Lemurian and Atlantean origins

Lemurians were the third Root Race and Atlanteans the fourth.

"RR=Root Race, FB=Frequency Band
our overall frequency is still around FB 3.10-3.15. 

  1. The Polarian RR1 had etheric bodies resembling dimly conscious, luminous, floating clouds or amoeboid forms to explore the version of Earth around frequency band (FB) 4.5.
  2. The Hyperborean RR2 had more heterogeneous etheric bodies with filamentous, tree-like or semi-human forms that reproduced by budding. They existed at FB 4.0 eons ago.
  3. The Lemurian RR3 had denser physical humanoid forms that existed around FB 3.5. They evolved from egg-layers to hermaphrodites to split sexes that mixed with the Atlanteans.
  4. The Atlantean RR4 had 7 sub-races with all major racial groups, animal-human chimeras, etc. But this civilization dropped down to FB 3 by the fourth sub-race. The fifth sub-race was used to form the seed of the next root race (RR5), while the rest of Atlantis fell.
  5. The Aryan RR5 emerged about 100,000 years ago originally at FB 3.1 as the western Caucasian form factor. But as their frequencies dropped at various points in time, other form factors/races were seeded from different parts of the galaxy to create a more diverse and robust human race. We are the 7th civilization of RR5 now hovering at FB 3.10-3.15.
  6. The Sixth root race (RR6) will emerge in the future, when we are fully in the Age of Aquarius, and have moved out of FB 3 to FB 4, which is a major shift in frequency. RR6 is beyond the children called indigo, crystal, rainbow, their hybrids, and even beyond the White children (masters), who are here to point the way to our future evolution.
  7. The Seventh root race (RR7) will emerge, when we have moved out of FB 4 to exist at FB 5 in the far distant future. Although it seems like only a frequency and a half in real terms, it’s a huge distance in frequential reality (like heaven on Earth) from where we are now.
Note: Each frequency band has 12 sub-frequencies, and each sub-frequency has 12 sub-sub-frequencies for a total of 144 sub-sub-frequencies at each level that we ascend or descend."

Disclaimer: please view this material as exploratory, even metaphoric, if you like.

Get your chart here. If you have your Sun or any planet within two degrees of this fixed star it indicates some affinity. Affinity means possibly that you are from that starseed constellation/star or you incarnated through a star gate there. It may also mean that you have had some other influence from that star system or related karma. You can also look up what certain specific conjunction mean or order an interpretation report from several sources. Other placements and interpretations.

Jane Leu Rekas

Jane Leu Rekas is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Hypnotist, Reiki Master and an astrology blogger at Astrological Counsel.


  1. Full of crap. Aryans aren't white at all. You all where created by the annunaki.

  2. Full of crap. Aryans aren't white at all. You all where created by the annunaki.
