
sketch by Jane

"Arcturus: reside in 5D-9D; have integrated most of their karma; cosmic midwifery; Arcturus group consciousness created the blueprint of polarity integration for Earth; have unconditionally loving/balanced energy, serve as universal ambassadors and mediators in conflicts; proficient in energy transmission (language of light, sacred geometry, crop circles, mathematics, master alchemists); many water worlds."

Arcturus in Bootes
15 Libra 26 Merga (Bootes) (Ammonite)
17 Libra 40 Seginus (Bootes) (White Fluorite)
19 Libra 20 Mufrid (Bootes) (Black Tourmaline)
22 Libra 09, 48 Foramen (Argo Navis) / Hemelein Prima (Bootes) (Tugtipite)
23 Libra 50, 55 Spica (Virgo) / Hemelein Secunda (Bootes) (Mookaite Jasper)
24 Libra 14, 15 Arcturus, Nekkar (Bootes) (Piemontie) see below
28 Libra 06 Izar (Bootes) (Laguna Agate)
03 Scorpio 09, 11 Princeps, Alkalurops (Bootes) (Aegerine)
05 Scorpio 06 Ceginus (Bootes) (Stromatolite)

Arcturus Crystals



Birthdays - October 16 – 18
Key Word - Distinctiveness

Crystal - Piemontite (variety of Epidote)
Attributes - This stone sends you courage and confidence. It will help you to be able to approach others, and to be able to deal with embarrassing situations. If you wear this stone you will be able to express your needs more easily. Physically piemontite supports the heart, liver, regeneration and fertility, it will strengthen your reproductive organs.
Message - Beautifully unique, individually designed to evoke the creative vision.
Focus - Oddities are your speciality; utilise you extra abilities to function on higher levels.
Affirmation - Think again; believe nothing is impossible.


Arcturus & Antares Gateways

Seal of Arcturus


Arcturian Starseed

Constellation: Bootes
Alpha Star: Arcturus


Arcturians are etheric healers, and Arcturus is also an incarnational gateway.  Arcturian starseeds have access to learning great healing abilities.

Magical Correspondences


Sabian Symbols: chanticleer saluting the dawn
Crystal: Mukaite (Archangel Michael energy)

"Edgar Cayce has said in his teachings that Arcturus is one of the most advanced civilizations in this galaxy. It is the fifth- dimensional civilization that is a prototype of Earth's future. Its energy works as an emotional, mental, and spiritual healer for humanity. It is also an energy gateway through which humans pass during death and rebirth. It functions as a way station for nonphysical consciousness to become accustomed to physicality. The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch describes it as the mid-way programming center used by the physical brotherhoods in this universe to govern the many rounds of experiments with "physicals" at this end of the galaxy."

"Description: Primarily 4th and 5th dimensional beings. 4th dimensional beings are slender and androgynous in appearance with large almond shaped eyes. The 5th dimensional aspect cannot be defined as the 5th dimension is a formless expression of consciousness. The Arcturians are a highly evolved spiritually advanced civilization which specialize in emotional and spiritual healing."
  “We are seeking to create an awareness of our presence. This has been authorized by the highest sources in conjunction with your planetary evolution. We have not been directly involved in human evolutionary changes or genetic restructuring. Those issues were left up to the Pleiadians and the Sirians. Other extraterrestrial groups have also done these things. We, however, function more in the role of teachers or overseers. We are here to help you graduate so that you can ascend into the stargate, and move into the fifth dimensional realm.” Juliano through David K. Miller

"The Arcturians work on an emotional, mental, and spiritual healer level, for humanity. That is to say that they are here in our Earth sphere, to be of service to us, as humanity. Humans when they die, (if their soul then chooses this for them), can pass through a gateway during death and rebirth that is guarded and balanced by the energy of the Arcturians. It functions as a place for non-physical consciousness to become used to being physical."

Arcturus (in Bootes): "Arcturus is a golden yellow star in the constellation of Bootes, and means "Bear Guard," as it is near the Big Bear or Ursa Major, the Big Dipper. It also means "Lofty Lance Bearer." The Egyptians call it Smat, "The One Who Rules." Positive influences of Jupiter and Mars. It bestows esteem and honor.

