sketch by Jane sketch by Jane, inspired by Piperon
Constellation: Andromeda
Alpha Star: Alpheratz
13 Aries 40 Sirrah (Andromeda)
14 Aries 18 Alpheratz (Andromeda)
16 Aries 05 Kui Su wu (Andromeda)
19 Aries 36 Zeta Reticulum epsilon
21 Aries 57 Baten Kaitos (Cetus)
22 Aries 02 Keff al Salsalar (Andromeda)
27 Aries 51 Vertex (Andromeda)
00 Taurus 24 Mirach (Andromeda)
Evolved from: Andromeda galaxy
Antares: is a doorway to Andromeda
Humanoid?: mostly
Types: several
Appearance: varies
Dimension: Exist from 3D on up to 12D
"1) The 7D, 8D and 9D humanoid group-thinkers from the Andromedan Star System, or; 2) term identifying the race of sentient service-to-other beings occupying the livable planets such as Aion in the Andromeda sector, as well as; 3) Sentients known for perfecting co-creation for peacefully-running planets and star bases."
- They love freedom and finally find the real freedom within.
- They should learn to love and develop self confidence.
- They realize their desire to become teachers or healers.
- They like to experience everything and many realities.
- They do not like routine and excitement less activities.
- They love adventurous travel.
- They are self critical and think the same regarding others.
- They have very good at communication skills.
- There may be something inside them and show up something else to the outside world.
- Usually they are ignored by their relations. But they have the capability to restore it
"Andromeda: galaxy next door; very creative, analytical, proficient with tone and sound; Andromedan consciousness is abstract, ever-changing, fluid; teaching us to be more grounded, centered, to work with a new paradigm (internally focused) in contrast to Milky Way consciousness (externally focused)."
Andromedan Starseeds
"The Andromedan starseeds are from our neighboring galaxy Andromeda. Andromedan beings are freedom seekers; they will always change jobs, homes and relationships to find their freedom. They are seekers and never comfortable being in one place for too long and often have feelings of being trapped.
Andromedan starseeds love to travel and they thrive on many types of realities. They have a passion for cars and enjoy driving fast, or even flying in airplanes. Their passion stimulates their subconscious memories of their home."
"This is a little bit shadier, but it looks like there is a rebel group here too, who followed the Sirians on their mission and who now embrace the Patriarchal Movement. This rebel group would possibly be the group Alex Collier was in contact with. Normally, the group called the ‘Andromedans’ are part of the Orion Empire and know that the Universe is Feminine. The reason I believe Collier’s group is a rebel group belonging to the Sirian Alliance is because they tell us that God is masculine. If they are Andromedans, they know better than that, but are playing the Patriarch game together with the Sirians. There is also a chance that the ‘Andromedans’ Alex was meeting could have been Sirians in disguise, showing themselves off as Andromedans. Therefore, I was a little reluctant to mention them here, but decided to do so with the above disclaimer." Michelle Walling
Andromedan Council
"We are here to let you know that your planet Earth / Terra, and all the people who choose to embrace, are about to go through great changes, an important stage of growth, a change in vibration, called "elevation", a new consciousness superior and a new existence ... for the first time in the history of your planet. It is about evolution. It is a cleaning. It is a rebirth.Some call it ascension , and more accurately, it is a transformation. It is by any other name - Really a new beginning.
Although the process has already begun, to a certain extent. The Earth is about to transform itself into a vibratory frequency, from its current existence as a third-dimensional solid matter ... towards the 4th dimension / density of reality, the vibratory rate at a frequency faster than at present in the Earth, since the solar system of the Earth and the planet the Earth is about to cross to the equatorial zone of the galactic plane of the Milky Way. "
There is a great force of entities coming from the Andromeda Galaxy.
These are inter-stellar entities that go in light. Their craft have
the ability to go in hyper-light so that, in only a matter of
moments, they can be here from an entirely different star system.
2) These entities are very beautiful. They are lithely built and very thin. This race is so spiritually evolved that they no longer require a physical body. They are almost beings of light energy. They are illuminated in light. They are very tall and stand eight to ten feet in height. In mythology, they were referred to as the Winged Gods.
3) Their biological system is based entirely different than our genetic system. These entities display an embodiment that is magnetized in light. They do not eat. They gain knowledge. They live off of "Prona" which is an ancient term meaning truth.
