IQ on various threads
•" What should one look for in a chart to indicate star seeds? Planets with exact aspects (1 deg) to the fixed stars and the Galactic Centre/GC, Great Attractor/GA and Super Galactic Centre/SGC. Also asteroids DNA, Interkosmos, Pallas, Horus, Aura, Atlantis, Angel, Kaali, Karma, Giza, Spirit, Logos and Alma.
asteroids DNA ?, Interkosmos 2365, Pallas 2, Horus 1924, Aura 1488, Atlantis 1198, Angel 11911, Kaali 4227, Karma 3811, Giza 5249, Spirit 37452, Logos 58534 and Alma 390

Also see if the Royal Behenian stars and Sirius, Arcturus or such get hits… The pantheons (or their geographical origins) seem to tie more to other possible past lifetimes - apart from Giza. When these occur in conjunction with starseed hits, it is an indicator of starseed activity in ancient lifelines.
• Use AURA, SPIRIT, INTERKOSMOS, ANGEL, DNA, KARMA, GIZA and ATLANTIS to assess Star Seeds. If any of these Asteroids conjunct/opp to one degree orb GC at 26.5 Sag, Super GC at 1 Libra, GA at 13-14 Sag, Aldebaran at 9 Gemini, Antares at 9 Sag, Fomalhaut at 3 Pisces, Regulus at 0.1 Virgo, Sirius at 14 Cancer, Spica-Arcturus 24 Libra or Alcyone at 0.3 Gemini, then the probability of the individual being a Star Seed is very high.
Aspects like Ascendant quincunx Uranus, Moon quincunx Uranus, Sun conj Uranus, Mercury sextile/trine/quincunx Uranus enhance the probability. Uranus rules Star Seeds just as Neptune rules Mystics/Old Earth Souls
• Asteroid SPIRIT is very close to Star Sirius, a Star Seed clue.
• Useful Insight: Those who have Sun, Moon or Ascendant conjunct (orb of one degree) a Fixed Star ruled by an ArchAngel [FOMALHAUT, REGULUS, ANTARES and ALDEBARAN] will have tremendous success with any kind of Angel Tarot, irresepective of whether they are Star Seeds or not.
• exact GC/SGC/GA aspects are direct proof of being a Star Seed
• not every Star Seed has to have a strong 6th or 12th House. But if there are GC/SGC/GA aspects and a strong 6th-12th package, the person better focus on the stars LOL! Well worst case if he or she is not a Star Seed, they can have a trail blazing career as an astronomer.
• Vast majority of Pleaidian recallers seem to have Sirian aspects
• Asteroid PALLAS and AURA are very well aspected in more than 75% cases
• SPIRIT conj S.G.C is the aspect of an Interstellar/Intergalactic Nomadic Soul. She cannot be tied down to one specific Star System or Archetype. You must also check Asteroid INTERKOSMOS [2365] for her, people with INTERKOSMOS conjunct G.C / S.G.C/GA, even if they not be Star Seeds will exhibit advanced Trekkie behavior.
• Known Systems from where Star Seeds have identified guides, past lifelines, visions or actual contact:
1. Andromeda Galaxy: Alex Collier is the most famous Andromedan contactee.
2. Lyra/Vega: The origin of humanoids with pure mammalian dna.
3. Rigel, Orion, Regulus, Draco: Some have Reptilian DNA or pure Reptilians. Mix of very good and very bad.
4. Aldebaran: Some of these Humanoid aliens are Hitler's supporters, want a Nazi Super Race in their image. Today are said to be working from Antarctica and have plans of a 4th Reich where there wont be mistakes of the 3rd Reich!
5. Sirius: Many types of Beings here. Dolphins, Pointy Eared types etc. Sirians are said to have created the original Hebrew Race in a genetic experiment. Khazarite Jews who form the fulcrum of aggressive Zionists, are a mix of Reptilian and Hebrew DNA.
6. Arcturus: Pro-Human race that helped the Ancient Greeks and Romans.
7. Tau Ceti and Procyon: Said to have seeded the Slav Race.
This info is the tip of the iceberg's tip. Truth will be known only after 100% declassification and disclosure of all ET Documentation. Which wont happen unless some powerful ET's physically arm-twist the Illuminati.
• Star Seeds with exact aspects of Sun, moon or Ascendant to ALGOL, within 1 degree orb, are witnesses to large scale genocides.
• Sun/Asc/Moon conj 29 Taurus to 1 Gemini are Pleidians, for these 2 degrees span Pleiades. Do the same for other prominent Star Systems like VEGA, REGULUS, ARCTURUS, SIRIUS.
• People with exact GC/GA/SGC are cosmic wanderers, they have been through many Star Systems and probably many Earth Incarnations too.
• Chiron conjunct Interkosmos, 1st House: Very good aspect for being able to access "Alien" Healing techniques for healing severe personal wounds.
• Descendant and VESTA conjunct Alcyone/Pleiades: This is indicative of service to Pleidians in a past lifeline on Earth. Vesta is retrograde, so things did not go well. t is possible that a lover was from Pleiades in a past lifeline.
• PALLAS conj DNA exact, with Draconic DNA conj Aldebaran. You have the Aldebaran Genetic Codes to activate the Pineal Gland, balance your Brain Hemispheres and safely connect to your Higher Self with full Kundalini Activation. You must practice safe grounding techniques prior to starting Kundalini Yoga. You must master all breathing techniques and release work to get rid of any karmic remnant baggage. Most Star Seeds don't have too much karmic baggage.
• AURA conjuncts True Node, so trust your Inner Self more than others. I have this aspect too. What you know by inner knowing or Gnosis will always be better than anyone else's judgmental viewpoints or arguments.
• You have Venus conjunct INTERKOSMOS, a Star Seed clue.
• there were regular Numerological Symmetries in the Star Seeds. Number 11 and multiples seemed most prominent
• Karma trins GC exact, that is a plus. Horus opp GC exact would indicate a Star Seed when incarnate in Egypt, since then preferring Earth Incarnations.