A strong Arcturus will indicate that you are a pathfinder, a person who needs to create a better way of life or a new way of doing something, not just for yourself but for others as well. There will also be a strong sense of leading others involved in this new path or idea. Causes one to seek justice through power. Energetic, ambitious, attracting lasting success, good fortune, popularity, and prosperity; assocated with sea travel; possible losses through legalities. "


  • They are always strong from within.
  • They like to be spiritual from childhood. If it is not done so, they strongly get disappointed.
  • They are very much creative in nature.
  • They love to produce humor and make others laugh.
  • They love traveling. 
  • They often get bored. Due to this reason, they do something to grab other's attention.
  • They do not like to maintain close relationship with others. They always be casual with others.
  • Most often unknown people get attracted to them as they are strong and complete within the self.
  • They are at their best to advise others. Usually they do not have or involved in any issues. But they cannot tolerate when others do not follow their advice once they are given.
  • They are the most active people.
  • They are good in relationships which can let them be free.
  • They can freely express their anger and humor but cannot in the case of emotions.
- See more at:

See also:

Fairies = Arcturians
"At this point, we starseeds began to be mistaken for Spirits of the Earth, fairies, gods and other creatures. For example, the Lyrans went to Egypt, where they were worshiped. Some examples of Lyran depiction include Bastet, the cat headed Goddess and the Sphinx. In Greece and Rome, the Apollonians were depicted as Sea gods and Nymphs for our flowing white clothing, which dragged out behind us in the water, our strong swimming skills, our singing and our beauty. Pleiadians and Rhocancrians were often depicted as sky Gods because of the purity and beauty of their physical forms, the strong light they gave off, their wisdom and their purifying of negativity and darkness. The Arcturians were often depicted as fairies and Earth Gods because of their love of animals, their connection with nature, their willingness to sacrifice for the good of others and their nurturing, teaching and loving nature."   Starseed History

These are the fixed star placements in the Bootes Constellation:

Diagram of history of Arcturus, from The Prism of Lyra:

The Prism of Lyra: An Exploration of Human ... 
by Lyssa Royal 

"A strong Arcturus in your chart will indicate that you are a pathfinder, a person who needs to create a better way of life or a new way of doing something, not just for yourself but for others as well.  There will also be a strong sense of leading others involved with this new path or new idea."

Brady's Book of Fixed Stars 
by Bernadette Brady

contains interpretations of conjunctions


Intuitive Gigi Young "Where Are You Really From?" "A Family of Light Guide To Self Understanding Through Planetary Origin". by Jo Amidon.

Expressing Your TruthExpressing Your TruthArcturianWhich star system did YOU originally come from?Starseeds: Arcturus in the Bootes Constellation ~ Reiki Gods LoveArcturian Rainbow Healing ~ Reiki Gods LoveCourtney Love Arcturus/PvilaCrazy Horse (1840-77) was a leader of the Oglala Lakota. He took up arms against the U.S. Federal government to fight against encroachments on the territories & way of life of the Lakota people, including leading a war party at the Battle of Little Bighorn in June 1876. After surrendering to U.S. troops in 1877, he was fatally wounded by a military guard while allegedly resisting imprisonment at Camp Robinson, Nebraska. He ranks among the most notable & iconic of Native American tribal membe...One of the earliest conquistadors was Hernan Cortes. In 1519, he landed on the coast of Mexico.Jimmy Connors winning Wimbledon for the 2nd time, 1982Sean Connery...Oh My.Nothing will stop you from being creative so effectively as the fear of making a mistake. John CleeseAndrew Dice ClayJohnny Carson (1925-2005)  The Tonight one can do it better than the master. The Prince of TelevisionSirius/ArcturianGeorge Burns 1896-1996 (Age 100) Died from Natural causesMr. James Brown on Long Island in 1967. Photography by Jean-Marie native american medicine wheel | Posted by WolfSky on August 10, 2011 at 2:06pm View BlogConcert: Chuck Berry/Chastain Park/Atlanta Awesome...a legend! Google Image Result for for gray hair | Great Haircuts for Women in Their 60sFrancis Baconvintageruminance:Loni AndersonMel Blanc, the voice of Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, and many more cartoon characters, was born on May 30, 1908. He died on July 10, 1989Arcturus/SiriusArcturus/SiriusArcturian/SiriusAndromeda/ArcturusAndromeda/ArcturusArcturus/AndromedaArcturian Horses - Teach About Living On Lightarcturians - Google SearchTeal Scott Arcturian Healing Gifted Medium- let me connect you to your loved ones FB-Angelic Realm Connection Email: Heather@angelicrealmconnection.comAngel Communication Symbols | ... ~ Sacred Geometry February 28, 2013 | Angel wings and UnicornsSam Farrand - Arcturus - Please consider enjoying some flavorful Peruvian Chocolate this holiday season. Organic and fair trade certified, it's made where the cacao is grown providing fair paying wages to women. Varieties include: Quinoa, Amaranth, Coconut, Nibs, Coffee, and flavorful dark chocolate. Available on Amazon! i kristalna deca sire tekst ovde is used to reach the higher realms. "Mer" means Light. "Ka" means Spirit. "Ba" means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, spirals of energy as in DNA, which transports spirit/body from one dimension to another.The Great Shift On Planet Earth Occurs Within Our Beings First Before It Is Reflected In Our Outer Environment By Sabrina ReberArcturian ThoughtsArcturian Healing Technology | Just another WordPress siteAstrology Treesacred geometry janosh - Google SearchDoves!7 stars constellation pleiades - Google SearchUnderstanding Arcturian StarseedsThe Arcturian Group by Marilyn Raffaele 06/21/2015 ~arcturianWe+The+ArcturiansThe Arcturian Tarot: The 8 of Swords - How we screw ourselves overThe Lovers - The Arcturian TarotThe Arcturian Group - JUNE 30, 2012Metatron ~ One of the only two Archangels whose name does not end in "el" and one of the only two Archangels who were humans before becoming Angels (his brother Elijah/Sandalphon being the other). "The Angel of the presence"Awakening with Suzanne Lie: Portals of Transmutation--Arcturians and Galactic FamilyFollow On  

