Somtimes the terms density and dimension become interchangeable, almost...
"Bashar likens Dimensions to ‘Countries’ and ‘Densities’ to States within a country. (cosmic awakening 25-1-14) “you can have the idea of the 3rd and 4th density within the physical 4th dimensional space-time reality,…co-incidentally when you cross densities you will also be crossing simultaneously into the 5th dimension“
Update: ‘Sedona Vortex Array‘ Sept 2015:
During this transmission Bashar states, that we Earth inhabitants will shift from 3rd to 4th Density, but remain in the 4th Dimension. His race are shifting from 4th to 5th Density, which coincides with a dimensional shift from 4th Dimensional – Physical reality to 5th Dimensional – Non-Physical Reality.
Thus: 3rd & 4th densities are contained within the 4th Dimension, whereas 5th Density is within the 5th Dimension.
4th dimensional, 4th density; equates to A higher vibrational Earth state. Where Time & Space become more malleable."
4D Portal to the 5th Dimension
"There is a lot of information from both the metaphysical community and the main stream quantum physics community in regards to dimensions. The question is what are dimensions and how do they tie in to the ascension process that is happening on the planet. The ascension portal that we are going through is synonymous with a dimensional shift. Channeled beings such as Bashar and Adronis and metaphysical/ancient scriptures have spoken about a time where humanity will shift from the current reality or paradigm into a higher vibratory one. This new paradigm is called the fifth dimension or the fourth density. This is the 4D portal that we are currently going through. From my research and understanding, we currently exist in the third density (not the third dimension). The third density is the 4d portal known as the fourth density. So for example: if you are living in the fourth dimension you are also in the third density; if you are living in the 5th dimension, you are in the fourth density. We are moving into the fifth dimension. This dimension represents 3 dimensions of space and 2 dimension of time. The importance of this information is that we currently exist in 2 dimensions of space and 2 dimension of time (which is why time is linear). With two dimensions of space we have duality and also we have a beginning and an end. Time is linear within this reality. In the next reality we move into 3 dimensions of space so time becomes more fluid and is no longer linear."![]() |
13th Density: The void; unmanifested creation |
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12th Density: The source, mystery, tao |
Blue Avians
Avians in this Universe have evolved from small birds that were
seeded by the 12D Avians on 3D planets
Andromedans can be from 3D to 12D
Lyrans can be 6D through 12D
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11th Density: Universal Realms |
Andromedans can be from 3D to 12D
Lyrans can be 6D through 12D
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10th Density: Higher God Realms |
Andromedans can be from 3D to 12D
Lyrans can be 6D through 12D
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9th Density: Christ & Buddhic Realms Galactic Consciousness |
Mantis Beings
Exist from 3D on up to 9D
Andromedans can be from 3D to 12D
Lyrans can be 6D through 12D
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8th Density: Avatar Realm, Celestial Heavens |
"Paramhansa Yogananda explained that the term avatar refers to a soul who has been freed from maya (delusion) and is sent by the will of God back into manifested existence to help others.
Examples include the founders of major world religions, such as Jesus Christ, Buddha, and Krishna. Yogananda said that an avatar “is born not to show us how great he was, but to give us hope that the state of consciousness he had attained, we too can attain.”"
Mantis Beings
Exist from 3D on up to 9D
Andromedans can be from 3D to 12D
Sirius A: "1) 6D – 8D hybrids with a variety of humanoid, canine, and fox-like appearances
Lyrans can be 6D through 12D
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7th Density: Soul Groups and Atmic Plane |
"Atmic consciousness is undifferentiated awareness – identification, not with individuality, not with groups of beings, but with all pervading life itself.
If there is a strong sense of individuality, then it is not a pure Atmic state but rather a reflection of it in Mental or Astral levels.
The feeling of Atmic consciousness is that of pure equanimity, a complete transcendence of both pain and bliss, completely unbiased and equanimous towards all – extremely intense peace.
