Draco: Alpha Draconians

Yes, you can be a Draconian Starseed

If you have a planet conjunct one of these stars, then you my have some affinity with Draco. Get your chart here. If you have your Sun or any planet within two degrees of this fixed star it indicates some affinity. Affinity means possibly that you are from that starseed constellation/star or you incarnated through a star gate there. It may also mean that you have had some other influence from that star system or related karma. You can also look up what certain specific conjunction mean or order an interpretation report from several sources. Other placements and interpretations.

Nodus 11 17 aries 10 (Halite)
Tyl (epsilon) 02 Taurus 42 (Fulgurite)
upsilon 20 Taurus 20 (Chilean Lapis Lazuli)
Phi 11 Gemini 06 (Tsavorite Garnet)
chi 16 Gemini 01 (Green Calcite)
Dziban (psi) 13 Can 48 (Shattuckite)
Giansar (lambda) 10 Leo 20 (Cavansite)
omega 12 Leo 15 (Richterite)
kappa 16 Leo 15 (Yellow Fluorite)
Thuban (alpha) 07 Virgo 27 Alpha Draconis (Pearl) see below
Nodus 1 (zeta) 03 Libra 23 (Gold Rutilated Quartz)
Edasich iota 04 Libra 57 (Mexican Fire Opal)
eta 14 Libra 28 (Green Apophylitte)
Theta (Neck) 16 Lira 40 (Blue Fluorite)
Arakis mu (Head) 24 Scorpio 45 (Meteorite)
Kuma nu (Head) 10 Sag 19 (Yellow Sapphire)
Alwaid beta (Head) 11 Sag 58 (Alabaster)
Grumium xi (Head) 24 Sag 45 (Blue Lace Agate)
Etamin gamma (Head) 27 Sag 58 (White Marble)

See also: The Unholy Six

Alpha Draconians

Evolved from:  "The Draconian beings originally came from another universe after the universe already created stars and planets and the Avian and Feline races were already developing here billions of years ago. They established themselves in the Draco and Orion constellation regions and then set out to conquer other worlds."
Types: See also Reptilians 101
Dimension:   Exist from 3D on up to 12D
Chakras: 7th Crown primary, 3rd Solar Plexus secondary
Traits:  They don't have an emotional body

Draconian Starseed Traits

Draconian Angels excerpt


  • "Ah, Draconians…. so misunderstood! Most Draconian Angels need to celebrate! This is time to be understood and to show others that we are all equal and that this history of our Selves needs to be who we are.
  • Draco, the dragon star, beautiful beyond compare. Most of it is covered with tall trees (80%), with some lakes and streams (20%). There are no humanoid buildings there, but that is because most Draconians are dragons, dinosaurs (T-Rex is my favorite!), and vampires. The skies are green with a red sun and purple clouds.
  • Dragons are colorful: red, blue, green, yellow, orange, purple, titanium, gold, white, etc.! They also represent the elements: fire, water, air, earth, and Love. As elementals, they can use their Angel intention to create natural magic. See below for more details.
  • Draconian Angels are unusual! They have a primary dominant chakra of 7th chakra (crown), with a secondary dominant chakra of 3rd chakra (solar plexus). They tend to be Senses of Fire or a combination thereof. They tend to be Judging Angels, using their 3rd chakra to make decisions. Type A or B? They tend to be a moderate Type A, cool as a cat, with more Type B in them than most Type As. In the Human Design world, they are Manifesting-Generators or Projectors.
  • Success for a Draconian Angel means: You already know your dreams! It’s a matter of implementation. When someone says go, and your heart follows, GO! TAKE IT AND RUN!
  • Draconians have white wings!
  • Draconian Angels are cold! Remember to bring a blanket or jacket wherever you go because you will tend to need one!
  • You will need special care for a Draconian. They need healthy, saturated fat. In fact, if they don’t get enough fats from their foods, they will end up eating sticks of butter until their Angel Self tells them to stop. Saturated fats are not our enemies! Most Angels require heavy amounts due to their need for health. Healthy saturated fats boost their immune system, fight off buggies, develop their brains, and help heal. A pat of butter with every meal will help deal with a Draconian (and help with all other Angels).
  • Above all other Angels (except Sirians), Draconians tend to carry ALOT of toxins. Use caution! If you feel weird or can sense something on red alert, clear your toxins. Either do some earthing or release to the Angels. You will better function day to day this way!
  • Draconians require emotional stability. As elementals, when they get angry or sad, they will unconsciously (or consciously!) create natural disasters, wherever they are. Be careful to quell the disasters that are coming!
  • Vitamin K is the deficiency that Draconian Angels require. When malnourished, Draconians tend to have digestive issues, such as mouth/esophegeal/stomach/colon cancer and Irritated Bowel Syndrome (IBS).With proper nourishment, emotional stability, earthing, and a pat of butter every meal, proper Draconians can live happy, healthy lives. "

