Hathor / Venus

Race: Hathor
Location: Planet Venus

"Description: The Hathor are the most intelligent consciousness in this solar system. They reside on the planet Venus on the higher overtones of the 4th dimension. The Hathor range in height from 10-16ft tall and have an incredible knowledge of sound which they use as their primary means of interaction with reality. During the time of Ancient Egypt they were our primary mentors within the Left Eye of Horus Mystery School. Over time as we continued to drop in consciousness we could no longer see them. Only now are we starting to reconnect with these beings who are lovingly assisting us in the expansion of our consciousness. Visit Tom Kenyon’s Website to listen to Hathor channeled dimensional attunements."

"Allegedly inhabited by physical entities, both human and reptilian, beneath the surface and therefore 'safe' from the extreme surface conditions. Also allegedly inhabited (on the surface?) by human beings, possibly colonists from Terra- Earth, who somehow were able to 'phase' or generate their physical bodies' molecular structure into a '4th dimensional' existence wherein they now allegedly survive unaffected by the harsh 'physical' conditions. Other surface colonies allegedly exist in "biodome" cities, whereas still other reportedly live in the "antimatter" counterpart of "Venus" — which in the "alternate" universe is part of a 12-planet alliance called the Koldasian alliance according to some contactees. The Pleiadians also claim to have colonized the "anti-matter" universe, which they call the DAL universe." Source
"Brought into popularity by the late George Adamski, Venusians are supposedly humanoid looking with various skin and eye colors. They wear military type uniforms and working with the world governments as well as monitoring earthlings progress. They supposedly have underground bases in the Nevada desert." http://www.tarrdaniel.com/documents/Ufology/alien_species.html

Disclaimer: please view this material as exploratory, even metaphoric, if you like.

Jane Leu Rekas

Jane Leu Rekas is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Hypnotist, Reiki Master and an astrology blogger at Astrological Counsel.

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