The Atmic 5 senses are: Beatitude (the Atmic ability to hear the sound or vibration that creates the form of anything and everything on all levels up to the Atmic), Active Service (the Atmic feeling sense of the ever unfolding need of creation), Realization (the Atmic ability to see the truth), Perfection (Atmic taste that leads to the heart of one’s nature), Perfected Knowledge (Atmic smell that guides a being to its source, its true home).
Atmic consciousness is also characterized by omnipotence, an extreme power of will that makes nearly all possible. Atmic consciousness incarnates the will aspect of Deity.
It resides in the Atmic Universe. (For information about the Atmic Universe go to The 7 Universes.)"
"Seventh Density(7D) is “unity with the Creator” and the total dissolution of individual existence, though not through annihilation of consciousness but achievement of infinite consciousness that permeates all life and all existence."
"7th DensityAwareness as the multidimensional experience, group-matrix identity, (social memory complex). This is the frequency of total oneness or integration and vibrations at this frequency are merged in identity and become a mass-conscious whole. They magnetize those in other frequencies and provide the current for the natural flow toward integration. Once the seventh density beings reach critical mass, they will progress thru the Prism of Lyra (from our point of view it will then be a black hole exit point) and reach the next octave where another adventure awaits."
6D/7D Arcturians (Soul Group level)
"1) Both 6D and 7D Sentient service-to-other beings occupying the livable planets and bases in the area of the star Arcturus, and; 2) Some Arcturians are humanoid, and others resemble Earthshan horses, plus; 2) These individuals are known by their deep compassion and unfailing kindness towards all walks of life in all dimensions."
7th (Dimension? or )Density
higher Sirians
Sirius B: "1) Nektons of hyper-intelligent water beings
7D, 8D and 9D humanoid group-thinkers from the Andromedan Star System
Mantis Beings
Exist from 3D on up to 9D
Evolved from: Sirius & Vega Evolved to: Sirius Matrix
Humanoid? Some, others are Cetacean or Reptilian
Dimension/Density: from 5D-6D, some from 7D worlds
"1) 4D and 5D polymorphs who are either chameleon-reptilian or humanoid-reptilian hybrids, and; 2) Beings from the Orion System – also called the Orion Nebula – whom reside upon planets and space stations throughout the Universe, and; 3) Individuals and soul-collectives from Orion who have tendencies towards high intellectual pursuits in physics, plus; 4) Sentients whose self-ascension practices are linked to extreme isolation, as well as; 5) Beings well-known for the utter perfection of holographic recreation of other star races’ emvironments."
Dimension/Density: from 5D-6D, some from 7D worlds
"1) 4D and 5D polymorphs who are either chameleon-reptilian or humanoid-reptilian hybrids, and; 2) Beings from the Orion System – also called the Orion Nebula – whom reside upon planets and space stations throughout the Universe, and; 3) Individuals and soul-collectives from Orion who have tendencies towards high intellectual pursuits in physics, plus; 4) Sentients whose self-ascension practices are linked to extreme isolation, as well as; 5) Beings well-known for the utter perfection of holographic recreation of other star races’ emvironments."
Sirius A: "1) 6D – 8D hybrids with a variety of humanoid, canine, and fox-like appearances
Lyrans can be 6D through 12D
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5th Dimension included 4th, 5th & 6th Density |
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6th Density: OverSoul |
"Sixth Density (6D) is where individual entities have finished their personal evolution and group together to evolve as a soul group. They exist as energy beings in a realm completely outside spacetime."
"6th DensityAwareness as the dimension itself. This has often been called the "Christ Consciousness" in that it displays a frequency level equal to that of the the Christ or Buddha. >From this frequency a total remembrance occurs, and the one begins taking responsibility for the Whole rather then the Self. The process of progressing the Self and progressing the Whole becomes one and the same."
higher overtones of Pleiadians (light beings)
races from Lyra, including Vegans
"1) 5D and 6D humanoids as well as reptilian-humanoid hybrids (in gorgeous prismatic skin colors) from the planets surrounding the stars Targeta and Maia; 2) Soul-collective service-to-others beings who are artistic and sensual in nature, plus; 3) Beings who aremasters of storytelling as well as inspired artistic ingenuity in both music and projected visualizations."
