Sirius A and Sirius B

Sirius is a binary star (Sirus A and B) at 14 Cancer 05.

Sirius A

"...Sirius which is a binary star system that allegedly harbors advanced life around its two main stars, Sirius A and B. Sirius A is a blue white star that is approximately 8.6 light years from Earth, twenty times brighter than the sun, and is the most brilliant star in the night sky. In contrast, Sirius B is a white dwarf sun that ranges between 8 to 32 astronomical units from Sirius A in a highly elliptical orbit. Collier, describes the extraterrestrials from Sirius A as follows: There is a race of beings on Sirius A, the humans there are called the Katayy. They are considered benevolent. Many of the human races there are red-skinned. Their ancestry is some of the first Lyraens that escaped with the women and children during the war. In their oceans they have whales, octopus and sharks. They are a race that is artistic. They have music and are connected to nature. They are builders and not very political. Their governments are based on “spiritual technology,” which uses sound and color. The racial characteristics of the Sirians suggest that they were originally colonists from Vega. If the Sirians were originally Vegans escaping some cataclysmic interplanetary war in the constellation of Lyra, then it might well be understandable how they developed an interest in building, since the building of a new civilization on new world in the relative young star system of Sirius A, would have been an urgent requirement. Collier refers to the Sirians using sound and color as a kind of ‘spiritual technology’ which suggests that they specialize in terraforming planets and making them suitable for the evolution of life by altering the ‘bio-magnetic energy’ grid. The following telepathic communication provides more information on the Sirians as builders of new planetary structures in terms of altering the ‘bio-magnetic energy grid’ that assist the evolution of humans and other life forms: They are the original builders of your grid, the architecture on which your planet was based. So therefore they are useful in discerning the sacred geometry and discerning the physical laws of your home world. They can help you also in constructing the new grid, in constructing a new system that is appropriate for your next challenges. So we would say that the Sirians are excellent allies in the strategic design work that lies ahead. Alex Collier claims that the intervention of the Sirians A is due to mistakes made by those from Sirius B in terms of technology transfers and other forms of assistance given to humanity: “My understanding is that those from the Sirius A system are trying to be beneficial and assist, because they feel responsibility in that those who colonized Sirius B system were originally from Sirius A.” In conclusion, the main activity that can be attributed to those extraterrestrials from Sirius A is to assist in building a suitable ecological system for (human) evolution on Earth by altering the ‘bio-magnetic energy grid’ of the planet. Those from Sirius A can assist in global solutions such as environmental protection, promoting biodiversity, assist in consciousness raising; and evolution of the biosphere."

"Sirius (Sirius A): 
 Sirius beings are human in appearance, are almost indistinguishable from a person, although some of its features are: average height of a 2.10mts 1.80mts can be skinned and blaquesina, some of them are blond and eyes blue or emerald, in other cases may have more the appearance of an "Arab." "

Sirius B

 It is said that a group of these beings has infiltrated world organizations to curb the control system decisions regarding the imposition of policies and restrictions that are taking away little by little people. They have also made great efforts to promote ecological restoration on the planet. They are highly advanced beings from the 6th density, are now projecting a lot of energy into the earth to synchronize the energy with people who are looking for change, there are many reports of people who have dreamed of beings from Sirius where they reveal situations and things. Even thousands of years has given man very advanced knowledge."

