My Fixed Stars

I also consulted a dear friend and channel, Sabina, of The Archangel Report:

"Yes we have something to say. 
 Dear Child of God, 
 Yes beloved, we are here. Your Arcturian family. Your star lineage is that from Arcturus. You are a Pleiadian Starseed, which represents the Divine Feminine. It is a plane newly ascended, if you will, that is why your gifts are coming to you so quickly. Your Arcturian lineage is of a very highly evolved beings, which use the mind AND heart to make decisions. You have volunteered many times to assist Earth in Ascending, since Atlantis. Although Atlantis was a Divine Masculine civilization, your particular skills were needed. You are a “thinking divine feminine”. This is a very special combination indeed. Where you have focused on your thinking, in a way that reflected the divine masculine energy of this planet, you are now tapping into your divine feminine roots, if you will, to uplift the feminine, AND masculine, on Earth. At this crucial Now time. We love you and are so proud of you.

From an earlier healing 12/29/14: Each of the goddesses put an amulet around your neck for protection and continued healing. You were a goddess in a robe and had a crescent moon painted on your forehead. You were a priestess in Lemuria and have a strong connection to water. You probably felt this when you recently visited the ocean. Make it a point to visit water, ocean, lake or river as often as you can for it brings you healing and balance. I sense you may be moving somewhere closer to water in the near future. Go into the New Year revitalized and joyous for many blessings and changes are heading your way. All good ones! Blessed be."

Disclaimer: please view this material as exploratory, even metaphoric, if you like.

Jane Leu Rekas

Jane Leu Rekas is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Hypnotist, Reiki Master and an astrology blogger at Astrological Counsel.

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