Diamond Planet Beings

Rhocancrian Souls from 06 Leo 21

"Let's start with the Rhocancrian Souls. These souls come from the planet 55 Cancri in the Cancer Star System. Their planet is comprised of mostly diamond. They also have a binary star system with the 2 suns made of a yellow dwarf star and a red dwarf star. This light energy in it's own consciousness bounces off of the diamond core of the planet infusing it with a consciousness that more than enlightened. The vibration there is of a 7D, which is why no beings were seen there by satelite.

The civilization there is highly advanced and consists of tall structures made of diamond energy vibrating at a high state that it looks like a glittery city. I have channeled many beings from Cancri and they have always been extremely loving. It was almost like being in the pressence of angels."
Read more: http://starseedguidance.blogspot.com/2014/09/traits-of-rhocancrian-starseed-diamond.html


Starseed- Rhocancrian Souls- The Diamond People

Al Tarf 04 Leo 15
Acubens 13 Leo 38
iota Cancer 06 Leo 21 - Close to 55 Cancri
Asellus Borealis 07 Leo 32
Asellus Australis 08 Leo 43
Praesaepe 07 Leo 20

Pleiadians and Rhocancrians = sky gods
"At this point, we starseeds began to be mistaken for Spirits of the Earth, fairies, gods and other creatures. For example, the Lyrans went to Egypt, where they were worshiped. Some examples of Lyran depiction include Bastet, the cat headed Goddess and the Sphinx. In Greece and Rome, the Apollonians were depicted as Sea gods and Nymphs for our flowing white clothing, which dragged out behind us in the water, our strong swimming skills, our singing and our beauty. Pleiadians and Rhocancrians were often depicted as sky Gods because of the purity and beauty of their physical forms, the strong light they gave off, their wisdom and their purifying of negativity and darkness. The Arcturians were often depicted as fairies and Earth Gods because of their love of animals, their connection with nature, their willingness to sacrifice for the good of others and their nurturing, teaching and loving nature."   Starseed History

Disclaimer: please view this material as exploratory, even metaphoric, if you like.

Get your chart here. If you have your Sun or any planet within two degrees of this fixed star it indicates some affinity. Affinity means possibly that you are from that starseed constellation/star or you incarnated through a star gate there. It may also mean that you have had some other influence from that star system or related karma. You can also look up what certain specific conjunction mean or order an interpretation report from several sources. Other placements and interpretations.

Jane Leu Rekas

Jane Leu Rekas is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Hypnotist, Reiki Master and an astrology blogger at Astrological Counsel.

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