higher Pleiadians
"The following is a brief description of Pleiadian Culture on the home planet of Erra. Erra is located around the star called Taygeta. Erra is 10% smaller than Earth. The Pleiadians are a Goddess Society (which worships family, children, women). They are on a fifth dimensional frequency, which is one of love and creativity. About 400,000 people live on Erra, which the Pleiadians feel is the ideal amount for the welfare of their planet. The people of Erra are telepathic and therefore have no need for telephones." source
Sirius A: "1) 6D – 8D hybrids with a variety of humanoid, canine, and fox-like appearances
Evolved from: Sirius & Vega Evolved to: Sirius Matrix
Humanoid? Some, others are Cetacean or Reptilian
Dimension/Density: from 5D-6D, some from 7D worlds
"1) 4D and 5D polymorphs who are either chameleon-reptilian or humanoid-reptilian hybrids, and; 2) Beings from the Orion System – also called the Orion Nebula – whom reside upon planets and space stations throughout the Universe, and; 3) Individuals and soul-collectives from Orion who have tendencies towards high intellectual pursuits in physics, plus; 4) Sentients whose self-ascension practices are linked to extreme isolation, as well as; 5) Beings well-known for the utter perfection of holographic recreation of other star races’ emvironments."
Dimension/Density: from 5D-6D, some from 7D worlds
"1) 4D and 5D polymorphs who are either chameleon-reptilian or humanoid-reptilian hybrids, and; 2) Beings from the Orion System – also called the Orion Nebula – whom reside upon planets and space stations throughout the Universe, and; 3) Individuals and soul-collectives from Orion who have tendencies towards high intellectual pursuits in physics, plus; 4) Sentients whose self-ascension practices are linked to extreme isolation, as well as; 5) Beings well-known for the utter perfection of holographic recreation of other star races’ emvironments."
6D/7D Arcturians (Soul level)
"1) Both 6D and 7D Sentient service-to-other beings occupying the livable planets and bases in the area of the star Arcturus, and; 2) Some Arcturians are humanoid, and others resemble Earthshan horses, plus; 2) These individuals are known by their deep compassion and unfailing kindness towards all walks of life in all dimensions."
Lyrans can be 6D through 12D
Andromedans can be from 3D to 12D
Mantis Beings
Exist from 3D on up to 9D
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5th Density: Causal Manifestion, Soul Level |
"Fifth Density (5D) is a completely ethereal level of existence, functioning as a stopover zone for departed souls and a native realm for beings who have evolved to that level. Native 5D beings seem focused on accumulating wisdom and total perfection of their individuality."
"5th DensityExperiental awareness of "I" as a group identity, not bound by linear time. In this density sentient consciousness begins to awaken to its heritage. this is the density of wisdom. As one awakens the wisdom within, they very often want to share it with those who are still focused in the lower densities. many from this realm choose to become guides for others. A 5th density being merges with its family of consciousness ("oversoul" or "higher self" if you will) and begins to remember. This is the first density in which a nonphysical orientation is experienced. Note: there is no clear-cut distinction when transiting from 5th to 7th densities. Because these densities are not physically oriented, there is much blending in these transitions."
5th Density Arcturians (perceived as angels)
Evolved from: Sirius & Vega Evolved to: Sirius Matrix
Humanoid? Some, others are Cetacean or Reptilian
Dimension/Density: from 5D-6D, some from 7D worlds
"1) 4D and 5D polymorphs who are either chameleon-reptilian or humanoid-reptilian hybrids, and; 2) Beings from the Orion System – also called the Orion Nebula – whom reside upon planets and space stations throughout the Universe, and; 3) Individuals and soul-collectives from Orion who have tendencies towards high intellectual pursuits in physics, plus; 4) Sentients whose self-ascension practices are linked to extreme isolation, as well as; 5) Beings well-known for the utter perfection of holographic recreation of other star races’ emvironments."