"The Alpha Draconians (or Royal Draco)

After Sirius star system itself, Thuban (Alpha Draconis) seems to be the Sirians’ most important base. It appears that this star was one of the first planetary systems the Dark Lords conquered. The inhabitants are different kinds of Draco/Reptilian life forms, often giant in shape. These races are commonly mentioned in Ufology and Exopolitics as a cruel conquer race and deeply involved in Earth’s history. This is very true to my knowledge as well, and the main group that is working closely with the Sirians here on Earth; especially with ENLIL. In the Sumerian scriptures, they go under a common name, KIN-GU, or Kingú.

The Draconian Albinos
Although their home planets are now orbiting Thuban, their royal clan, who are an albino Draco race, some with wings and horns, others without any of it, migrated to the Lyran star system, possibly when the Sirians came, or perhaps before. They are larger than all other Kingú, and are in Sumerian text known as the Kingú-Babbar. They are creator gods in their own right and are the creators of other Reptilian races, now spread out over Sector 9.  The Babbar are loners and opponents to the Sirians, although not directly human friendly either. They are known to be aggressive and don’t hesitate to kill, but don’t have any direct plans to take over the Universe, like the Sirian Alliance does. They are present in our solar system on occasion, and the Sirians leave them alone, probably out of respect and fear.

See also: Reptilian 101

The Red Dracos
These are the ones in charge of the Draconian still residing in Draco. Most of the Dracos are these days willingly working with the Sirians, although there are rebel groups here too, as normally seems to be the case in occupied worlds. They have reddish skin, wings, horns, and tails. It’s probably from seeing manifestations of this group we got the image of the Devil. They are known to be ferocious soldiers, and often seen together with Sirians on occupied planets. They have their own governors in Thuban, but the whole Draco system falls under Sirian regime, and their governors answer to the Sirian Government.

The Green Dracos
These are the worker class, obedient to both the Red Dracos and the Sirians. They are considered a ‘lower caste’ and simply do as they are told. They are not trained warriors like the Red, but they are still territorial, which is a common Reptilian trait, and would get hostile if provoked, and definitely if they were ordered to."


"Reptilian beings who are said to have established colonies in Alpha Draconis. Like all reptilians, these claim to have originated on Earth thousands of years ago, a fact that they use to 'justify' their attempt to re-take the earth for their own. They are apparently a major part of a planned 'invasion' which is eventually turning from covert infiltration mode to overt invasion mode as the "window of opportunity" (the time span before International human society becomes an interplanetary and interstellar power) slowly begins to close. They are attempting to keep the "window" open by suppressing advanced technology from the masses, which would lead to eventual Terran colonization of other planets by Earth and an eventual solution to the population, pollution, food and other environmental problems. Being that Terrans have an inbred "warrior" instinct the Draconians DO NOT want them/us to attain interstellar capabilities and therefore become a threat to their imperialistic agendas (Draconian)." source

Alpha Draconians
"After Sirius star system itself, Thuban (Alpha Draconis) seems to be the Sirians’ most important base. It appears that this star was one of the first planetary systems the Dark Lords conquered. The inhabitants are different kinds of Draco/Reptilian life forms, often giant in shape. These races are commonly mentioned in Ufology and Exopolitics as a cruel conquer race and deeply involved in Earth’s history. This is very true to my knowledge as well, and the main group that is working closely with the Sirians here on Earth; especially with ENLIL. In the Sumerian scriptures, they go under a common name, KIN-GU, or Kingú."


The Draconian controlled Orion Empire is called the Unholy Six:


The Rockefellers are said to be of Draconion origin who have lost almost all of their contact with spirit.

