
When Maldek was destroyed it became the asteroid belt of the Goddess asteroids. It also said that Chiron is the divine counterpart to those asteroids and that healing our Chiron wounds is necessary for ascension! (Also there are some Maldekian Ascended Masters now residing on Jupiter).

The Pleiadian Emissaries of Light provide this fascinating chronicle of human spiritual evolution from a galactic perspective. This wider history of our solar system restores the long-forgotten connection of humankind with Venus, Mars, Maldek,…

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Maldeck is a planet that no longer exists.  See also Bigfoot/Sasquatch

Maldek's element is Water

"Maldek Hundreds of thousands of years ago there was another planet in this Solar System, about the size of Earth, which made its orbit between Mars and Jupiter. It was a green prosperous world inhabited by a people who had not reached a state of really advanced culture, but had nevertheless attained a stage which afforded an abundance of necessities which made life comparatively comfortable for all. They studied the philosophies and dabbled in the sciences as do we, except that these people were more advanced in many ways than we are. The planet was so highly mechanized that robots took care of all the menial tasks. The inhabitants had discovered a rudimentary form of space travel, and could control their weather so that drought and famine became long forgotten. The majority, having an abundance of food, and having no menial tasks to perform, soon became content to while away their time in the sun. They became, in comparison with higher planetary cultures, a selfish, lackadaisical people seeking after their own enjoyment, as do the majority of people on Earth today. Then the disease came. It probably started subtly in the minds of those few men of science who shunned the procrastinating majority, in a fervent search for material conquest, thus leaving themselves open to the incurable affliction. The mental disease manifested itself as a lust for greater power. They found it! They exploded a hydrogen bomb and completely destroyed the planet Maldek and murdered the whole populace in one blinding flash of searing flame. All that is now left of that beautiful planet is the asteroid belt. The people who inhabited Maldek were suddenly released onto their different etheric planes. According to the perfect law of karma, these people had to reincarnate again, under strict limitation, upon another planet in the Solar System. The Earth was approached. The Gods made an appeal to the Earth as an intelligence, asking if she would be willing to take compassion upon the killers of Maldek and agree to their reincarnation upon her back. In her great merciful compassion, she agreed, thereby accepting thousands of years of limitation so that these lesser life forms could gain essential experience. The Gods then approached the true inhabitants of Earth, a highly cultured race of individuals called – Adamic man, who also agreed to cooperate with the coming to Earth of the people from Maldek. Gradually those too lazy to stop the shocking cosmic crime of the destruction of Maldek and those who had actually brought it about, were reincarnated upon Earth. Adamic man stayed for a time giving instruction, guidance and help – and then, in accordance with Divine law, left the new inhabitants of Earth to their own devices." "Where Are You Really From?" "A Family of Light Guide To Self Understanding Through Planetary Origin". by Jo Amidon.

Maldeck Children
Recent generations of children with affinity for Maldek have been born through the Ultraviolet Archangelic Ray.  These children are also called the Golden Lunar Children.  They are very positive and loving.

"The remains of the Planet Maldeck are now what appears to be the asteroid belt, it was once on the other side of Mars. The starseeds of Maldeck planetary origin have steady and strong personalities. They are always steadfast in what ever it is that they believe. They are leaders but not showy about it.
They have a wonderful detail oriented, technological and intelligent mind. They are very knowledgeable on many subjects and always want to know what really makes someone tick. This is the reason that they need to know everything, they never want the quick easy answer. They really love to analyze and know there is always more to something than what you see on the surface. If you don't know them very well, they will appear distant or they will be hard to approach. They are very careful who they trust with their true deep selves. If they do trust you, then you can expect a very loving, honest and trustworthy friend or companion. Maldeckeans are always up for a challenge, they get hooked on uncovering mysteries and love to find reason in the unexplainable. Alchemy is right up their ally. They are often frustrated by much on Earth at this time, they liked the era or Merlin, King Arthur etc, the era appeals much more as they favor integrity, loyalty, honor, service to others is a common goal. Maldeckeans make good supportive partners, they are understanding and communicate their needs well."

