Royal Behenian Stars

"The Behenian fixed stars are a selection of fifteen stars considered especially useful for magical applications in the medieval astrologyof Europe and the Arab world. Their name derives from Arabic bahman, "root," as each was considered a source of astrological power for one or more planets. Each is also connected with a gemstone and plant that would be used in rituals meant to draw the star's influence (e.g., into a talisman). When a planet was within six degrees of an associated star, this influence was thought to be particularly strong.
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa discussed them in his Three Books of Occult Philosophy (Book II, chapters 47 & 52) as the Behenii (singular Behenius), describing their magical workings and kabbalistic symbols. He attributed these to Hermes Trismegistus, as was common with occult traditions in the Middle Ages. Their true origin remains unknown, though Sir Wallis Budge suspects a possible Sumeriansource.
The following table uses symbols from a 1531 quarto edition of Agrippa, but other forms exist. Where the name used in old texts differs from the one in use today, the modern form is given first."

Table of Behenian Stars[edit]

NameAstronomical DesignationLocation1PlanetGemstonePlantSymbol
AlgolCaput LarvæBeta Persei26 Taurus 10Saturn & Jupiterdiamondblack helleboreAlgol symbol (Agripe 1531).svg
PleiadesM45 (Taurus)29 Taurus 58Moon & Marsrock crystalfennelPleiades (Agrippa 1531).svg
AldebaranAldaboramAlpha TauriGemini 47Mars & Venusruby / garnetmilk thistleAldaboram (Agripa 1531).svg
CapellaAlhayhoch, HircusAlpha Aurigæ21 Gemini 51Jupiter & SaturnsapphirethymeAgrippa1531 Hircus.png
SiriusCanis majorAlpha Canis Majoris14 Cancer 05VenusberyljuniperSirius - Agrippa.png
ProcyonCanis minorAlpha Canis Minoris25 Cancer 47Mercury & Marsagatewater buttercupAgrippa1531 Canisminor.png
Regulus 2Cor leonisAlpha Leonis29 Leo 50Jupiter & MarsgranitemugwortAgrippa1531 corLeonis.png
DubheCauda UrsæAlpha Ursæ Majoris28 Gemini 34Venus & MoonmagnetsuccoryAgrippa1531 caudaUrsae.svg
AlgorabCorviDelta Corvi13 Libra 27Saturn & MarsonyxburdockAgrippa1531 alaCorui.png
SpicaAlpha Virginis23 Libra 50Venus & MercuryemeraldsageAgrippa1531 Spica.png
ArcturusAlchamethAlpha Boötis24 Libra 14Mars & JupiterjasperplantainAgrippa1531 Alchameth.png
AlpheccaElpheiaAlpha Coronæ Borealis12 Scorpio 18Venus & MarstopazrosemaryAgrippa1531 Elpheia.png
AntaresCor scorpiiAlpha ScorpiiSagittarius46Venus & JupitersardonyxbirthwortAgrippa1531 corScorpii.png
VegaVultur cadensAlpha Lyræ15 Capricorn19Mercury & Venuschrysolitewinter savoryAgrippa1531 Vulturcadens.png
Deneb AlgediCauda capricorniDelta Capricorni23 Aquarius30Saturn & MercurychalcedonymarjoramAgrippa1531 caudaCapricorni.png

Disclaimer: please view this material as exploratory, even metaphoric, if you like.

Get your chart here. If you have your Sun or any planet within two degrees of this fixed star it indicates some affinity. Affinity means possibly that you are from that starseed constellation/star or you incarnated through a star gate there. It may also mean that you have had some other influence from that star system or related karma. You can also look up what certain specific conjunction mean or order an interpretation report from several sources. Other placements and interpretations.

Jane Leu Rekas

Jane Leu Rekas is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Hypnotist, Reiki Master and an astrology blogger at Astrological Counsel.

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