4) They are beautiful beyond description and mankind shadows fragments of that beauty. They have taken care of humanity because they consider us as their brothers and sisters. They believe that we all came from the same source and that we were all created in light. It is the common bond between us.
5) They have a very great Mother Ship. At night, it is invisible because of the metal that it is made out of. It looks black. But, if it were to light up, it would be the sun illuminated 10,000 times. It is here in our stratosphere. It moves quietly and stealthily. Our government is aware of its presence and it is ominous to them.
6) This ship is called Miria Amour. It means the silver light. The ship has warriors that would defy imagination. It can blast a continent to the bottom of the sea. It could rotate our planet and send it spinning out of orbit. The ship is here because of the disease on this planet. It is here because of the collapse of consciousness of civilization. It is here also because of the changes that are going to occur here. And, it is here because of another force that is engaged on this planet.
7) These beings have inspired profits, in the past, to do wonderful things and preserve the seeds of humanity. Its truth and its words have been misused, misconstrued, and taken by powerful men to enslave people. And, it has been allowed. But, these entities are back now for truth."
"Place of Origin: These are our galactic neighbors, only 2.5 million light years away.
Dimensional Perspectives: Exist from 3D on up to 12D
Appearance: There are many types of Andromedans, just as there are many different beings in our Milky Way Galaxy. Three types of Andromedans have telepathically contacted me. One is from a race of 4-5D humans that have a similar features to us, but I see them as bald. Some may even have elongated cone heads. Another, was from a race of 4D 3-4’ blue skinned humanoids with bald round heads and dark eyes, and the other is of a master race of at least 7-9’ winged humanoids existing in higher dimensions. These may have their origin with the Avian races.
Evolution: Not yet aware of the Andromeda species evolution, but I am sure it is as varied and rich as it is in the Milky Way galaxy.
Qualities: Not privy yet to specifics differentiating Andromedan races. Still learning. However, the beings connecting with thus far are of intense energy and vitality.
Abilities: Unknown, but that can change anytime.
Specialties: Still gathering from these beings. Each has its own specialty.
Basic Needs: Unknown
Focus: Unknown.
Involvement with Earth: The winged beings have been involved with Earth since our first life formed and with humans at various stages of our development. It may be that the Sumerian winged beings depicted on their reliefs are Andromedans. They say they have been invited by the Guardian Archangels of Earth to participate in our progression and that they come to our solar system on the wings of the Archangels who are the gatekeepers to Earth. Perhaps the depictions of archangels are actually images of the winged Andromedans coming as they came into our world and were thought to be the angels themselves.
Guide for Humanity: Andon (ambassador of the winged race of Andromedans)
Star seeds: There are less Andromedan souls incarnated here than the beings listed from our Milky Way Galaxy, but there are still more than from other galaxies. Somewhere in the vicinity of 800,000 humans have an Andromedan origin soul. They usually live understated lives and only contain a small bit of their Andromedan energy. The frequency is much different than that of our galaxy and this appears to affect the ease of incarnation and the amount of soul energy that can be maintained in the human form in 3D. These people are often quiet warriors that are in the background and do not call too much attention to themselves. They are often in supportive roles for Earth masters or are in the shadows playing roles that seem mundane. Within this quiet demeanor they have a great potency and can deeply affect others with their presence. They often fear their own power and are unsure what to do with that internal strength. In just being here, these souls opens new galactic energetic pathways between our galaxies."
Starseeds from Andromeda:
Positive Andromedans
"Andromedans (Zenetae)
Andromedans human beings Zenetae system in the Andromeda Galaxy, its appearance also corresponds to our own but also have features such as: skin bluish, whitish and sometimes rojisos, height is very variable and can range from EL1. 2.30mts 60mts up tall, some of them do not have hair. Andromedans came to the solar system to support this region of the galaxy evolution, in addition to assisting other benevolent races to "fight" the dark forces of Orion and Alpha Draconis. They were attributed many of the "Crop Circles" in the UK. They are a highly advanced race in the technological and spiritual sense, it is said that long ago they went through a similar crisis in their civilization as sufieron of dictatorship and were about to be "conquered" by forces so draconian and Cassiopeia Arctuarianos and assisted them there until "then" evolved in a great degree. They argue that the essence of creation is fenenima polarity and conceive of "God" or "Being" as they call it a female and not male body is believed on Earth. The main message of the Andromedans is to elevate our consciousness and work and come together as a race to get rid of the Control System."