  • They are stable and strong.
  • They love to be in comfort zone and it causes difficult for them to accept or understand new belief system.
  • They express and do have leadership capabilities.
  • They are very much intelligent and always understand the things from the core. It is not easy for the others to convince them with a simple explanation.
  • They know a person's in and out to accept him or her as a friend. Once they accept, they love their friends to the maximum level but expect the same from the others.
  • They love to know about mysteries like astronomy etc., and to face challenges.
  • They will be the true companion to their partner and support them a lot.
- See more at:

"Those who have Maldeck as their planetary origin have strong, steady personalities. They are determined and focused in their beliefs, whatever those beliefs may be. It may be difficult to for someone to convince one from Maldeck of the validity of new beliefs, as there are always many questions that must be answered to their comfort before accepting new possibilities. They often have deep leadership abilities, although these may be quietly expressed. Those from Maldeck are very intelligent, technically minded and detail oriented. They are knowledgeable in a wide variety of areas. They may have several careers, or one career with strong interests outside the field they chose for career. They seek to understand what is below the surface of people, things and events. Due to this, they seldom accept simple explanations or easy answers. They tend to analyze events, experiences and interactions with people and believe there is always more than what is apparent on a surface level. Those from Maldeck are individuals who usually will know quite a bit about any subject that may be brought up in conversation. They are reserved, and may appear to be distant or hard to approach to those they do not know well. They are cautious and skeptical about whom and what they trust with their innermost selves. If one is accepted as a friend or in an intimate relationship, they are very loving, honorable and trustworthy companions. They are disappointed in relationships if others do not return these qualities equally. They expect from others what they themselves are willing to give. It is often surprising to others to find such deeply felt beliefs, opinions and emotions in one who appears on the surface this quiet and reserved. Only with those they trust fully do they open themselves emotionally, but when this trust is present they are very capable of, and enjoy sharing themselves on all levels. Maldeckeans love challenges, mysteries and the unknown or unexplainable. They are often fascinated with "magic" and the use of energy to create and manifest. They often have an early interest in astronomy, the planets and exploring the universe. They may love tales such as King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, Merlin the Magician and others of that era. The desire for honor, integrity, loyalty and service of common goals is strong. They may long for historical times when the defense of these ideals was a common daily activity. Those time periods on Earth were favored by Maldeckeans, who may feel frustrated by much in this current time on Earth. In relationships Maldeckeans are strongly supportive and understanding of partners, providing their partner is equally open to sharing themselves fully, and discussing all elements of their needs and desires. Once mutual understanding is achieved, there is a willingness to do whatever is needed to help those they love achieve their goals and dreams. It should be understood that because of the Maldeck questioning nature, it might take many discussions for this to occur. Maldeckeans have a strong loyalty and little problem with commitment, whether it is to a relationship, friendship, career or ideal. They do expect the same in return and will be quickly disillusioned if this is not so. This would be one of the rare occasions when a Maldeck temper might be seen."

Expressing Your TruthExpressing Your TruthMaldeckWhich star system did YOU originally come from?Lon Chaney (London After Midnight)Jimmy Carter was the 39th President of the USA.  He was in office January 20, 1977-January 20, 1981Helena Bonham Carter - so sweet and demure yet sexy!Raymond Burr is Perry Mason...I LoOoVe Perry Mason!!! #hedon'tlikemytype #DVRhim #eveningcouchdatesJim Brown, Cleveland Browns, 1962when Charles Bronson saw Jill Ireland for the first time she was married to David McCallum. They were attending the same party and Charles was in a Tux....he took one look at Jill and told David "within a year I will have your wife"...true story, and he did...they were not intimate until she was divorced from David....wowJohannes Brahms, age 20.Bonanza (TV show) Dan Blocker as Eric "Hoss" CartwrightSusan B. Anthony Quotes In Honor Of The Civil Rights Leader's BirthdayLouisa Mae Alcott sitting at the desk where she wrote "Little Women."Sean Bean, Sirius/MaldeckJean M. Auel, Maldeck/SiriusOrion/MaldeckMaldeck/OrionFollow On  

Disclaimer: please view this material as exploratory, even metaphoric, if you like.

Jane Leu Rekas

Jane Leu Rekas is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Hypnotist, Reiki Master and an astrology blogger at Astrological Counsel.

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