• In Starseed Analysis, these stars, black holes and constellation centers have more strength: Galactic Center, Great Attractor, Super Galactic Center, Sirius, Antares, Aldebaran, Regulus, Orion, Andromeda, Alcyone, Arcturus, Fomalhaut and Vega. I do not consider more than 1 degree orbs.
• Star Seeds are likely to have had a majority of lifelines outside Earth. They may have had a few lifelines intermittently on Earth like Glastonbury, Egypt, Sumeria and India but they cannot identify easily with Humanity in the current form.Let us not forget that Humans and Humanoids may exist in several galaxies for hundreds of millions of years. Such incarnations will be highly adaptive Star Seeds.And even more importantly, it may be proven that all of us have a Soul Group of 23, 49, 1728 or even 2197 simultaneous existences. This means at some level, all of us exist as an Extra Terrestrial and are thus Star Seeds. The difference is purely the level of Awareness of our Actual Highest Self.Astrology still remains one of the best clues to know the present moment probability of classification. Someday, DNA analysis will explain the actual truth.
• Some Astrological clues:
Ascendant conjunct important fixed Star, 12th House Sun conjunct Galactic Center, Great Attractor or Super Galactic Center,Draconic Ascendant conjunct GC,GA or SGC; Very strong aspects between Asteroid KARMA,DNA,INTERKOSMOS with Royal Stars or GC and SGC.
• There are more Starseeds than we think are possible. The type varies: Walk-Ins, First Timers,Parallellifetmes, Recurring Visitors, Forgotten Starseeds [vast majority] etc.. Poplarized Star Seeds may actually be watched by CIA or are part of infamous experiments [MKUltra,Project Greenstar etc].
• A majority of Human Souls have their first physical experience on Earth [prior to or during Atlantis], and continue here for many incarnations before they proceed to a Higher Plane of Existence. They start out from a Higher Dimension of course but we cannot determine where. Such Souls are not part of the Star Seed category. That does not make them inferior in anyway. All Souls are equal.
You can further divide these groups as Mu for the first time, then Lemuria and then the three Epochs of Atlantis. In that period too, refugees from Lyra, Vega, Orion and Pleiades were said to have come, first to Maldek and then Mars before settling on Earth.
• Some Souls initially experience life in planets of other Star Systems, then they come to Earth during important epochs. Ancient Egypt for instance or Sumeria or India or Tibet or Siberia or Rome or Israel. They then continue here. Such are called Old Souls. But they are Star Seeds.Some of them go back to their Star System and have come back now. They are activating their DNA in every Solar Flare.
• A minority of Souls are coming from all over the Universe, some from even other Galaxies via Black Holes like the Super Galactic Center. There can even be Souls who were Reptilians, Insectoids, Lion People, Arachnids and Greys of all sorts in this mix. They are dumbfounded by modern Earth and are just not able to adjust. They are more Psychic and may have X-Men type powers in a small way. The Indigo Children, Crystal Children etc can all be said to be in this category. These kids throng Star Seed sites because they know that they do not belong to Earth but are here for some Spiritual Mission. These are the kids that most of us Astrologers focus on because if we do not care about them, these kids will become clinically depressed, succumb to substance abuse [others do not understand their frequency and the negativity really hurts them] or even commit suicide.
• The Controllers of Earth are "Archons". They are said to be Reptilian but to be frank, there is no objective evidence of their species. One Clairvoyant calls them "Velons" from another of the Universe's 13 Dimensions, and they are said to be Ostrasized for interfering with the Free Will of Humanity. These beings are said to be able to live without evolving for millenia, and eat the negative emotions of Humans. They need wars and bloodshed to keep their food coming. They Possess Humans with certain Genetics [The 13 Bloodlines of the Dark Illuminati] and the Gnostic Illuminati are their sworn Enemies. Both factions of Illuminati utilize Universal Law, and both think the rest of Humanity is sh*t.
None of them were ready for the influx of fresh Star Seed Souls, hence the desperation of CIA, NSA etc for worldwide monitoring of Humanity. Imatgine if a Brazilian Tribal gets a Magneto's Powers and starts sinking the 5th Fleet with a mere thought? What if an Indian boy in some village can mentally disarm every Nuke in the World? What if an Eskimo kid whose Soul is from Arcturus beams a frequency that heals every Tumor? What will happen to the trillions of dollars of Big Pharma investment for creating cancerous cells in Humanity and milking the Insurance companies?
So you see, the Global Controllers are worried sick about Star Seeds. They project some of their worries via their Hollywood slaves, so that more and more gifted people will think "Oh, such things happen only in movies", and stay in denial of their capabilities.I hope we are all clear about the concept now, and about the importance of Star Seeds.
• Some of the common patterns:
1. Very strong 12th House
2. 6th House Moon or Mars
3. Sun or Ascendant precisely aspect Galactic Centre
4. Asteroid PALLAS, HORUS and AURA are very strong in the charts. A few cases had extremely strong ATLANTIS.