Negative Andromedans
"This is a little bit shadier, but it looks like there is a rebel group here too, who followed the Sirians on their mission This is a little bit shadier, but it looks like there is a rebel group here too, who followed the Sirians on their mission and who now embrace the Patriarchal Movement. This rebel group would possibly be the group Alex Collier was in contact with. Normally, the group called the 'Andromedans' are part of the Orion Empire and know that the Universe is Feminine. The reason I believe Collier's group is a rebel group belonging to the Sirian Alliance is because they tell us that God is masculine. If they are Andromedans, they know better than that, but are playing the Patriarch game together with the Sirians. There is also a chance that the 'Andromedans' Alex was meeting could have been Sirians in disguise, showing themselves off as Andromedans. Therefore, I was a little reluctant to mention them here, but decided to do so with the above disclaimer.and who now embrace the Patriarchal Movement. This rebel group would possibly be the group Alex Collier was in contact with. Normally, the group called the ‘Andromedans’ are part of the Orion Empire and know that the Universe is Feminine. The reason I believe Collier’s group is a rebel group belonging to the Sirian Alliance is because they tell us that God is masculine. If they are Andromedans, they know better than that, but are playing the Patriarch game together with the Sirians. There is also a chance that the ‘Andromedans’ Alex was meeting could have been Sirians in disguise, showing themselves off as Andromedans. Therefore, I was a little reluctant to mention them here, but decided to do so with the above disclaimer."
2) These entities are very beautiful. They are lithely built and very thin. This race is so spiritually evolved that they no longer require a physical body. They are almost beings of light energy. They are illuminated in light. They are very tall and stand eight to ten feet in height. In mythology, they were referred to as the Winged Gods.
3) Their biological system is based entirely different than our genetic system. These entities display an embodiment that is magnetized in light. They do not eat. They gain knowledge. They live off of "Prona" which is an ancient term meaning truth.
4) They are beautiful beyond description and mankind shadows fragments of that beauty. They have taken care of humanity because they consider us as their brothers and sisters. They believe that we all came from the same source and that we were all created in light. It is the common bond between us.
5) They have a very great Mother Ship. At night, it is invisible because of the metal that it is made out of. It looks black. But, if it were to light up, it would be the sun illuminated 10,000 times. It is here in our stratosphere. It moves quietly and stealthily. Our government is aware of its presence and it is ominous to them.
6) This ship is called Miria Amour. It means the silver light. The ship has warriors that would defy imagination. It can blast a continent to the bottom of the sea. It could rotate our planet and send it spinning out of orbit. The ship is here because of the disease on this planet. It is here because of the collapse of consciousness of civilization. It is here also because of the changes that are going to occur here. And, it is here because of another force that is engaged on this planet.
7) These beings have inspired profits, in the past, to do wonderful things and preserve the seeds of humanity. Its truth and its words have been misused, misconstrued, and taken by powerful men to enslave people. And, it has been allowed. But, these entities are back now for truth."
Michelle Walling, Certified Holistic Life Coach
"Place of Origin: These are our galactic neighbors, only 2.5 million light years away.
Dimensional Perspectives: Exist from 3D on up to 12D
Appearance: There are many types of Andromedans, just as there are many different beings in our Milky Way Galaxy. Three types of Andromedans have telepathically contacted me. One is from a race of 4-5D humans that have a similar features to us, but I see them as bald. Some may even have elongated cone heads. Another, was from a race of 4D 3-4’ blue skinned humanoids with bald round heads and dark eyes, and the other is of a master race of at least 7-9’ winged humanoids existing in higher dimensions. These may have their origin with the Avian races.
Evolution: Not yet aware of the Andromeda species evolution, but I am sure it is as varied and rich as it is in the Milky Way galaxy.
Qualities: Not privy yet to specifics differentiating Andromedan races. Still learning. However, the beings connecting with thus far are of intense energy and vitality.
Abilities: Unknown, but that can change anytime.
Specialties: Still gathering from these beings. Each has its own specialty.
Basic Needs: Unknown
Focus: Unknown.
Involvement with Earth: The winged beings have been involved with Earth since our first life formed and with humans at various stages of our development. It may be that the Sumerian winged beings depicted on their reliefs are Andromedans. They say they have been invited by the Guardian Archangels of Earth to participate in our progression and that they come to our solar system on the wings of the Archangels who are the gatekeepers to Earth. Perhaps the depictions of archangels are actually images of the winged Andromedans coming as they came into our world and were thought to be the angels themselves.