"The Arcturians originate from a crystal blue planet orbiting the star Arcturus, which is a red super-giant located in the constellation Bootes. Arcturus is also the brightest star in that constellation and lies 36 light years from Earth. The “handle” of the big dipper points to the bright star Arcturus. Arcturians are the most advanced 5th Dimensional beings in this galaxy. They operate under 5th density mostly. They give us an idea of what our future will be like. They are to us, spiritual, mental and emotional healers for all of humanity. They believe love is the primary element of life in the 5th density. Their ships are the most advanced in this free-will universe. We have not been hosts to a violent extraterrestrial attack here on Earth because most civilizations fear the advanced Arcturian ships. The Arcturian civilizations are governed by ‘elders’ who are the wisest and highest in the spiritual ladder. Arcturians range from 3 to 4 feet tall and are generally slim. The Arcturians have a greenish hue about their skin and have very pronounced, almond shaped eyes. They have the ability to move objects with their minds and are highly telepathic. Their hands, unlike human hands, have only 3 digits. They have brown and sometimes black eyes, but they rarely use them, they see telepathically. They can live to the age of 350 or even 400 years. They age slowly and do not fall prey to sickness, this was eradicated long, long ago. In the Arcturian civilizations, professions and life’s paths are chosen by one’s spirituality level. This is used to decide which female is suited to give birth. The birth process is unlike that of ours, it consists of a female and male mentally bonding and thus a clone of the bond is produced as a result. Arcturus evolution is based on teachings of spirituality, and thus as one evolves, one becomes more spiritual, if one fails to reach his allotted goal, that individual is then tutored more so the individual can succeed. The arcturians ingest energy instead of eating like us. They also live off little sleep, they rest only once a week. They can also ingest knowledge therefore they can intellectually advance faster than any human. They are here on Earth on a mission to educate humans and help us cross over to the 4th density. Collier describes the Arcturians as also being one of the races interacting with the Earth and that they are “trying to help.” According to the contactee ‘Adrian’, the Arcturians are the extraterrestrial race most responsible for crop circles. He argues that the crop circles are intended both to inspire humans with the possibility of extraterrestrial communications, and to warn negative extraterrestrials of the consequences of their actions to control and manipulate humanity. They think of themselves as healers. They carry a strong pride of technology in the arts of physical healing, and emotional and spiritual bodies. They have been known to intervene in the ancient past to help resolve very serious conflicts in our area of the Universe by sharing their unique ability to show others how to integrate their belief systems and feelings to resolve conflict. They can be very silent, and can and will keep very much to themselves. They as a group, have done much to help raise the overall levels of consciousness in our Universe. In her book, We, The Arcturians, Dr Norma Milanovich describes her communication with the Arcturians through a form of computer aided automatic writing. She claims the Arcturians are here to: “… assist Earth as it enters a New Age of spirituality. They cannot interfere with the free will or decision-making process of any Earthling, but are here to educate and help raise the vibrations of all who choose to journey to the new dimension the Earth is entering. The Arcturians are described as having a highly developed spiritual culture and technological sophistication that gives them great influence in the galaxy. Another individual who telepathically communicates with the Arcturians claims they have the following mission on Earth: The Arcturians are the overall guides or administrators of the contact experience. They have a desire generally to see this go well. To see you learn as much as possible by this process and to assist you in any way they can. However, their affinity is to the future of the planet as a whole and they tend to have a hands-off approach as much as possible. They will tend to do the least amount of work for the greatest effect. You’ll find them to be efficient and quite creative in this. They may be useful to you in learning how to play, how to wait for the right timing, and how to do the very few important things that you must do to succeed. The Arcturians’ main activity therefore appears to be one of integrating spiritual values with advanced technologies, in providing strategic advice in transforming planetary systems, and inspiring humanity with the possibilities of extraterrestrial contact. The global solutions the Arcturians contribute to include transparent and accountable global governance; integrating global financial, political and societal systems; helping humanity coordinate effectively with all extraterrestrial races, and diplomacy and conflict resolution."

Disclaimer: please view this material as exploratory, even metaphoric, if you like.

Jane Leu Rekas

Jane Leu Rekas is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Hypnotist, Reiki Master and an astrology blogger at Astrological Counsel.

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