Dimension/Density: from 5D-6D, some from 7D worlds
"1) 4D and 5D polymorphs who are either chameleon-reptilian or humanoid-reptilian hybrids, and; 2) Beings from the Orion System – also called the Orion Nebula – whom reside upon planets and space stations throughout the Universe, and; 3) Individuals and soul-collectives from Orion who have tendencies towards high intellectual pursuits in physics, plus; 4) Sentients whose self-ascension practices are linked to extreme isolation, as well as; 5) Beings well-known for the utter perfection of holographic recreation of other star races’ emvironments."
higher overtones of Pleiadians
"1) 5D and 6D humanoids as well as reptilian-humanoid hybrids (in gorgeous prismatic skin colors) from the planets surrounding the stars Targeta and Maia; 2) Soul-collective service-to-others beings who are artistic and sensual in nature, plus; 3) Beings who aremasters of storytelling as well as inspired artistic ingenuity in both music and projected visualizations."
Andromedans can be from 3D to 12D
Mantis Beings
Exist from 3D on up to 9D
"Domination and control are not necessary for a social memory complex of the 4th density service to self to operate. In such a society one is given value based on one’s own contributions to the social memory complex. Greater ability to offer another being value in exchange for value is the positive method to advance along the lines of this philosophy. Deep and intimate love of the self first and foremost are required to progress through 4th density to the 5th. By being of service to yourself you are in essence of service to all and the One Creator. All spiritual paths eventually come together in accordance with the law of one. For you Earth humans transitioning into 4th density it is important that you choose one path or the other for this experience is crucial for your spiritual development. The temporary separation of individualization only serves you to know the One Creator more intimately when one reaches the higher octaves of existence."
Disclaimer: please view this material as exploratory, even metaphoric, if you like.
Get your chart here. If you have your Sun or any planet within two degrees of this fixed star it indicates some affinity. Affinity means possibly that you are from that starseed constellation/star or you incarnated through a star gate there. It may also mean that you have had some other influence from that star system or related karma. You can also look up what certain specific conjunction mean or order an interpretation report from several sources. Other placements and interpretations.
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4th Density: Etheric & Astral |
"Fourth Density (4D) includes beings that straddle the boundary between space-time and the higher ethereal realms. For them, physicality is plastic and responsive to thought. They exist behind the dimensional curtain and can project into our reality at will. Some are positive, others are negative. Both 4D beings and their environments are part physical, part ethereal. The spiritual goal of 4D existence is to fully live out their choice of spiritual polarity. Telepathy and supernatural abilities come easily."
"4th DensityContainment of volumetric awareness, superconsciousness, reintegration of group identity without loss of ego identity; as vibration increases, perception of past, present, and future become more fluid along with the ability to interface with multidimensional and multidensity realities, negatively oriented consciousness becomes more difficult to maintain. Presently on Earth, 4th density reality is overlapping third. In humanity's case, this can account for the increased desire for unity, peace and unconditional love as opposed to the illusion of separation that characterizes third density. The vibrationary rate of one's reality is stepped up, and therefore one may be faced with personal issues in a much more rapid and intense way."
Evolved from: Sirius & Vega Evolved to: Sirius Matrix
Humanoid? Some, others are Cetacean or Reptilian
Dimension/Density: from 5D-6D, some from 7D worlds
"1) 4D and 5D polymorphs who are either chameleon-reptilian or humanoid-reptilian hybrids, and; 2) Beings from the Orion System – also called the Orion Nebula – whom reside upon planets and space stations throughout the Universe, and; 3) Individuals and soul-collectives from Orion who have tendencies towards high intellectual pursuits in physics, plus; 4) Sentients whose self-ascension practices are linked to extreme isolation, as well as; 5) Beings well-known for the utter perfection of holographic recreation of other star races’ emvironments."
Dimension/Density: from 5D-6D, some from 7D worlds
"1) 4D and 5D polymorphs who are either chameleon-reptilian or humanoid-reptilian hybrids, and; 2) Beings from the Orion System – also called the Orion Nebula – whom reside upon planets and space stations throughout the Universe, and; 3) Individuals and soul-collectives from Orion who have tendencies towards high intellectual pursuits in physics, plus; 4) Sentients whose self-ascension practices are linked to extreme isolation, as well as; 5) Beings well-known for the utter perfection of holographic recreation of other star races’ emvironments."