5. Very precise conjunction aspect of an Occult Asteroid to the Star of Origin. Like REGULUS Star Seeds will have Angel, Kaali, Karma, Aura or Pallas on 29 Leo. Some Pleaidians will have DNA conj Alcyone, Reptilians will have a packed Scorpio/Ophichius especially with Kaali and Siva.
• Interestingly, different origin Star Seeds are having different aspects. The Regulus ones have Sun or Ascendant conj Regulus. The Sirius Ones have SPIRIT or AURA conj Sirius and sometimes a Trine/Sextile of Sun or Moon.
Many with Angelic contacts are having Sun in 12th or Sun conj HORUS/AURA/LOGOS.
Strong Reptilian DNA candidates as usual are big on Kaali/Siva and Scorpio/Ophichius. My earlier research of Venus aspect Kaali is holding good for them. Many Pleidians are having Sun conj Galactic Centre than Sun conj Alycone, which is a surprise to me.
• The core Star Seed is one who has activated extra-terrestrial genetics in the present lifeline, and a clear recall of an immediate past lifeline in a different Star System.
• Theoretically, every Soul on Earth has had an opportunity to have multiple lifelines across Space or Time but a vast majority on Earth have had too many linear incarnations on Earth itself
She is an exotic lady from a very very exotic country, with many past life recalls
• Your chart has no major connections to important fixed Stars but you still likely to be a "Star Seed" from a High Dimension because you have aspects that are directly connected to Galactic Points: 1. Moon sextile Galactic Center exact 2. Descendant conjunct Super Galactic Center exact. The highest Probability of a specific Star Connection is Lyran/Vegan because Sun opposes Vega, and the midpoint of Saturn-Neptune is also Vega.
• Starseeds
Starseeds are people whose previous incarnations were on more advanced planets. Starseeds have volunteered to incarnate on Earth in an effort to help facilitate the spiritual evolution of this planet. Starseeds have unusually compelling eyes, a nagging sense of being from somewhere else, an urgent need to find and fulfill their mission, a chronic dull pain in the back of their neck, and chronically congested sinuses. Starseeds also volunteer for these “Foreign Missions” because they earn a ton of Ascension Points for doing so, and thus greatly accelerate their own cosmic evolution as part of the bargain! The Dark Lodge is very much aware of Starseeds and does their best to block and disable as many Starseeds as they can. For this reason, Starseeds must face and overcome many more obstacles & challenges than a normal person.
• More than 90% of humans today who develop a sudden interest in Astrology, Numerology, Crystals, Natural-Spiritual Healing and Occult Knowledge of Chakras, Reincarnation and Star Seeds have had
1. A past life in Ancient Atlantis.
2. An ancestor with a past life there.
3. An ancestor with present life DNA surviving from Ancient Atlantis
• When ATLANTIS CONJUNCTS a GALACTIC OBJECT [GC, SGC, GA] or a powerful Fixed Star, then it is possible that the person was a Star Seed in the Atlantis Era. SGC: Super Galactic Center at approx 1.5 Libra
GC: Galactic Center at 27.00 Sagittarius
GA: Great Attractor, a black hole at approx 14 Sagittarius.
• Most of us messed up in Atlantis, whether Star Seeds or Regular Earth Humans. Knowledge of Asteroid Atlantis' position in the chart will help us prevent that error from repeating....
• Hundreds of Millions of Human Beings from Atlantis [who failed back then] have reincarnated in this Era to assist in the healing of the Planet. Quite a few of them are Star Seeds whose Soul Origin is from other Stars or even Galaxies prior to the Atlantis incarnation.
• The Great Attractor is such an astronomical anomaly, that it is like a Deity pulling the devotee through the attraction [devotion] with a promise of eternal bliss after a transformation from which there is no looking back. GA is not a Black Hole, so there is no knowledge of whether there will be a "re-birth" in another Galaxy thruogh a white hole.
• The matchless astrologer Robert Hand has very strong GA aspects [according to Sedgeiwck, the numero uno Astrologer of advanced Astronomical objects]. Prophets, Saints, the true Missionary Zeal... all this is related to the Great Attractor.
• Having excess Reptilian DNA is NOT a bad thing.
It is what you choose to do with it that matters. This is the hidden message to all hybrids in many movies, most recently the movie "Terminator Salvation".
Sam Worthington's role is symbolic of a 50% Human 50% Reptilian Hybrid. Reptilian DNA and Human Heart.. Venus-Kaali enables you to access the psychic powers that all people with excess reptilian DNA have.
• The main difference between SGC effect and GC that I have noted is:
SGC effects take more time to be felt. And when they do, there is a deeper sense of Transformation. GC effects seem to be more direct. Sun conjunct GC, well the person is a no nonsense fan of Sci-Fi, Spielberg and Star Trek. The SGC person may appear Ethereal and different, yes spiritually inclined but there will be a semblance of normalcy for a while. The same person when 50+ will be longing for retreats, may be healing others from a distance, enjoying Astral Travel on a daily basis and so on. Those with both GC and SGC effects, well they are the people who are not afraid to speak about visitations and dreams of Alien
• GC Aspects:=
Give the ability to evolve by 'downloading' Galactic Level Paradigms.
• GA Aspects:=
Give the ability to be "pulled" into living or propagating the concepts of an Inter Galactic Consciousness.
• SGC Aspects:=
Give the ability to evolve multi-dimensionally by 'downloading' Inter Galactic Level Paradigms spanning different galaxies and time-lines