Guide for Humanity: Andon (ambassador of the winged race of Andromedans)
Star seeds: There are less Andromedan souls incarnated here than the beings listed from our Milky Way Galaxy, but there are still more than from other galaxies. Somewhere in the vicinity of 800,000 humans have an Andromedan origin soul. They usually live understated lives and only contain a small bit of their Andromedan energy. The frequency is much different than that of our galaxy and this appears to affect the ease of incarnation and the amount of soul energy that can be maintained in the human form in 3D. These people are often quiet warriors that are in the background and do not call too much attention to themselves. They are often in supportive roles for Earth masters or are in the shadows playing roles that seem mundane. Within this quiet demeanor they have a great potency and can deeply affect others with their presence. They often fear their own power and are unsure what to do with that internal strength. In just being here, these souls opens new galactic energetic pathways between our galaxies."
Starseeds from Andromeda:
"Those with an Andromeda planetary origin seek freedom. There is a deep inner thirst and drive that leads them to search for this feeling of freedom. They may change jobs, homes or relationships in their search. At some point, they will realize that the freedom they seek, and the feelings they often have of being trapped are not due to their actual circumstances. The true freedom they seek comes only from within. It is found only by developing self love, and the inner spiritual self. The mature Andromedan has realized this, and works with this knowledge to create a reality that allows these needs to be honored, while continuing to grow in other areas.
Andromedans must work with issues of self-confidence and love. These areas may be obvious in their need for development, or they may be disguised. When self love and confidence are developed, the inner freedom and spiritual connectedness will be found within...where it has always been, if the trust and faith in self were present to allow it to be seen. As this develops, the connection between self and God becomes strong. This allows past life memories to flow, and many old talents begin to awaken to be used once again. Many Andromedans discover they have much to offer others on a spiritual pathway and become known as teachers and healers.
Andromedans enjoy travel and thrive on experiencing many types of realities. They enjoy excitement, activity, and variety. They may have early desires to visit past life homes, shown as desires to visit certain places or interest in certain areas or time periods without understanding why. They may enjoy driving fast, or flying in airplanes, as this stimulates subconscious memories of 'home'. Andromedans tend to create dramatic learning scenarios for themselves, due to their tendency to be self-critical and not take themselves seriously. Through learning to 'notice' smaller growth opportunities and lessons, they will begin to avoid creating larger dramas.
The Andromedan tendency to be self-critical may lead them to expect others to be critical of them. They are often surprised at finding how well they are liked by others! Outwardly, many Andromedan are confident, capable, and outgoing with well developed abilities to communicate with others. They are very good at keeping the inner fears, doubts and insecurities inside and presenting a very different 'face' to the outside world. They may be well suited to teaching, health care or careers which involve traveling. Some learn to combine the attraction to drama with writing or acting, and express themselves in those ways.
Andromedans have healing and communication abilities which are often felt early in childhood. These are often ignored or discouraged by family members, and must later be retrieved. Andromedans are sensitive, caring individuals who have much compassion and ability to put themselves in another's position and truly empathize. There is a desire to work with healing the physical, emotional, or psychic pains of mankind."
"Andromedans first colonized on Pacific Islands, with a peaceful intention to relate with humans on Earth, but they were seen as Gods.
Andromedan males were dark brown and females were dark indigo, when they had children with humans at that time, creating the black race. Eventually they all became human. Contact with Andromedan ETs are rare, usually through channeling, as they observe from a distance without interfering. "
- "If you are Andromedan and are a Sense of Wind, you must work on diverse jobs or you will become deficient in Newness (and hence boredom and disillusionment can happen). Options are: project managers, managers, singers, actors, photographers, teachers, poets, coaches, financial advisors, airline attendants, entrepreneurs, general contractors, concierge staff, entertainers, real estate agents, and other jack-of-all-trades jobs."
