Apollonian Starseeds

Looks like there is a correlation with Alpha Centaurus.

Are Appollonian Starseeds from Alpha Centauri?
Keep in mind that Alpha Centauri, is the alpha star in the constellation Centaurus

Apollonian Starseeds

Evolved from:   possibly from Alpha Centauri, may also be an unknown twin star of Alcyone
Appearance:  Spirits of the Earth, fairies, gods and other creatures... In Greece and Rome, the Apollonians were depicted as Sea gods and Nymphs...

  • They have a deep interest in talking.
  • They love to be multi talented throughout their lifetime.
  • They cannot stick to one identity. They react abruptly when others try to restrict them regarding identity. Otherwise, they the most calm people.
  • They like to be independent even in the emotional needs. It is very much essential for them to be aware to enjoy human life as well.
  • Many of these people work as healers.
  • They often help the people who are in need. No matter what it is.
  • They always enjoy being different from others.
- See more at: http://www.ultimatetruthofself.com/higher-consciousness/types-of-star-seeds-and-their-characteristics#sthash.NojOqorH.dpuf

LightConnection.org www.lightconnection.org/ "Where Are You Really From?" "A Family of Light Guide To Self Understanding Through Planetary Origin". by Jo Amidon.

"If you are Gaian, Apollonian, Orionian, Pleiadian, or Vegan, you must be surrounded in Loveand be of service, or you will become deficient in Love (and hence, depression can happen).Options are: cheerleaders, mediators, marriage counselors, counselors, therapists, mediums, channelers, natural healers, dancers, jewelry makers, nurses, police officers, daycare owners, caretakers, dog walkers, firemen and women, and any other service providers. "

"Apollonia, the unknown twin sister star of Alcyone of the Pleiades! This star is very much like Earth. Beautiful, lush greens (70%) with water (30%) always nearby. The sky is blue, with white clouds and Angel constellations up above! There are no humanoid structures here, however, there are kingdoms for the animals playing here: orcas, more butterflies, turtles, etc."

Apollonian starseeds 

"Apollonian starseeds thrive on learning, they love the idea of improving their abilities in any way they can. They have varied interest in taking classes to develop their skills. Simply Apollonian’s don’t allow themselves to be limited to anything. They hate being labeled or limited in their roles. Apollonian starseeds know they have work to do on Earth; they have taken on a healing approach mainly because of their deep connection to earth and her needs. They have early recognition of energy fields, auras and spirits, and are very much drawn to spiritual learning as way to find answers and information."

Apollonians = Nymphs

"At this point, we starseeds began to be mistaken for Spirits of the Earth, fairies, gods and other creatures. For example, the Lyrans went to Egypt, where they were worshiped. Some examples of Lyran depiction include Bastet, the cat headed Goddess and the Sphinx. In Greece and Rome, the Apollonians were depicted as Sea gods and Nymphs for our flowing white clothing, which dragged out behind us in the water, our strong swimming skills, our singing and our beauty. Pleiadians and Rhocancrians were often depicted as sky Gods because of the purity and beauty of their physical forms, the strong light they gave off, their wisdom and their purifying of negativity and darkness. The Arcturians were often depicted as fairies and Earth Gods because of their love of animals, their connection with nature, their willingness to sacrifice for the good of others and their nurturing, teaching and loving nature."   
Starseed History

"Apollonians love to learn and add to their many talents. There is often interest in taking varied classes and developing many abilities. There is a deep questioning nature to Apollonians that leads them on a search for answers and fulfillment. This may result in a number of careers or interests in a lifetime as they seek to constantly add to their repertoire of knowledge. They may at times feel somewhat like "sponges" as they soak up many different bits of knowledge. They may appear to others like "professional students", or give the appearance of being unable to make up their minds as to what they wish to do. This is not the case. It is simply that Apollonians do not allow themselves to be limited to any one role, or definition of who and what they are. Any attempt by others to limit them or label them is very strongly and instantly resisted. This is one instance where the normally calm Apollonians will show a dramatic reaction. There may be situations where the Apollonian may feel that others are making attempts to limit, restrict or label them...regardless of the truth, if a situation creates this feeling, there will be a strong reaction.

There is a deep desire to be self-sufficient and avoid the need to depend on others, financially or emotionally. They may need to remind themselves at times to enjoy life and take time for pleasure, as they tend to be rather serious. This can be very obvious if they are focused on a pathway of learning or achievement. It should be noted that even the rare Apollonian who chooses a pathway of pleasure seeking and play rather than serious learning, will be just as deeply and fully focused on that pathway.

Many from Apollonia have work to do as Earth healers and feel a deep connection to the Earth and her needs. There is early recognition of energy fields, auras, spirit friends or angels, which leads them to be drawn to spiritual learning as a means of finding answers and explanations. These abilities with energy may lead them to do healing work at some point in their lives, either with the planet, animals or people. There is often an attraction to children and desire to help children and those who are helpless or in need. This could be as a parent, teacher, counselor, or simply an interested friend.

There is a strong ability to empathize with others and use that ability to help others to heal and release emotional pain and fears. There is a strong love of beauty and nature. Apollonians often rely on the beauty and peace of nature to heal themselves and find peace within. There is a strong sense of intuition and spiritual connectedness. Those from Apollonia may have often considered themselves exotic or taken pleasure in being "different."



Appollonian Soul Traits- Starseed

Orion etc. element is Love

Expressing Your TruthExpressing Your TruthApolloniaWhich star system did YOU originally come from?George Clooney by Annie Leibovitz.  He could totally pull off AndrossThe one thing Deepak Chopra says you should do to be healthier and happier!Rae Dawn Chong..... very underrated actress and easy on the eyes.Tyra Banks - one of the cooler people in the modeling industry. She's always so supportive.Joan Baez. So naturally beautiful. I've pinned her before, but she deserves more.Lisa Kudrow Pleiades/ApolloniaYunjin kim Pleiades/ApolloniaMelissa Joan Hart Pleiades/ApolloniaFergie Sirius/ApolloniaNaomi Campbell Apollonia/VegaElizabeth Mitchell Apollonia/VegaJoni Mitchell. Favourite female singer/songwriter and vocalist ever. She puts her soul into everything she does and she's constantly breaking my heart.Young Pamela Anderson---She was gorgeous - back before tatoos and living hard; back when she was pretty.paula abdul 80s | Paula Abdul, late 1980s | MTV Photo GalleryFollow On  

Disclaimer: please view this material as exploratory, even metaphoric, if you like.

Jane Leu Rekas

Jane Leu Rekas is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Hypnotist, Reiki Master and an astrology blogger at Astrological Counsel.

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