Mercury Retrograde and Fixed Stars

Read my introduction to this Mercury Retrograde period over at my Astrological Counsel blog.

Mercury goes retrograde tomorrow, Jan. 6, 2016, for 20 days.  It starts by conjuncting Aladfar in Lyra* and Altair in Aquila, and then conjunct Vega in Lyra when it goes direct again on Jan. 26, 2016.

*Aladfar is listed as being in Lyra here:

Altair is sometimes called Jove's Bird.

The Altair people.
Altair Draconians and Reptilians?

Mercury starts out going retrograde, while Mercury is squaring Mars, Jan. 5-10th.  So communication may have been a little troubled and possibly annoying or aggressive.

Mercury square Mars 
"Mental agitation. Although you are quick-witted now, you could also be ready to argue! Alternatively, you could be meeting with aggressive or critical people now. This could be a time when you are working under stressful or hectic conditions, as you feel pressure to get things done quickly. You are inclined to be snappy and irritable, and you might too easily interrupt others rather than listen. Conflicts of interest are likely to occur now. This is an unfavorable time for any kind of meeting, starting a new project, and business proposals. You can be irritable and say all the wrong things. Impulsive communications and hasty decision-making are things to watch for now." source

At the same time also, the Sun is conjunct Pluto, which Mercury will conjoin when it reaches the point where it will go direct again, and that will be conjunct fixed Star Vega.

Mercury Conjunct Sun (Direct After Retrograde) 
note: this is referring to natal Sun as opposed to transiting Sun "Mercury turning back to action on your Sun means this three-week period of re-shifting is best rid of through the sheer force of your personality. Where things had gotten tangled, a willing smile and a positive attitude will cut through the confusion and clear up misunderstandings. Where you might have done well before to delay and see which way the wind blows, now you can be the wind itself and blow away the mists that may have limited visibility for all concerned. Don't expect instant sunshine, but you can count on clearing skies and relieving rays to decorate the coming days." source
And Venus is conjunct Saturn, and fixed Royal star Antares, of Archangel Uriel.  Antares is also called the doorway to Andromeda.

  Antares is sometimes called the Scorpion's Heart.

Read more in these articles:

Constellation of Lyra

Planet Watcher chart
conjunctions to fixed stars

Disclaimer: please view this material as exploratory, even metaphoric, if you like.

Jane Leu Rekas

Jane Leu Rekas is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Hypnotist, Reiki Master and an astrology blogger at Astrological Counsel.

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