Typical GC person = Steven Spielberg, Michael Crichton
• Typical GA person = Noam Chomsky
• Typical SGC person = Philip K Dick, Arthur C Clarke"
• SUN/MOON=GC is a powerful linkage to the greater whole. That your balance of masculine and feminine allows you to 'tap into' the universal 'download', as iQ might say.
• How many of you have seen MIB 3 ? The character "Griffin" in that movie represents all Star Seeds who have taken birth maybe since 1963. The "Arc Net" protection for the Earth is a gift from Griffin, so that Earth not get ravaged by the Invasion of a Vampiric Species. I think the DNA of Star Seeds is itself a gift, to prevent the self destruction of Earth from a complete rejection of Human values. Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith represent Lyran Humans. In one Reality, they defeat the Invasion, in another timeline, they are vanquished. A subtle message, to attain success, there is a need for Time Travel. if Lyra is in the future, then THIS TIME, we won't goof up. I hope. Every positive step in one timeline has a positive outcome in another, this is yet another subtle message in MIB3."

Disclaimer: please view this material as exploratory, even metaphoric, if you like.

Get your chart here. If you have your Sun or any planet within two degrees of this fixed star it indicates some affinity. Affinity means possibly that you are from that starseed constellation/star or you incarnated through a star gate there. It may also mean that you have had some other influence from that star system or related karma. You can also look up what certain specific conjunction mean or order an interpretation report from several sources. Other placements and interpretations.

Jane Leu Rekas

Jane Leu Rekas is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Hypnotist, Reiki Master and an astrology blogger at Astrological Counsel.

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