside in and upon many planets to raise vibrations, plus; 4) Playful and loving group-consciousness beings, known for their intricate songs, and also; 5) Advanced Beings who can live as numerous souls (called a pod) within one biological entity, such as a whale or orca."

Many types of Beings here. Dolphins, Pointy Eared types etc. Sirians are said to have created the original Hebrew Race in a genetic experiment. Khazarite Jews who form the fulcrum of aggressive Zionists, are a mix of Reptilian and Hebrew DNA. See post


  • They should concentrate, be determined on whatever path they are.
  • They do not get convinced to the new ways easily. But once they are so, no one can stop them.
  • They are ideal people with strong belief systems and can mingle easily with others.
  • They their own nature from others and get disappointed because of this. It is very much essential for them to overcome this.
  • They do not share their personal issues, feelings with others freely. And they opt friends after understanding their in and out carefully. It is very much essential for them to overcome this.
  • They always concentrate on future and hate to recollect the past and also oppose others when they are forced to recollect it.
  • They do not like challenges but in the case of being forced, protect themselves with their belief system.
  • Situations to release past hurt, forgiving self and others will be awaiting for them as karma to be learned.
  • They considered to be in the utopian world by some people.
  • Sometime they appear to be absent mind state because of their inner activities.
  • Even though they appear to be reserved outside, they are very much active inside.
  • They can have intensive communication with the Earth and the Nature. 

8 Sirian Characteristics & Traits

"1. Simple and Spiritual. Sirians are simple in the way they approach life yet they can be deeply spiritual also. They are like the salt of the earth. They go about tasks easily, have an open mind to many things and are not overly complicated. Yet they are also very deep and also intelligent.

2. They Have Their Own Truth. Due to their openness, they may listen to all kinds of truths and never push their own onto others, yet deep down they have their own version and this is what they stick with. If they find something from another that suits them, they can also change quickly to something better if need be.

3. Very focused and determined enough to finish tasks and jobs. They are the ones who get the work actually done. Work is not a game to them and they are good at ploughing through what needs to be completed.

4. Calm and Adjusted. It is not easy to anger a Sirian. They are very calm and also resourceful. They will be the rock when everything falls apart. Look to the Sirian to hold everything together under a lot of pressure.

5. Not Good At Personal Feelings. They do have difficulty expressing what is inside of them, such as emotions or needs, so sit with them to get to the bottom of any problems. They can be easily hurt because of this when others may not live up to what is expected of them. Communication is a big deal because they keep things to themself, so in a friendship you need to bring this out clearly.

6. Repressed Emotions. Since Sirians do not like looking at the past, they can carry around a lot of repressed issues that have not been faced. They may like to focus on the future and what is coming, but they need to learn to deal with old angers so they can be released. They do not like confrontation and will avoid being angry at all costs if they can. However, if pressed against a wall they will fight back.

7. Daydreamers. They tend to drift off in a daydream as sometimes their inner life is more interesting than the outer, or what is actually happening. They do well with hands-on learning rather than sitting still and merely listening, which can bore them silly. When teaching them, give them something interesting to do to snap them awake again.

8. They can be quite silly and fun, but only if they know and trust you, otherwise they may seem quite serious. They are very loyal and staunch friends but you will have to prove yourself to them first. Once you have, they feel free enough to be themselves and have a great sense of humour."

"Sirius: great diversity with many species (including cetaceans), many conflicts and warring; karmically tied to Orion system; issues of cooperation vs. competition, technology, exploration, expansion, conquest, power, secrecy, control, persecution, rejection; past crusaders to “save” humanity, genetic engineers/scientists, now way showers, learning to help without interference, integrating all aspects (dark and light)."

"Those who have Sirius as their planetary origin are very focused, very determined and set on whatever path they are on at a given time. It is very difficult to change the mind of one from Sirius, but once they have become convinced that a new “path” is more appropriate, they become totally focused on the new, and release the old quickly. Sirians have strong beliefs, ideals and personal integrity." Read More


1) Sirius apparently possesses qualities that develop some highly unusual personalities. Known as the Dog Star, in the constellation Canis Major, it is the brightest star in the firmament, and more than twenty times as luminous as our own sun.