- https:// 2014/03/26/ what-are-angel-senses/
"The Andromedans are a highly intelligent people, As are, any being that is not 3D. They are most of a spiritual nature, I will not go any further into detail. But, their appearance is off radar, no one here, ever really being able to define their appearances because they chamoflauge themselves into any species that they come around. Incarnated, they are a bit over dominating, strong, self assertive, confident, and the attention of any crowd. They love being noticed, they love being the center of everyone's focus. Even though, they are so smart, sometimes they make some really bad decision making here in the physical life. They like to feel the five senses, and pleasure them. They enjoy food, the love sex, and they may try recreational drugs to stimulate the senses. Not always though, there are some, alot even who like to stimulate the senses naturally. These soul types are beings who like to try new things, and then tell everyone about it. They are sensitive, but they do not always try to show it, except, it comes out anyway in their mannerisms. The males seem more in touch with the female and male aspects of the duality, almost understanding what a woman wants totally." Read more:
"These are human types from constellation of Andromeda. These people are 6.5 to more than 7.5 ft tall. Their skin tone is light blue but as the people age their skin gradually turns to white. They are genuinely benevolent 5th dimensional beings. They like many civilizations on their level travel in advanced starships capable of solar system travel, as well as Dimensional and time travel. They’re more than 6,000 years ahead of us technologically and 40,000 years in spirituality. Those ET’s from Andromeda are also described by Alex Collier as having been direct descendents of the Lyrans who experienced some difficulty when first leaving the Lyran system due to predatory extraterrestrial races, but eventually settled in the Andromeda constellation in the star system ‘Zenetae.’ Collier describes the nature of the Andromedans as follows: Everything that they create technologically is used for the advancement of their race. It is for educational purposes only. But, it can be used in defense. No, they do not have a military, per se, they are scientists. What they do is send their children to school anywhere from 150 to 200 years, in our linear time. They teach their students all of the arts and sciences. They are literally masters at everything. Then, at that point, they have the choice in what it is they want to do, and they can change their minds anytime and do something else. So, they are given all the tools. Everything is for education. Nothing is for distraction. They would never conceive of creating television as a distraction. Never. Everything is to help them evolve, and their science and their technology can be used for defensive purposes — mostly the holographic stuff. The most significant feature of the Andromedans is that they are instrumental in the Andromeda Council which is a grouping of approximately 140 star systems who deliberate upon group concerns. In a 1997 Interview, Collier described the Council’s deliberations as follows: Now, in our galaxy there are many councils. I don’t know everything about all those councils, but I do know about the Andromedan council, which is a group of beings from 139 different star systems that come together and discuss what is going on in the galaxy. It is not a political body. What they have been recently discussing is the tyranny in our future, 357 years from now, because that affects everybody. Apparently what they have done, through time travel, is that they have been able to figure out where the significant shift in energy occurred that causes the tyranny 357 years in our future. They have traced it back to our solar system, and they have been able to further track it down to Earth, Earth’s moon and Mars. Those three places. The very first meeting the Andromedan council had was to decide whether or not to directly intervene with what was going on here. According to Moraney, there were only 78 systems that met this first time. Of those 78, just short of half decided that they wanted nothing to do with us at all, regardless of the problems. I think it is really important that you know why they wanted nothing to do with us. We are talking about star systems that are hundreds of millions of light years away from us. Even some who have never met us. They just knew the vibration of the planet reflected those on it. The reasons why they wanted nothing to do with us is that from their perspective, Earth humans don’t respect themselves, each other or the planet. What possibly can be the value of Earth humans? Fortunately, the majority of the council gave the opinion that because Earth has been manipulated for over 5,700 years, that we deserved an opportunity to prove ourselves – to at least have a shot at proving the other part of the council wrong. Another contactee who mentions the Andromedans is ‘Adrian’ who was extensively interviewed by researcher Sean David Morton and found to be credible. Adrian’s testimony was supported by extensive photos, film and witness testimonies. According to ‘Adrian’, the Andromedans play an important role in forming councils that deliberate on Earth’s future thereby independently confirming Collier’s testimony. The Andromedans are one of the main extraterrestrial races most responsible for crop circles. He argues that the crop circles are intended both to inspire humans with the possibility of extraterrestrial communications, and to warn negative extraterrestrials of the consequences of their actions to control and manipulate humanity. The Andromedans’ chief activity appears to be facilitating decisions of the Galactic community in dealing with difficult problems such as the current Earth situation, innovative strategies for resolving conflict, the education of youth and inspiring humanity with the possibilities of extraterrestrial contact. The global solutions they promote include assisting the growth of psychic/crystal/rainbow children, peace education, exposing elite manipulation, promoting improved global governance, and diplomacy and conflict resolution."
