
Procyon is at 25 Cancer 47
"Several sources claim that Rigel originally was inhabited by a race of Blonds. When their system was being taken over by Greys, they would have fled to Procyon." 


1) Procyonians have been nick-named 'Swedes' and are on the average between six and six and a half feet tall. They are from a solar system that revolves around Procyon, a binary yellow-white and yellow star system that rises before Sirius in Canis Minor (in the body of the Lesser Dog), about 11.4 light years from Earth. They are from the fourth planet in orbit around the Procyon double star system.

2) These Blonds are muscular with slender necks and agile bodies. Their eyes are alert and of high intelligence. Physically they are almost identical to humans. The main difference is that by human standards their blood circulatory system is under-developed, while their lymphatic system is over-developed. This gives them stronger immune systems than terrestrial humans.

3) Some Blonds have high intellectual and verbal abilities, while others are mute and telepathic. The Blonds with speech abilities will respond violently if attacked or threatened. But, the telepathic type will not. Both types are careful to avoid exposure, and usually encounter humans in quiet isolated places. They contact females more frequently. They may just stare and observe humans, then retreat. The Blonds do not seem to age, and consistently appear to be from 27 to 35 human years old, no matter what their real age may be.

4) Sometimes Blonds are prisoners of the Grays. The Grays must paralyze or destroy their ability to teleport through time and other dimensions in order to take them prisoner. The Blonds that are seen on the same ships as the Grays, working with them, are hybrids or they are clones. One way to distinguish the clone is that they all look alike. The real Blonds have distinct facial feature differences, and do not look alike.

5) The clones have thick necks and coarsely muscular bodies. They do not have the ability to teleport or to travel inter-dimensionally. They can be contacted by telepathy, but are unable to send. They can be given orders telepathically. They are zombie-like flesh robots. You can tell that they are of low intelligence by looking into their eyes.

6) The tall Blonds from Procyon have a benign attitude toward humanity, except for their strong disapproval of our inhumanity to each other. This strong disapproval is further intensified by the fact that our government has made a secret alliance with their hereditary enemies, the Grays, in order to obtain even more destructive weapon systems than those that were already in existence. Our government is not interested in negotiating with the Procyonians, as they would not provide us with weapon systems."

"Tau Ceti and Procyon: Said to have seeded the Slav Race.

This info is the tip of the iceberg's tip. Truth will be known only after 100% declassification and disclosure of all ET Documentation. Which won't happen unless some powerful ET's physically arm-twist the Illuminati."  See post

Seal of Procyon


Procyonian, Canis Minor
Protect and Guide
Liberation of the Planet



Procyon (in Canis Major): ""Star in the neck of the Small Dog, known for being impatient, jealous, temperamental, eccentric and stubborn. Success comes through hard work, but a fall from high position is possible because of temper loss and hasty decisions. Associated with violence, aggression and military success.

Procyon is a very bright, yellowish white star, in Canis Minor. Its name comes from the classical Greek and means ""before the dog,"" a reference to it's rising in the heavens before Sirius, the Dog Star. It possesses some of the negative influences of Mars and Mercury in that it causes hasty judgments which can lead to erroneous decisions. Adds to a sharp and penetrating mind and contributes to a clever tongue. " "

Sabian Symbol: a leader wrapped in an invisible mantle of power
Crystal: Magnetite



Birthdays - July 16 –  18
Key Word - Destiny

Crystal - Magnetite
Attributes - This stone is for activation and orientation. Increases reflex action. Stimulates aligning yourself with the higher ideals; helps you differentiate between useful and useless things. Stimulates energy flow and activities of the glands; activates the liver and bile production.
Message - Providence or circumstance, the present moves into the future regardless.
Focus - Your personal charisma guides and inspires others; you are a natural role model.
Affirmation - I modestly carry my own spiritual strength and influence.


"Most of the Rigelians who fled their planet traveled to the star system of Procyon to restart their civilization. Procyon is a binary star system about 11.4 light years from Earth, and it was apparently the fourth planet in this system that the Rigelians established their new colony. According to Andrews, the colony of Procyon flourished until it became embroiled in sinister effort by the Grays that now populated Rigel to subvert Procyon. Khyla described the process adopted by the Grays in their subversion of Procyon: The Grays began to visit us, first a few as ambassadors, then as specialists in various domains where their expertise could be useful to us, as participants in different programs that involved mutual collaboration, and finally as tourists. What had begun as a trickle became a flood, as they came in ever-increasing numbers, slowly but surely infiltrating our society at all levels, penetrating even the most secret of our elite power groups. Just as on your planet they began by unobtrusively gaining control over key members of the CIA and KGB through techniques unknown to them, such as telepathic hypnosis that manipulates the reptilian levels of the brain, so on Procyon through the same techniques they established a kind of telepathic hypnotic control over our leaders. Over our leaders and over almost all of us, because it was as if we were under a spell that was leading us to our doom, as if we were being programmed by a type of ritual black magic that we did not realize existed. Khyla went on to describe the eventual takeover of Procyon by the Grays and the enslavement of most Procyons that did not escape. Using advanced time travel technology which involved ‘multidimensional consciousness,’ something which the Grays apparently could not duplicate due to their degraded genetic bodies, a significant number of Procyons were able to escape and began a liberation war from the ‘remote corridors of time.’ Significantly, the Procyons describe how some of their resistance techniques would be relevant to the situation on Earth: it would be suicidal to attempt to fight the Grays directly with the weapons now at your disposal. One must be rational in attempting to fight back, and understand the proper way to proceed. Your own consciousness is the most potent weapon that is available to you at the present time. The most effective way to fight the Grays is to change the level of your consciousness from linear thinking to multi-dimensional awareness. They have the technology to throw your planet out of orbit, but there is one key ability that you have and they do not have: the ability to hold in mind imagery that inspires an individual to realize his or her direct personal connection to the source of all that is. That is your key to victory. According to Alex Collier, the Procyons have recently liberated their world from Gray influence and he describes the Procyons as currently “gung ho” when it comes to dealing with the Grays. They have been associated with earth’s most ancient history, including a war with Draconian reptilians for territorial control more than 300,000 years ago. The war went on in and around earth’s orbit that took an end when the reptilians lost. In order to justify their attempt, the Draconians exploded a gravity bomb on earth resulting in mass devastation of the planet, causing global climate change, which eventually killed off the remaining survivors of the dinosaurs. In conclusion, the Procyons main activity is in effectively resisting the extraterrestrial subversion by developing a ‘multidimensional consciousness,’ using mind imagery to protect oneself from extraterrestrial mind control, and monitoring unfriendly extraterrestrial activity. The global solutions that the Procyons can assist in include exposing extraterrestrial subversion, helping end global secrecy of the extraterrestrial presence, promoting multidimensional consciousness, deprogramming mind control, promoting universal human rights, and developing the internet and global communication."

Disclaimer: please view this material as exploratory, even metaphoric, if you like.

Get your chart here. If you have your Sun or any planet within two degrees of this fixed star it indicates some affinity. Affinity means possibly that you are from that starseed constellation/star or you incarnated through a star gate there. It may also mean that you have had some other influence from that star system or related karma. You can also look up what certain specific conjunction mean or order an interpretation report from several sources. Other placements and interpretations.

Jane Leu Rekas

Jane Leu Rekas is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Hypnotist, Reiki Master and an astrology blogger at Astrological Counsel.

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