2) The Sirians are a hybrid race with traits that are similar to the Blonds and Reptilian species. They are similar in appearance to humans except for the eyes, which have vertical slit pupils, and an elongated nose. They have short blond body hair under the tight fitting body suit uniforms that they wear.

3) The Sirians are actively involved in a war with the Grays from the Orion constellation. They have formed an alliance with the tall Blonds against the Grays. They are working in underground bases on Earth for the purposes of abducting humans and programming them. They are also performing genetic work there with humanoid forms.

4) Sirian Females have long hair, feminine features, and breasts. One female has been seen wearing a blue two-piece uniform with a pendant on her forehead. The males wear tight fitting hoods with round-shaped radio receivers and short antenna over their left ears. The insignia over their left breast is triangular in shape with either three parallel lines across it or a winged serpent inside of it."

"Pleiadians and Sirians have been here on Earth for a long time. The Pleiadians are very ancient, they have traveled many places in the universe, and they are a humanoid type of race. Pleiadians are very sensitive, loving and compassionate. They always carry pleasant and gentle energy. They want everyone to be happy and be at peace.

 Sirians have deep connection with Earth and the energies of nature. Many Sirians have had numerous lives as American Indians and they maintain close ties and memories of these lives. Sirians are very intuitive and visual; they have the ability to see things which others do not."

The Sirian Civilization

"This brings us to Sirius, being a primary star, in some ways a dimensional doorway for a lot of consciousness, is very diverse. So we would like to make it known here that the Sirians of which we speak are the Sirians of your history, the Sirians who were part of your genetic project on Earth. There are so many Sirians on many different levels (mostly existing in the Light realms) that we don't want you to get confused with what we are talking about - those who were part of the genetic creation on Earth of Homo sapiens. This Sirian race we are talking about - we'll call them the Sirian gods - stemmed from Vega. So the primary genetics of Sirius is a Vegan stock - darker skin, but anywhere from very light brown to very dark brown. They have a lot of the Vegan qualities, including the very pro-nounced eyes, the large, slightly angled eyes. The particular Sirian gods who had interacted with your planet, having spent a lot of time with the Lyrans who were also part of the genetic project, had done some interbreeding themselves. So these Sirian gods began through time to take on a lot of qualities of the Lyrans. Some began to have lighter skin, some began to be more diverse in their genetic makeup. It got to the point where the interbreeding between the Lyrans and the Sirians was so mixed that the only way to denote a Sirian would be through their belief structure rather than their physical appearance. Since our focus right now is not the genetic project on Earth, we will be very brief with this. (There are tapes available that can give the fuller story.) The ultimate attempt was to join the royal houses of Sirius and Lyra. Throughout time on your planet, since the prototypes of Adam and Eve were created, this attempt has been made with the belief that a more advanced type of human being could be created. This is still going on; it's not so much now the physical attributes attempting an integration but rather the belief structures themselves.
Because the Sirians gods were of Vegan heritage, it stands to reason that some of them may have had some of the genetics of the nonhuman-type Vegan entity, which would mean that some of the Sirian gods appeared to be nonhuman, whether that seemed insect or reptilian (though they were mammal, like you but with a different appearance). That accounts for some of the stories. Anything more about Sirius before we move on?
Sirius, like Vega, has an extremely bright sun; so bright that if we were to look at it, even at the probable orbits of the planets, it could cause instant blindness, being thousands of times brighter than our sun. I can understand how their sun conditioned the Vegan body, and the Sirian sun may be even harsher. So I'm wondering if some of the aquatic references could not have been due to some elaborate genetic engineering done in the Sirian system just to survive - or is this a distortion of the mythology?
The idea of the cetacean connection on your planet (meaning that cetaceans represent Sirius consciousness) is more a Terran than a Sirian representation. Though there are cetacean creatures in your galactic family, the creation of the cetaceans here was deliberate for Earth. It did not come from somewhere else. Thus the types of cetaceans you have on your planet evolved with some help; you can see that by examining the skeletons of dolphins and whales. They have finger and toe bones in their fins. They have a rudimentary humanoid skeleton that has been adapted for their environment.
What you're saying is that cetaceans don't represent a genetic heritage in the human family through Sirius.
Correct. But they do represent a genetic alternative. It was desired that genetic alternatives would be present for those who wished other experiences. There is a lot more we could talk about regarding this; however, we want to keep it focused in a certain direction. If you want questions on this at another time, please feel free to ask."