Positive Andromedans
"Andromedans (Zenetae)
Andromedans human beings Zenetae system in the Andromeda Galaxy, its appearance also corresponds to our own but also have features such as: skin bluish, whitish and sometimes rojisos, height is very variable and can range from EL1. 2.30mts 60mts up tall, some of them do not have hair. Andromedans came to the solar system to support this region of the galaxy evolution, in addition to assisting other benevolent races to "fight" the dark forces of Orion and Alpha Draconis. They were attributed many of the "Crop Circles" in the UK. They are a highly advanced race in the technological and spiritual sense, it is said that long ago they went through a similar crisis in their civilization as sufieron of dictatorship and were about to be "conquered" by forces so draconian and Cassiopeia Arctuarianos and assisted them there until "then" evolved in a great degree. They argue that the essence of creation is fenenima polarity and conceive of "God" or "Being" as they call it a female and not male body is believed on Earth. The main message of the Andromedans is to elevate our consciousness and work and come together as a race to get rid of the Control System."
Negative Andromedans
"This is a little bit shadier, but it looks like there is a rebel group here too, who followed the Sirians on their mission This is a little bit shadier, but it looks like there is a rebel group here too, who followed the Sirians on their mission and who now embrace the Patriarchal Movement. This rebel group would possibly be the group Alex Collier was in contact with. Normally, the group called the 'Andromedans' are part of the Orion Empire and know that the Universe is Feminine. The reason I believe Collier's group is a rebel group belonging to the Sirian Alliance is because they tell us that God is masculine. If they are Andromedans, they know better than that, but are playing the Patriarch game together with the Sirians. There is also a chance that the 'Andromedans' Alex was meeting could have been Sirians in disguise, showing themselves off as Andromedans. Therefore, I was a little reluctant to mention them here, but decided to do so with the above disclaimer.and who now embrace the Patriarchal Movement. This rebel group would possibly be the group Alex Collier was in contact with. Normally, the group called the ‘Andromedans’ are part of the Orion Empire and know that the Universe is Feminine. The reason I believe Collier’s group is a rebel group belonging to the Sirian Alliance is because they tell us that God is masculine. If they are Andromedans, they know better than that, but are playing the Patriarch game together with the Sirians. There is also a chance that the ‘Andromedans’ Alex was meeting could have been Sirians in disguise, showing themselves off as Andromedans. Therefore, I was a little reluctant to mention them here, but decided to do so with the above disclaimer."
Andromeda by expressingyourtruth on Polyvore
Almach in Andromeda: "This star gives a popular influence, making one well liked and bringing benefits come from others, along with a prominent position, and possible fame. There is often artistic ability."
"Alpheratz (alpha star in Andromeda): Freedom, love of movement, speed, intellectual and can indicate riches and honors. The personality often has strong motivation, willfulness and the ability to take action. Those with this placement often come before the public and are popular with the masses. There is a considerate and harmonious nature, which is good for relationships."
"Mirach in Andromeda: This star can give happiness in marriage, bestow artistic talent, and give a love of beauty. There is often strong intuition, along with a brilliant mind, and much creative talent. The disposition is generous and loving. These people often make friends easily and inspire others. Mirach gives beauty, and a love of the home and family."
Almach in Andromeda: "This star gives a popular influence, making one well liked and bringing benefits come from others, along with a prominent position, and possible fame. There is often artistic ability."
ARIES 14 - Alpheratz
Birthdays - April 2 - 4
Key Word - Revelation
Crystal - Serpentinite
Attributes - Serpentinite promotes intimate love, attracts money and develops your psychic abilities. Ideal for using in meditation to raise the Kundalini energy.
Message - Shed out dated facades, reveal the bare essentials, promote self renewal
Focus - You recrystallise yourself through passionate interaction with others.
Affirmation - I can transform into the ultimate state of being.
Key Word - Revelation
Crystal - Serpentinite
Attributes - Serpentinite promotes intimate love, attracts money and develops your psychic abilities. Ideal for using in meditation to raise the Kundalini energy.
Message - Shed out dated facades, reveal the bare essentials, promote self renewal
Focus - You recrystallise yourself through passionate interaction with others.
Affirmation - I can transform into the ultimate state of being.
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Stars in Andromeda are in Aries and Taurus:
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Antares, while not in Andromeda, is a "doorway" to Andromeda.
