"Varuna is the all-knowing creator god in the mythology of India: "He knows the pathway of the wind" (Rig Veda, the oldest of the Vedas and the oldest book in Sanskrit). Varuna is the merciful, supportive, and heavenly king of both the gods and humans who controls the physical order of the universe. He expresses physical power in battle and pro-creative vigor as he upholds cosmic law and a path of order.
Varuna has an estimated diameter of 900 (+125/-145) kilometers, which makes it slightly smaller than Charon (Pluto's companion). Varuna was detected on November 28. 2000 by Arizona-based astronomers in the Spacewatch Project. The discovery team was led by David Jewitt of the Institute of Astronomy in Honolulu.
Varuna was discovered when it was making passage in sidereal Gemini, near the foot of Castor but conjoining the principal star Alhena, the foot of Pollux, (and Mebsuta). "The Twins" are marked by the two principal stars: Pollux, the immortal extraterrestrial one, and Castor the mortal terrestrial one, the extraterrestrial incarnate. These two stars mark the last few degrees of sidereal Gemini. The Twins stand upon the galactic equator at a 60° angle to the ecliptic plane, with the "Feet of the Twins" lying in earlier Gemini, upon the "galactic node" of the Holy Cross--the "Gate of Man." Thus, Gemini is a galactic constellation, one common to our solar plane (ecliptic), and so with sol / soul purpose expressing in the daily activity of humankind. (Our feet are associated with our longer term / sole / sole / soul purpose.)
The Twins are ambassadors. The role of the Twins is one of linking and uniting the mission of the soul (galactic plane) into and through our incarnate daily affairs and mode of participating in the world. The Twins work hand-in-hand for the betterment and evolutionary fulfillment of humankind. And of course, Gemini is of communication, commerce, and activity.
Alhena is the mark or brand--here indicating Varuna's arrival to be marking the time to re-essablish order out of the chaos on Earth. Alhena is of commencement and indicates a turning point has been reached, a separating of the ways is at hand, that it is time to get off the fence of indecision and take action, to go forth, to act on our greater soul truth and purpose."
Disclaimer: please view this material as exploratory, even metaphoric, if you like.

Jane Leu Rekas
Jane Leu Rekas is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Hypnotist, Reiki Master and an astrology blogger at Astrological Counsel.
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Jane Rekas
Astrology Blogger
Jane, Pleaidian Starseed, Arcturian Lineage, Lemurian Priestess, Atlantean Priestess Maria Sophia of violet flame in Sisterhood of the Rose
I did not come to this topic with a particular interest in ETs or UFOs, etc. My route to this is through an interest in incarnational purpose, particularly related to Ascension, and astrology.
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