Mantis Beings
Exist from 3D on up to 9D
Andromedans can be from 3D to 12D
Zetas/Greys can shift between 3D&4D
The Earth is moving from 3rd to 4th Density,
and from 4 Dimensional to 5th Dimensional,
linear to fluid time
"Domination and control are not necessary for a social memory complex of the 4th density service to self to operate. In such a society one is given value based on one’s own contributions to the social memory complex. Greater ability to offer another being value in exchange for value is the positive method to advance along the lines of this philosophy. Deep and intimate love of the self first and foremost are required to progress through 4th density to the 5th. By being of service to yourself you are in essence of service to all and the One Creator. All spiritual paths eventually come together in accordance with the law of one. For you Earth humans transitioning into 4th density it is important that you choose one path or the other for this experience is crucial for your spiritual development. The temporary separation of individualization only serves you to know the One Creator more intimately when one reaches the higher octaves of existence."
Time is the 4th Dimension when Linear
"Third Density (3D) includes beings like ourselves, who possess the seed of self-awareness and freewill. Consciousness makes the choice between helping others or exploiting them."
"3rd DensityVolumetric awareness, ego, loss of group identity, development of individual identity, ability to remember past and cognize the future while retaining present awareness. This is the density where human beings emerge. It is a vibration that creates the illusion of separation and thus a challenge toward awakening. Presently humanity is going thru a transition period into 4th dnesity reality which can account for the many rapid changes the human race is undergoing. This is the frequency that expresses the most separation from the Whole. It is from here that many lessons about integration are learned. This is the most intense of all levels in its cultivation of growth with the Self. Cetaceans (dolphins and whales) presently exist simultaneously in 3rd and 4th densities and are transiting out of 3rd along with humanity."
The Earth is moving from 3rd to 4th Density
Lyrans living mainly in the 4th Dimension
6D through 12D
Zetas/Greys can shift between 3D&4D
Mantis Beings
Exist from 3D on up to 9D
Andromedans can be from 3D to 12D
Blue Avians
Avians in this Universe have evolved from small birds that were
seeded by the 12D Avians on 3D planets
Nephilim from Nibiru
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2nd Density: Plant and Animal Kingdom |
"Second Density (2D) plant and animal life, where consciousness first experiences will, passion, drive, pain, or pleasure."
"2nd DensityAwareness as a line, biological matter, development of species identity. The consciousness expressed by 2nd density vibration does not possess self-awareness (or ego). Most species within the plant and animal kingdoms exist here, however their placement in density depends upon many additional factors, including the presence of absence of ego."
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1st Density: Mineral Kingdom |
"First Density (1D) is the lowest, corresponding to subatomic particles, atoms, molecules, chemicals, and minerals, where conscious development is rudimentary and limited to simple awareness."
These three densities are fully physical and subject to the limits of three dimensional space and linear time. They inhabit the same physical realm. Also, the densities blend into each other, and within each density there is a gradient from the lowest to the highest evolved types of beings. This is clearly seen in 2nd density where the lowest forms such as sponges or bacteria are not on the same level as the highest such as primates."
1st Density
Awareness as a point, physical matter. This frequency level is the most basic. It provides the matter and energy for the creation of atoms and molecules. The basic life forms of mineral and water, for example, are all operating from 1st density. Humans possess this frequency within themselves as well. It makes up the basic genetic codes."
Disclaimer: please view this material as exploratory, even metaphoric, if you like.
Get your chart here. If you have your Sun or any planet within two degrees of this fixed star it indicates some affinity. Affinity means possibly that you are from that starseed constellation/star or you incarnated through a star gate there. It may also mean that you have had some other influence from that star system or related karma. You can also look up what certain specific conjunction mean or order an interpretation report from several sources. Other placements and interpretations.
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