Lyran Ring Nebula M57

 "There is a celestial object known as the Starseed Ring Nebula (aka M57 or Messier 57) in the constellation Lyra which has special significance for all Starseeds and Cosmic Wanderers. It is located at 20 degrees Capricorn between the Lyran fixed stars Sheliak and Sulaphat.

The reason why this beautiful nebula is so special is because it is the physical remnants of a super nova explosion of the Lyran homeland which, in galactic myth, was the original location of all humanoid races before it was destroyed by the Draco's, thus triggering the diaspora to new planets such as those civilizations located in the Pleiades, Andromeda, Casseopia, Sirius amongst many others.
Thus, strong contacts with the Ring Nebula literally points to the birthplace of humanoid star origins. This is the place from which many streams of consciousness, rays of extraterrestrial starseed races, began their evolutionary journey.
If you have a strong aspect with Sun, Moon, a personal planet, Sun/Moon midpoint, an Angle or a Node with the Lyran Ring Nebula M57 as well as strong aspects to one of the Royal Stars (Regulus, Alderbaran, Formalhaut, Antares) and the Great Attractor, I believe this is proof of a humanoid starseed identity.

  • For example : Sun conjunct/opposite M57 :Your essence and sense of personal power is strongly identified with your star origin.
  • Moon conjunct/opposite M57 : instinctual understanding/ subliminal memories of your extraterrestial origins.
  • South Node conjunct M57 : A highly evolved starseed/ cosmic wanderer who brings to this incarnation past life memories, knowledge and understanding of star origins which underpin current life purpose and direction.
  • North Node conjunct M57 : Aspiring towards an understanding of star origins being prominent in shaping life purpose/direction.

Prominent alignments with the Lyran Ring Nebula can also indicate involvement with the music of the spheres - the use of natural astronomically and resonant harmonics for healing, illumination, and for greater evolutionary purpose. You might find, for example that a person with South Node conjunct M57 brings to this incarnation a natural aptitude in this area, based on past life extra-terrestrial experience. Similarly, strong contacts are often found in the charts of musicians, artists and those involved with arts and sciences where the intention is to use harmonics of light, sound, and geometry for the expansion of consciousness. In addition, these individuals may be gifted in understanding the relationship between geometry and time--all working intelligently together. Forty octaves up from our middle musical scale lies the spectrum of visible color--light-sound musical harmonics originate from the mathematical unfoldment of time in geometric proportion. M57 inspires multi-spectral creative expression--a multiplicity of opportunity for fulfillment when individuality is creatively amalgamated into a greater expression than one could achieve alone. M57 also holds the memory pattern that unifies our diversity--reminding us that all rays of color and creed ultimately comprise and fulfill the unbounded expression of One Unified Creative Intelligence.

Use tight orbs - for Nodes, angles and luminaries - less than 1.5 or maybe 2 degrees; for other personal planets less than 1 degree.

Also important in the constellation Lyra are the fixed stars Sheliak at 18 Capricorn 53 and Sulaphat at 21 Capricorn 55. These are known as the points or horns of the Tortoise Lyre, which is the structure that carries the resonant strings of the harp which is the the Ring Nebula itself. Although important alignments with these points are not in themselves starseed indicators, they do carry their own Lyran symbolism. Sheliak embodies the wisdom of light/sound harmonics. Physically, this extremely fast rotating binary star radiates a remarkable and spectacular optical show of brilliantly changing color. Sulaphat on the other hand embodies geometric resonance in form and the ancient wisdom of the Turtle.

The other important star in Lyra is the alpha fixed star Vega at 15 Capricorn 19 - this points to where the re-unifying harmonic spectra of the Elohim (the shining ones) culminate--a new home for some upon completion of their galactic missions. Vega is stargate to Mansion Universes of Light--and represents the fulfillment and radiance of starseed missions completed. If strongly aspected along with other Royal Star contacts, this could indicate a lineline in which the influence of the Elohim is strong, along with aspirations to use this to complete the mission assigned to this incarnation. With a South Node contact to Vega, the individual may even be a fully ascended and conscious Elohim starseed master on an earth mission, assuming that there there are also strong alignments with the Great Attractor, Royal Stars and the M57.

A word on the Great Attractor - this is the most powerful point in the Universe, so powerful that it makes the Galactic Centre look miniscule. It is at 14 Sagittarius. While the Galactic Centre is the "sun of our sun", the central rotating point of the Milky Way ... the Great Attractor is a supercluster of 100,000 galaxies 250 million light years from our solar system. It is the grand central sun of a much larger group of galaxies- and it is a point that we are all being pulled towards (we are literally hurling in that direction at insane speeds). In astrology the great attractor represents the key to the mystery of the Universe. it's a very intense point that has mystical and metaphysical properties.

As such, the Great Attractor should feature strongly - preferably a tightly orbed conjunction or opposition with personal planets, angles, nodes or sun/moon midpoint in all Starseed charts where there is awakening as it points to divine harmony and the fulfulment of our spiritual destiny."

Disclaimer: please view this material as exploratory, even metaphoric, if you like.

Get your chart here. If you have your Sun or any planet within two degrees of this fixed star it indicates some affinity. Affinity means possibly that you are from that starseed constellation/star or you incarnated through a star gate there. It may also mean that you have had some other influence from that star system or related karma. You can also look up what certain specific conjunction mean or order an interpretation report from several sources. Other placements and interpretations.

Jane Leu Rekas

Jane Leu Rekas is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Hypnotist, Reiki Master and an astrology blogger at Astrological Counsel.

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