"Antares is the home of higher dimensional entities, both physical and non-physical. Often people also talk about The Doorway of Antares. Antares is an important gateway to other galaxies and universes. It "is the interdimensional bridge to Andromeda from our galaxy. Some souls, upon physical incarnation, choose to pass through the Antares gateway to reactivate soul memory." (Lyssa Royal & Keith Priest, The Prism of Lyra)
"Here on Earth, a lot of people that are referred to as Starseeds, actually have come through Antares (or Arcturus). They are highly sensitive, highly intellectual, usually highly empathic, withdrawn and reserved. Al Bielek and V. Valerian mention that Antareans, who look just like "normal humans" are stationed as "observers" on the Montauk base."
Birthdays - November 29 – December 1
Key Word - Education
Crystal - Lavender Jade
Attributes - Lavender jade awakens spirituality; works slowly to prevent work overload; it eases fear of psychic or spiritual opening and puts you on the spiritual path. It is traditionally used for good luck and good fortune, peace, health, prosperity and protection from misfortune and accidents.
Message - Transformation, upward movement, light and achievement.
Focus - You have a deep enjoyment of loving, teaching, and playing with children.
Affirmation - I help others; I am kind and caring.
Key Word - Education
Crystal - Lavender Jade
Attributes - Lavender jade awakens spirituality; works slowly to prevent work overload; it eases fear of psychic or spiritual opening and puts you on the spiritual path. It is traditionally used for good luck and good fortune, peace, health, prosperity and protection from misfortune and accidents.
Message - Transformation, upward movement, light and achievement.
Focus - You have a deep enjoyment of loving, teaching, and playing with children.
Affirmation - I help others; I am kind and caring. "Where Are You Really From?" "A Family of Light Guide To Self Understanding Through Planetary Origin". by Jo Amidon.
Cabal: The Jesuits, the Archons and the Chimera come from Andromedan Galaxy negative races that are fallen angels, implanted into matter from spirit.
ARIES 13 13 Aries 40 Sirrah (Andromeda)
Birthdays - April 1 - April 3
Key Word - Impetuousness
Crystal - Sodalite
Attributes - Sodalite absolves old patterns of behaviour, guilt and fear, motivating you to peaceful change. This stone helps you with the search for truth. It dissipates guilt, helps stand for oneself. Increases consciousness, idealism and the striving for truth. Enhances assimilation of fluids; helps with hoarseness, loss of voice, fever, excess weight and high blood pressure.
Message - Clearing, expanding energy used to auspiciously change your fortune.
Focus - You offer others and yourself a healing way to release and change out dated patterns
Affirmation - I choose to illuminate and modify my current circumstances.
Key Word - Impetuousness
Crystal - Sodalite
Attributes - Sodalite absolves old patterns of behaviour, guilt and fear, motivating you to peaceful change. This stone helps you with the search for truth. It dissipates guilt, helps stand for oneself. Increases consciousness, idealism and the striving for truth. Enhances assimilation of fluids; helps with hoarseness, loss of voice, fever, excess weight and high blood pressure.
Message - Clearing, expanding energy used to auspiciously change your fortune.
Focus - You offer others and yourself a healing way to release and change out dated patterns
Affirmation - I choose to illuminate and modify my current circumstances.
ARIES 14 14 Aries 18 Alpheratz (Andromeda)
Birthdays - April 2 - 4
Key Word - Revelation
Crystal - Serpentinite
Attributes - Serpentinite promotes intimate love, attracts money and develops your psychic abilities. Ideal for using in meditation to raise theKundalini energy.
Message - Shed out dated facades, reveal the bare essentials, promote self renewal
Focus - You recrystallise yourself through passionate interaction with others.
Affirmation - I can transform into the ultimate state of being.
Key Word - Revelation
Crystal - Serpentinite
Attributes - Serpentinite promotes intimate love, attracts money and develops your psychic abilities. Ideal for using in meditation to raise theKundalini energy.
Message - Shed out dated facades, reveal the bare essentials, promote self renewal
Focus - You recrystallise yourself through passionate interaction with others.
Affirmation - I can transform into the ultimate state of being.
ARIES 16 16 Aries 05 Kui Su wu (Andromeda)
Birthdays - April 4 - 6
Key Word - Invigoration
Crystal - Boulder Opal
Attributes - This stone promotes a free spirit, amplifies spontaneity and mirrors your sense of humour. Makes you more extroverted and helps infect others with joy. Helps survive adverse situations with optimism. Stimulates the lymph, kidneys and intestine an the supply of nutrients to the cells.
