Cayce on the Planets

(sketch by Jane Rekas)

  Edgar Cayce was the first to mention Arcturus.

Last year I got to go to the Cayce Institute in Virginia Beach, Va.  It was amazing.  He is the most validated and well known psychic of our times.  I knew about him, but was excited to learn more.  He did his readings by going into a hypnotic trance and reading the akashic record of his clients.  He also has written on astrology, including the interesting idea that each of the planets is part of the soul's journey as explained below.

"In Line With Plato However... when looked at through a metaphorical lens, then Cayce's reading falls exactly in line with Plato's description of the soul's ascent and descent. Plato described our descent into life on planet Earth as a soul journey originating in the Fixed Stars and then descending through the various spheres or influences of the [then known] seven planets. When our life on planet Earth is finished, our souls then ascend back through the spheres or influences of the planets.

 Planetary Symbolism 

  • Moon (Luna) - where we've already been, the past, instincts, the unconscious, body 
  • Sun (Sol) - where we're going in the future, heart, identity, consciousness, vitality, spirit 
  • Venus - relating abilities, pleasure, enjoyment, values 
  • Mercury - communication, intelligence, thought, ideas 
  • Mars - assertiveness, action, getting what you want, survival 
  • Jupiter - expansion, beneficent, jovial, opportunity, religious 
  • Saturn - restriction, limitations, structure, learning hard lessons 
  • Uranus - independence, the unexpected, intuition, genius, ingenuity, shock, inventive, detachment 
  • Neptune - dependence, foggy, romantic, misty, mystical, magnetic, slightly out of focus, loss of ego, imagination 
  • Pluto - intensity, hidden, invisible, transformation, survivor, eros, erotic"

"The planets are vibratory centers that correspond to music, tones and color in a vast and orderly universe. We are aware of them in our consciousness, much like recollections of our experiences or lessons in our memories. It is to be remembered, Mr. Cayce said, that our individual wills are more important than the influences of the stars. Nevertheless, we are influenced. It is necessary to pass through "the eight vibrations [dimensions]" as stages in development to unite with the Creator. The following is a brief description of the planets and some of their effects. Be prepared for a few surprises!
  • Mercury is associated with high mental abilities. A mercurial soul is a gifted soul and needs to watch for self-aggrandizement or his abilities will be merely stumbling stones upon his path. Mercury brings understanding, specifically the understanding of the other spheres. Mercury is connected to the pineal gland and the color indigo.
  •  Venus is indeed the planet of love. Sympathy, the alleviating of hardships, the seeking of love, beauty and song are some Venusian influences. Beauty, either natural or man-made, will move these individuals; furthermore, there is a desire to beautify the home. There is a strong attraction to the opposite sex. Venus is associated with the thymus and the color green.
  • Mars may bring with it anger, impulsiveness, and a temper. Accidents may occur. Action and activity preclude any inclination to laziness. Stubbornness needs to be handled with patience and self-control. This entity may have an exalted opinion of himself, which is not necessarily bad. Mars is courageous. Mars is connected with the adrenals and the color yellow.
  • Jupiter confers universality and ennoblement, turning one's attention to large groups of people or nations. It is expansive and may bless one with wealth, which includes a wealth of friends, a broad-mindedness, and the ability to consider others. Grand ideas and notions! Jupiter is associated with the pituitary and the color violet.
  • Saturn is the big surprise. Far from indicating obstacles and restrictions, it represents changes! These may be sudden or violent changes and represent testing periods of endurance and patience. Projects and associations are started, but follow-through may be a problem! Saturnians need to learn persistence, says Cayce! A soul "banishes itself" to Saturn to begin anew, probably because the entity became stuck or fixed in some way. From here the entity was sent to Uranus, presumably to rebuild the will to make better future choices. Saturn is connected to the gonads and the color red!
  • Uranus is the planet of extremes--and of the extremist! It gives an interest in the occult and psychic phenomena. "Moods and wonderments," says Cayce, "...when the entity is good, he can be very, very good, but when he is bad, he can be awful." A Uranian has times of smoothness and other times when "everything goes awry;" also, periods of ecstasy and depression. Thus, one's will and one's overall decisions to follow a path are important. Uranus is associated with the thyroid and the color blue.
  • Neptune is the mystic planet. Neptune gives the urges to seek the unusual, the mystical, the "unseen" forces around us. Neptunians are drawn to water. They seem peculiar to others and are many times misunderstood. A love of mysteries can indeed be spiritual, but it can also be "of the sleuth or detective nature." Watch for confusion and hero worship! This is a good, kind soul who could positively affect others. Neptune is connected to the reproductive cells of Leydig and the color orange.
  • Pluto was discussed by Cayce years before it was discovered! He had referred to Vulcan as well as to Septimus, the seventh planet from the earth. When Pluto was discovered, Cayce affirmed that Vulcan, or Septimus, was the same planet. Regeneration and a growth in consciousness is indicated, but an affliction brings self-centeredness. Beware of wrath and grudges, warned the sleeping Cayce, "stay attuned to the love force." Pluto represents spiritual growth and development of the soul and its influence is just now developing in the destiny of humanity. "

Also read:

Your Planetary Soujourns—How Astrology Works

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Disclaimer: please view this material as exploratory, even metaphoric, if you like.

Get your chart here. If you have your Sun or any planet within two degrees of this fixed star it indicates some affinity. Affinity means possibly that you are from that starseed constellation/star or you incarnated through a star gate there. It may also mean that you have had some other influence from that star system or related karma. You can also look up what certain specific conjunction mean or order an interpretation report from several sources. Other placements and interpretations.

Jane Leu Rekas

Jane Leu Rekas is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Hypnotist, Reiki Master and an astrology blogger at Astrological Counsel.

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