"Alex Collier describes extraterrestrials from Sirius B as follows:

“The cultures around Sirius B have a very controlling vibration. Some of the humans are red, beige and black-skinned. The planets around Sirius B are very arid and generally occupied by reptilian and aquatic-type beings… The society is more obsessed with political thought patterns instead of spiritual attributes.” Amazingly, an African tribe called the Dogon, had an intricate understanding of this elliptical orbit of Sirius B around the main star, Sirius A. This knowledge was apparently given to their ancestors by advanced extraterrestrials from the Sirius star system. The Dogon described the Sirians as Amphibians from a planet around Sirius B, which is consistent with Collier’s claim that one of the planets around Sirius B is “generally occupied by reptilian and aquatic-type beings.” The racial characteristics of the humans from Sirius B suggests that these are descendants from the star system Vega. Preston Nichols claims to be a ‘whistleblower’ who participated in a clandestine project at Montauk that involved a number of extraterrestrial groups. An independent investigator found Nichols “to be a very reliable and solid witness and that for myself, his information checked out across the board–right down the line; to the extent that it was at all possible to verify particular information.” The humans from Sirius B, according Nichols played a role in providing exotic technology such as time/inter-dimensional travel to clandestine government agencies involved in both the Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project. Alex Collier explains the role of this group of extraterrestrials in technology exchanges with national security agencies: “those from Sirius B have come here and really messed with our heads, and they are the ones who originally gave our government the Montauk technology.” This exotic technology was provided for the purpose of encouraging national security agencies to develop offensive military capabilities vis-à-vis possible extraterrestrial threats. This technological assistance even involved biological weapons research according to Collier who claims: “the biological material that has been added to the Ebola [virus] was given to the government by the humanoids from Sirius B. I don’t know if if was one of their viruses that they picked up somewhere or whether it is actually from them.” According to Daniel Salter another whistleblower with long military service which included a period in the National Reconnaissance Office, extraterrestrial related issues drive human-extraterrestrial cooperation in a clandestine organization in the National Security Agency called the Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO). According to leaked information from an alleged whistleblower on a popular website called the Wingmakers, information which Salter affirms to be accurate, ACIO is cooperating with a consortium of extraterrestrials to develop sophisticated time travel technologies for future extraterrestrial threats. According to the Wingmakers website: Blank Slate Technology or BST is a form of time travel that enables the re-write of history at what are called intervention points. Intervention points are the causal energy centers that create a major event like the break-up of the Soviet Union or the NASA space program. BST is the most advanced technology and clearly anyone who is in possession of BST, can defend themselves against any aggressor. It is, as Fifteen [leader of the Labyrinth] was fond of saying, the freedom key. Remember that the ACIO was the primary interface with extraterrestrial technologies and how to adapt them into mainstream society as well as military applications. Some of these extraterrestrials scared the hell out of the ACIO. It is likely that this consortium of extraterrestrials includes those from Sirius B who allegedly provided some time travel/inter-dimensional travel technology for the Montauk Project, and assistance in researching biological weapons. The Sirians do not appear to be closely connected to the Gray or Reptilian groups that have been the main extraterrestrial groups involved in technology transfers. The Sirian interaction with the shadow government appears to have been an independent initiative designed to provide an alternative source of extraterrestrial technology. Nevertheless, Collier’s description of humans from Sirians B co-habiting their worlds with Reptilians suggests a deep historical experience with Reptilians. This suggests that concern with the Reptilian/Gray technology exchange agreements may have been a major factor in the Sirians efforts. In conclusion, this human extraterrestrial group from Sirius B is mainly active in technology exchange programs that have assisted the government in the acquisition of various technologies that have had military applications. This appears to be aimed at promoting military cooperation to potential extraterrestrial threats against Earth, both through subversion and external intervention. The global problems that the humanoids from Sirius B have contributed to include: covert weapons research, use of exotic technologies, and abuse of civilians used in time travel experiments."

Disclaimer: please view this material as exploratory, even metaphoric, if you like.

Get your chart here. If you have your Sun or any planet within two degrees of this fixed star it indicates some affinity. Affinity means possibly that you are from that starseed constellation/star or you incarnated through a star gate there. It may also mean that you have had some other influence from that star system or related karma. You can also look up what certain specific conjunction mean or order an interpretation report from several sources. Other placements and interpretations.

Jane Leu Rekas

Jane Leu Rekas is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Hypnotist, Reiki Master and an astrology blogger at Astrological Counsel.

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