Starseeds from Ophiuchus

Ophiuchus (in Sagittarius) contains 3 distinct races. Feline, Hawk People, and Dog like Humanoids

Yed Prior 02 Sag 18 (White Agate)
Yed Posterior 03 Sag 31 (Verdite)
Marfik 05 Sag 36 (Opal Fossil Wood)
Han 09 Sag 14 (Lavendar Jade)
kappa 11 Sag 50 (Alabaster)
Sabik 17 Sag 58 (Yellow Prehnite)
theta 21 Sag 04 (Biotite)
Ras Alhague 22 Sag 27 (Jelly Opal)
Kelb Alrai 25 Sag 20 (Alunite)
gamma 26 Sag 38 (Rhodolite Garnet)
Sinistra 29 Sag 45 (Green Sphene)

Humanoid/Types/Appearance: 3 distinct races. Feline, Hawk People, and Dog like Humanoids 

- Tend to embrace and seek to change, disliking routine in life. 
- Follow their instincts to a fault and can be impulsive. 
-Are happy and humorous. 
-Are honest to a fault. 
-Are often described as intellectual and clever. 
-Think with their hearts and not their heads. 
-Are powerfully passionate. 
-Have a great deal of creativity, imagination and curiosity. 
-Are people magnets possessing high charisma.
-Are empathic, people pleasers with a knack for persuasion.
-have a strong sense of justice.
-Are great with language, arts and the written word.
-Are passionate and adept lovers naturally. 
-Are eccentric and quirky. 
-Are driven to succeed. 
-Dislike authority, rules, regulation and restriction of any kind.
-Dislike irrelevant and trivial information. 
-Have a high sense of pride and arrogance and dislike being treated as inferior.
-Enjoy being Number 1 and being told about it. 
-Tend to seek the unknown and are always seeking knowledge and wisdom. 
-Tend to take the defense rather than offense. 
-Are not open but said to be secretive. 
-Don't fall well into social labels.

"Ophiuchians are Starseeds from Ophiuchus. It is located on the Celestial Equator. If you are lost, then you can look between Aquila and Hercules. It is about,6 light years away, and really should have been included as a Zodiac. As a few others should have been. Some people will try to impose fear by saying that, because it is the depiction of a man bearing a serpent, that they are a serpentine or reptilian race, which is a load of you know what."  Read More

Ophiuchus contains 3 distinct races. Feline, Hawk People, and Dog like Humanoids."
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Disclaimer: please view this material as exploratory, even metaphoric, if you like.

Get your chart here. If you have your Sun or any planet within two degrees of this fixed star it indicates some affinity. Affinity means possibly that you are from that starseed constellation/star or you incarnated through a star gate there. It may also mean that you have had some other influence from that star system or related karma. You can also look up what certain specific conjunction mean or order an interpretation report from several sources. Other placements and interpretations.

Jane Leu Rekas

Jane Leu Rekas is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Hypnotist, Reiki Master and an astrology blogger at Astrological Counsel.

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