"The Alpha-Draconians, or "Dracs" hail from the Alpha-Draconis star system. They are reptilian primarily, and possessed of high intelligence and a unique technological base. There are, in fact, many reptilian groups, offshoots and splinters scattered throughout this part of the galaxy. The term "Dracs" is usually refers to the main body originating at and around the Alpha-Draconis star system, and their organized activities. They are meat eaters and find humans "tasty." They also find cats, dogs and cows to be very tasty. Their fondness for earth-based proteins is certainly part of the reason for their pursuit of Earth right now. They also traffic in various rare metals and even some of the manufactured goods humans are capable of making at this time, some of which do have value in certain markets, particularly among the Syndicates and black market zones. There is a minor political group among the Dracs who contend that the Earth is actually theirs, anyway, because their biologic ancestors originated on Earth itself, though something over 70 million years ago, prior to the last major impact event. MIBs: this is a view spoken of only by a minority group of the Dracs. Though not denied by any, most seem to hold it as irrelevant. MIB archivists are unable to verify this claim, in any case. Nor does it seem likely that any species on the Earth during that time would have been capable of space fight, thus preserving themselves in spite of the impact event that devastated the planet for millennia afterwards. Will describe all forms of reptilian beings... so many species that each has it's own category. These are called Drac's for short and have a reputation of being cunning, highly intelligent, are very predatory warlike creatures. These are not the good guys, although many people would argue the point. They have been connected to Roswell, New Mexico cover-up and Dulce Caverns in New Mexico, to underground military bases supposedly in connection with our government and MILABS.

Draconian They have webbed fingers, nails which resemble talons, with various shades of dark greenish grey scaly skin and have reptile eyes in various colors. They have the ability to shape shift and mask as human. They seem to feed off human energy, off of our fear or other highly charged emotions. Several sources claim they are the original inhabitants of Earth and were driven from the planet by the visiting Adamic / Evadamic (humanoid species) race who may have been part of the Anunnaki and headed for the Draco Star System, many thousands of years ago and will return to take over earth again.

Winged Draconians They are tall, over seven feet, reptilians with dark reptile scales, elongated hands with thick black talons on 4 fingers. Their features are pointed and angular, large reptile eyes and thin but muscular bodies. They are very dragon like in appearance. They have the ability to shape shit to propagate. They are hostile in their abductions, they've been known to manipulate and invade dreamscapes. They feed of the emotions and energies of fear, anger and use hypnosis, mind control. A very cunning aggressive reptilian species with the ability for trans-dimensional as well as Interdimensional travel. It appears that their sole agenda is to destroy the souls of humans, humanoid species throughout the universe." 


Michelle Walling, Certified Holistic Life Coach
"Place of Origin: The Draconian beings originally came from another universe after the universe already created stars and planets and the Avian and Feline races were already developing here billions of years ago. They established themselves in the Draco and Orion constellation regions and then set out to conquer other worlds. 

Dimensional Perspectives: Exist from 3D on up to 12D

Appearance: The original Reptilian master race is Draconian, which have the form of Dragons. They are huge winged beings of immense power. There are now many forms of Reptilian beings in the universe. Some are fully reptilian, and some are human reptilian hybrids.

Evolution: The Draconian race came in small numbers after this universe was formed. They found and opened the gateway that is in the Lyran Constellation. They were a renegade group whose motives were to find new lands to conquer and to multiply. They became a menace to many evolving worlds and did not abide by limits of interference set by creator beings and angelic consciousness. The Reptilians developed a disturbing reputation in this universe. But, the Draconian Royal lineage has since evolved to a high stature and they cooperate in guiding creation in the universe. There are many Reptilian races that are still war like and a bit rough. While others have evolved to find the power within their heart centers and are a powerful positive force in creating new civilizations.

Qualities: Strength, stamina, intense, influential, bold and aggressive, refined instincts, builders, honorable, brave, loyal, protective. Beneath the tough skin they have hearts of gold when they activate this from within. Prone to outbursts of sentiment that can be overwhelming to other races.