Sirius (in Canis Major): "Sirius is a very strong star, indicating you may, by your effort, gain far more than what is expected - the mundane becoming sacred. Demands expression in your life and the huge success it may bring can "burn" you. Associated with the goddess Isis."

"Hailing from the Sirius B star system, the Sirians are as advanced as they are ancient. Throughout history, they have imparted their knowledge to human civilizations of their choosing. They gifted the ancient Egyptians with medical and astronomical information and the great pyramids and temples are said to have been built with their help.

The Mayans also had a special relationship with the Sirians, who shared information with this enigmatic South American civilization. The extraterrestrials originating from Sirius B are believed to have played a part in the disappearance of the Maya. They are accredited with leaving behind amazing artifacts such as the crystal skulls.

Another earthly civilization that benefited from the Sirian presence were the Atlanteans; it is believed that during the cataclysmic event that sunk Atlantis, the Sirians were instrumental in leading the rescue operations. Other civilizations have been influenced by the Sirians, the most notable case being that of the Dogon tribe of West Africa. Although they were more involved during our planet’s past, nowadays the Sirian’s supposedly play a more subtle role through technology exchange programs. They are often mentioned in connection with covert or exotic weapons research as well as time travel experimentation." source

"Description: The binary star system of Sirius is at the core of many calendars, texts and sacred knowledge of many ancient, advanced civilizations such as Lemuria, Atlantis, Ancient Egypt, Sumeria and many indigenous tribes around the globe. The Sirian star system is home to a wide variety of 4th dimensional sentient life forms. Humanoid Sirians trace their lineage back to the Vega star system in the Constellation of Lyra. The two humanoid races from Sirius are very tall ranging from 10-16 ft in height. Originally there was a very dark skinned race and a light white skinned race of humanoids which have since merged together. The cetacean home-world can also be found on the third planet out from Sirius-B.

Lost History: According to Drunvalo Melchizedek and Thoth, the Sirians fathered the human race some 200,230 years ago. 16 males and 16 females who comprised a married family, traveled to Earth from Sirius B. They merged with the Nephilim (third dimensional race from Nibiru, another planet in our solar system). After a lengthy process spanning some 2,000 years through the merging of consciousness, select Nephilim women gave birth to the first Earth human beings."

"If you are Sirian and are a Sense of Earth, you must be outdoors or in a ecologically- or Earth-related job, or you will become deficient in minerals and Earth. Options are: farmers, gardeners, beekeepers, florists, herbalists, tea harvesters, park rangers, oceanographers, lifeguards, geologists, winemakers, landscape artists, gemologists, chefs, carpenters, bakers, etc."

"Those who have Sirius as their planetary origin are very focused, very determined and set on whatever path they are on at a given time. It is very difficult to change the mind of one from Sirius, but once they have become convinced that a new "path" is more appropriate, they become totally focused on the new, and release the old quickly. Sirians have strong beliefs, ideals and personal integrity.

Those from Sirius make loyal, trustworthy friends, but expect the same in return. They become hurt and disillusioned when these expectations are not met. Sirians do not share the inner personal self with others easily, and may have difficulty sharing emotions and expressing feelings and needs. To be fully accepted and trusted as a close personal friend of a Sirian means that you have been carefully scrutinized. Sirians may have difficulty in relationships and friendships when they expect to be treated in a certain way, but do not share their expectations with the others involved. It is important to work with sharing expectations, ideals, communicating needs and desires to avoid being hurt and disillusioned. This often occurs as a result of lack of communication or lack of mutual understanding and clarity in relationships.
Those from Sirius tend to be future oriented, and do not enjoy focusing on the past. They may become defensive if forced to focus on the past by others. This is due to the fact that past pain and emotion is held within, denied and repressed rather than being dealt with at the time of occurrence. Due to this there may be large amounts of old emotion in need of being dealt with and released. Sirians do not enjoy confrontations or open expressions of anger but if forced into an argument will defend themselves and their beliefs fiercely. This is particularly true if honor of themselves or loved ones is involved. One of the lessons many Sirians have chosen to work with in this lifetime is the importance of releasing old pain, forgiving self and others, and moving on.
Sirians have a very unique and strong sense of humor, which often is only seen when they are with those they trust and feel at ease with. Sirians may be considered dreamers by some. This is due to their active, vivid inner life. This can cause forgetfulness and a tendency to not notice trivial third dimensional things in the present. They may at times appear to be uninterested, or inattentive, but in actuality they are simply somewhere else. They may not realize that others are unaware of their inner activity. Although they appear very calm, quiet and reserved on the surface, there is much activity within. As children, Sirians may often be thought to have learning disorders or thought to have problems with their attention span. This is due to the attraction of the inner world, which is often more interesting than that which is taught in Earth schools. They do best in learning when visual methods of teaching are used, and they are allowed hands on types of learning with freedom to move around and explore. These are children who benefit greatly from alternative schools, the are very intelligent but strong enough within to feel that if something does not interest them, they should not be required to learn about it.