Message - Festive colour, spirit and energy
Focus - You inspire others to fly and dance toward freedom and happiness when you embrace your own vitality.
Affirmation - I trip the light fantastic.
Key Word - Invigoration
Crystal - Boulder Opal
Attributes - This stone promotes a free spirit, amplifies spontaneity and mirrors your sense of humour. Makes you more extroverted and helps infect others with joy. Helps survive adverse situations with optimism. Stimulates the lymph, kidneys and intestine an the supply of nutrients to the cells.
Message - Festive colour, spirit and energy
Focus - You inspire others to fly and dance toward freedom and happiness when you embrace your own vitality.
Affirmation - I trip the light fantastic.
ARIES 22 22 Aries 02 Keff al Salsalar (Andromeda)
Birthdays - April 10 - 12
Key Word - Prospect
Crystal - Diamond
Attributes - Diamonds amplify pure love and promote purity, beauty, wealth, evolution and invincibility. Promotes strength of character, ethics and faithfulness to yourself. Makes responsible and objective. Purifies and strengthens the brain, nerves, sensory organs, glands and blood vessels, good for strokes.
Message - Amplified intentions, sending inner dreams outward to ideas and action
Focus - Searching for the beauty in all things assists brilliant success.
Affirmation - I show possibilities in all that I do
Key Word - Prospect
Crystal - Diamond
Attributes - Diamonds amplify pure love and promote purity, beauty, wealth, evolution and invincibility. Promotes strength of character, ethics and faithfulness to yourself. Makes responsible and objective. Purifies and strengthens the brain, nerves, sensory organs, glands and blood vessels, good for strokes.
Message - Amplified intentions, sending inner dreams outward to ideas and action
Focus - Searching for the beauty in all things assists brilliant success.
Affirmation - I show possibilities in all that I do
ARIES 27 27 Aries 51 Vertex (Andromeda)
Birthdays - April 15 - 17
Key Word - Remaking
Crystal - Pyrope Garnet
Attributes - Using this stone will increase your crisis management skills and your quality of life. It promotes composure, courage and endurance; dissipates awkwardness, stimulates sexuality. Supports the striving for improvement. Enhances blood quality and blood flow, helps with bladder problems.
Message - Successful encounters and new ideas through thought and vision.
Focus - Assessment and critical analysis expand your vision and in-turn manifest opportunities.
Affirmation - I am responsible for my self motivation and the evolution of my ideas.
Key Word - Remaking
Crystal - Pyrope Garnet
Attributes - Using this stone will increase your crisis management skills and your quality of life. It promotes composure, courage and endurance; dissipates awkwardness, stimulates sexuality. Supports the striving for improvement. Enhances blood quality and blood flow, helps with bladder problems.
Message - Successful encounters and new ideas through thought and vision.
Focus - Assessment and critical analysis expand your vision and in-turn manifest opportunities.
Affirmation - I am responsible for my self motivation and the evolution of my ideas.
TAURUS 1 00 Taurus 24 Mirach (Andromeda)
Birthdays - April 19 - 20
Key Word - Resourcefulness
Crystal - Clear Spinel
Attributes - Spiritually this crystal sends you self assertion. It lends courage, optimism and a life affirming attitude. Promotes structure in thinking and perseverance in acting. Strengthens the muscles, it has been know to revive numb and paralysed limbs and cleanses the blood vessels, intestines and skin.
Message - Unique, individual messages through simple channels
Focus - Your fresh inspiration and free spirit flows toward others.
Affirmation - I live naturally in all ways.
Disclaimer: please view this material as exploratory, even metaphoric, if you like.
Key Word - Resourcefulness
Crystal - Clear Spinel
Attributes - Spiritually this crystal sends you self assertion. It lends courage, optimism and a life affirming attitude. Promotes structure in thinking and perseverance in acting. Strengthens the muscles, it has been know to revive numb and paralysed limbs and cleanses the blood vessels, intestines and skin.
Message - Unique, individual messages through simple channels
Focus - Your fresh inspiration and free spirit flows toward others.
Affirmation - I live naturally in all ways.
Disclaimer: please view this material as exploratory, even metaphoric, if you like.
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