Abilities: They tend to see advantages in all situations and can strategize ways to effectively complete any goal. Instincts are acute. They sense motives and some say they smell fear and weakness, but also strengths. Many species are only crudely telepathic, if at all, thus they often depend on telepathic translators in their galactic dealings. But, again, their instinctual prowess serves them well. They also can energetically shapeshift into other beings.

Specialties: Reptilians will get the job done no matter what it takes. They are social builders and can see how talents can best be used to accomplish tasks. They establish effective hierarchies and rules to make teams succeed. Higher dimensional Reptilians are called upon to bring order and direction to common pursuits. They bring loyalty and sense of duty to endeavors.

Basic Needs: Respect and Order. Reptilians generally need others to respect their strength and instincts. They have strong desires to bring order out of chaos.

Focus: Bringing spirit of accomplishment, duty, loyalty, courage and order to all situations. Evolving Reptilians seek to reveal the strength within their hearts and to use this power to elevate projects.

Involvement with Earth: The Draconian race created the Dinosaurs on Earth. They were an early experiment in for Gaia consciousness. Then it was agreed by universal councils that there was time for new life to blossom on Earth, but that reptiles would remain in smaller forms. Much later, after humans were evolved in sentience, a 4D Reptilian race became involved in enslaving human beings to do their bidding and there was some genetic mixing that occurred without permission from guardians of Earth. This race and other Reptilian beings are trying to rectify this mistake now. Earth humans still have Reptilian DNA. It is hoped that the positive aspects of this can be strengthened in the race. Much of the overly aggressive and militant behaviors of humans came from these genes that were not planned for. There is also much resentment and negative influence from this early Reptilian influence that exists energetically in the astral field of Earth and human collective consciousness.

Guide for Humanity: Crestonia (12D Draconian Queen)

Star seeds: The Reptilians souls on Earth today are often from 5D evolved races that are here to remedy the negative influences from past reptilian beings. They are heart centered with a profound power to use their loyalty and sense of duty to awaken unconditional love on Earth. Hidden beneath what may appear to be guarded nature, lies a huge capacity to transcend differences and find acceptance for all walks of life. These souls are often leaders in whatever they do. They make wonderful group coordinators and event organizers and will usually finish what they start. They can come across too strong or boisterous, and some may say arrogant. But again, when they let down the guard that covers their heart, they reveal an amazing gift that allows them to see the love and talents of others and lead them to accomplish great things. These souls are often attracted to politics, community groups, the military, corporate structures, building contracting, or anything that makes use of their skills to organize, lead and build something. However, even if they do solitary activities, such as writing a book, they will give it sound structure and will gather everything they need with diligence and internal heart. Note that some can see the Reptilian soul within these humans and will think they are shapeshifting. Since humans have Reptilian DNA it is easy for these souls to incarnate within the human form and their true appearance can be seen by some."

  •  If you are Draconian and are a Sense of Fire, you must work on physical jobs or you will become deficient in Chi, Prana, or Life-force. Options are: martial artists, lumberjacks, yoga instructors, surgeons, first-line responders, rolfers, chiropractors, sculptors, woodcarvers, sports players, massage therapists, and other physically-demanding jobs.
  • https://wevibratebaby.wordpress.com/2014/03/26/what-are-angel-senses/

Thuban, Draco's Alpha star (Alpha Draconis)

"The Draconian Empire originated on Thuban (Alpha Draconis), and consists mainly of various groups of reptilian and dinosaur-like species, but humanoid worlds have joined, too, some forcefully, some willingly." source


Thuban (alpha) 07 Virgo 27 Alpha Draconis


Birthdays - August 29 – 31
Key Word - Restraint

Crystal - Pearl
Attributes - Soothes heals the negativity and struggle in your life, surrounds negative energy with light, dissolves negative energy, heals negative thoughts and thought forms, moves attachments and psychic attacks out of the aura, releases negative karmic patterns, fills the aura with healing light, calms and soothes the emotions, heals the negative inner voice and sub personalities.
Message - Enhance sincerity and loyalty; focus on emotional truths.
Focus - You transfix people with your natural charm and artistic talents.
Affirmation - I feel like I belong. I am confident people will accept me for who I am.


Disclaimer: please view this material as exploratory, even metaphoric, if you like.

Jane Leu Rekas

Jane Leu Rekas is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Hypnotist, Reiki Master and an astrology blogger at Astrological Counsel.

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