Those from Sirius have a deep connection to the Earth and energies of nature. Many Sirians have had numerous lives as American Indians and maintain close ties and memories of these lives. They are very visual, both in their ability to see things which others do not, and in their manner of learning."

If you have Sirius strongly in your natal chart, with a conjunction to a planet for instance, it indicates "that you may, by your effort, gain far more than what is expected - the mundane becoming sacred.  Hence a small action becomes a symbol for the collective, a sense of ritual in daily life.  Sirius, in some ways, is not an easy star with which to work, as it demands expression somehow in your life - and the huge success it can bring may "burn" you."  Bernadette Brady

"As the Pleiadians, the Sirians are part of the alien-cultures who assist Earth and all her inhabitants (Humans, Animals and Nature).
Sirians are spiritual warriors, and strong connected to life-forms of dolphins and whales. Lot of people feel familar with these life-forms, because they lived in those forms as well, and perceive those entities as loving friends.
Sirius stands also for a Transition Stage, where a state of consciousness is possible to experience for preparation for more ego-related life-forms, ie. the humanoid-form. Therefore, lot of people have remembrances, which are expressed by feelings to the star itself, without knowing exactly what the relation or meaning is.

Sirius--a double-star (or possibly triple-star) system in the constellation Canis Major (Orion's dog). Visible in the northern hemisphere evening sky from about November through April. Sirius-A is the brightest star in the sky besides our Sun,at only about 8 light-years away.

Sirius is also known to The Dogon, a tribe and an area in western Africa (Mali). In the Dogon mythology they say that have had contact with extraterrestrials (reptile like). And in their astronomical knowledge they already knew the existance of Sirius B, a sister/brother star of the star Sirius. The Dogontribe knew already that Sirius B orbits Sirius and that an orbit takes around fifty years, without any technical tools. For french anthropologists they drew sand pictures to explain their beliefs."

every star system has been balancing positive and negative


Mayans from Sirius

Sirians in disguise as Egyptian Gods


Sirian Starseed

Sirius element is Earth

Sabian Symbol: a large diamond not completely cut
Crystal: uncut Diamond



Birthdays - July 5th–7th
Key Word - Sanction

Crystal - Rainbow Obsidian
Attributes - Promotes clairvoyance. Sends your perceptions to an undreamed of depth, protects and strengthens at the same time. Makes you more open; intensifies perception and sharpens the receptive senses. Improves blood flow, eases pain and helps with bad eyesight.
Message - Experience, power and privilege in decision making and promoting change.
Focus - You have a strong belief in yourself, and you encourage confidence in others.
Affirmation - I have authority and wisdom.

Canis Major is in Cancer, 7-29 degrees.

 Details about degrees where Sirius rises, sets, culminates, etc:

Brady's Book of Fixed Stars 
by Bernadette Brady

Seal of Sirius

Intuitive Gigi Young (says Lion Beings come from Sirius, they also come from Lyra) "Where Are You Really From?" "A Family of Light Guide To Self Understanding Through Planetary Origin". by Jo Amidon.

Disclaimer: please view this material as exploratory, even metaphoric, if you like.

Jane Leu Rekas

Jane Leu Rekas is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Hypnotist, Reiki Master and an astrology blogger at Astrological Counsel.

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