Stargate / Gateways

Vega (15 Capricorn) is stargate to Mansion Universes of Light

Here is the Stargate portal entrance from the galaxy into our solar system - called the 'Point of Avatar' and 'Gate of God' , we use this location to plot Starseed entry and exit times. 
. The Gate of Mancorresponds with the crossing of the Milky Way and ecliptic at 5° Gemini (sidereal zodiac) while the Gate of God corresponds with the crossing of the Milky Way and ecliptic in 5° Sagittarius

"The Journey continues to Oceana a mostly water planet orbiting Sirius B. We travel through our sun the Stargate Helios and are greeted by the underwater beings of Oceana.

"Indigos - Extraterrestrial souls ( beyond 3D earth plane) born to human bodies having more than two strands of DNA. They have unique abilities because of their DNA. They are the result of advanced extraterrestrial blood experiments that have gone through many genetic changes in order to foster their interdimensional talents. This is a large group of souls that chose to come to earth via spacecraft, mostly from the Pleiades, and hosted through Sirius Gateway and beamed down as human energetic templates as embryos that would match their missions through genetic codes. Most Indigos now on the planet were born after the Harmonic Convergence of 1987. They require innovative parenting and should not be medicated for ADHD as children."

Silver Gate and Golden Gate

"The constellation Ophiuchus the "Serpent holder",the missing 13th zodiac sign sits 180 degrees accross Orion(Osiris).The Greeks removed this sign because it reprisents the resurrection of the Gods.

The are only two Gates/entry ways into Orion(Osiris/Asar).One being the intersection between Taurus and Gemini is known as the "silver gate" of heaven. The intersection between Scorpio and Sagittarius,were ophiuchus is located is known as the "Golden gate" of heaven. The galactic center lies visually from our solar system along a line that passes through the golden gate.

The constellation Ophiuchus,the missing 13th zodiac sign, sits in the direction towards the center of our galaxy. The ancients called it the 'Gate of the Gods'. Orion(Osiris) sits in the opposite of this direction,which would be considered the 'anti-galactic center' and the ancients called this direction, the 'Gate of man'.

The directions of Ophiuchus and Orion offer opposites,as they lie 180 degrees across from each other.Face one you face the galactic center,face the other you have your back to the galactic center.

Heru/Horus Hawk-Bird reprisents Scorpio in Eagle form,and Sets' sata(snake)ophiuchus the serpent bearer.
In the Greek tale,Ophiuchus tramples on scorpio and having recieved the elixir of life from the serpent,restores Orion(osiris)to life.

As Orion/Osiris "dies" (sets at sunrise) on the winter solstice, Scorpio does rise -- but with Ophiuchus on its back, rising heliacally(rising with the sun). And as Scorpio "dies" -- when Orion rises heliacally(rising with the sun) in the summer -- Ophiuchus also is setting, driving the Scorpion down into the Underworld beneath her. 

At the time, Orion(Osiris) set at sunrise on the winter solstice, thereby symbolically entering the Underworld, to be reborn as he rises heliacally on the summer solstice. 

Ophiuchus and Orion reprisent part of our 'cycle of life' that we all incarnate into as going from "earthly beings" through the 'gate of man'-"eternal beings' through the 'gate of Gods'.

Visual of the silver and golden gates 
Strange Rumblings at the Center of our Galaxy"

Arcturians are etheric healers, and Arcturus is also an incarnational gateway. Arcturian starseeds have access to learning great healing abilities.

Arcturus & Antares Gateways

Arcturus & Antares Gateways by expressingyourtruth featuring pin jewelry

"There are organic stargates and there are inorganic stargates. This difference in stargate is significant because it indicates the type of society/consciousness that primarily uses them. The more balanced or advanced a society becomes the more they align with the natural rhythms of the cosmos. This means they move symbiotically with stargates that appear naturally and there is a deeper understanding about traversing them. Civilizations using Stargates by technology they have created will have a significantly limited range."

Disclaimer: please view this material as exploratory, even metaphoric, if you like.

Get your chart here. If you have your Sun or any planet within two degrees of this fixed star it indicates some affinity. Affinity means possibly that you are from that starseed constellation/star or you incarnated through a star gate there. It may also mean that you have had some other influence from that star system or related karma. You can also look up what certain specific conjunction mean or order an interpretation report from several sources. Other placements and interpretations.

Jane Leu Rekas

Jane Leu Rekas is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Hypnotist, Reiki Master and an astrology blogger at Astrological Counsel.

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